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An immortal fumble by Androcles (Sorcerer) (22-Nov-2006)

Logshuh revisited
"tn" <gfd5fh8ds2sa@adexec.com> wrote in message 
| Sorcerer wrote:
| > "tn" <gfd5fh8ds2sa@adexec.com> wrote in message
| > news:1164150804.454933.121480@j44g2000cwa.googlegroups.com...
| > |
| > | Dirk Van de moortel wrote:
| > | > "Sorcerer" <Headmaster@hogwarts.physics_e> wrote in message
| > | > news:G3B8h.177338$3x1.159899@fe1.news.blueyonder.co.uk...l
| > | > Androcles Sorcerer and logs:
| > | >   https://home.deds.nl/~dvdm/dirk/Physics/Fumbles/LogsHuh.html
| > | > Dirk Vdm
| > |
| > | Dear Mister Androcles
| > |
| > | How the google can you write something like that
> Parsed incorrectly, it doesn't mean anything. Parsed correctly,
> it represents:
> (24*640*480) is the number of bits in the image (7372800).

24 bits per pixel, so 24^2 bits for two pixels.
24^3, so
24 ^ (640*480) ,
24 * (640*480)

So you know how to use logs, huh?
I wonder if you know how to raise to a power....

| >
| > Erm... I think I do it by "typing" on a keyboard. It's really quite easy.
| > BTW, I'm not "Mister" Androcles, and I'm nobody's "Dear".
| > The fuckin' faggot Smith knows better than to call me that, he calls
| > everyone "Dear" except me.
| > Androcles
| I do respect, you still Dear to me
| normally you use powers when you need to know how big a binar number is
| for instance, a 16bits - 2bytes number is 2^16-1 big because is start
| from 0
| 24bit/pixel means 3bytes/pixel, 1byte for each color RGB, so 2^8-1 for
| each color,
| 0-255, combining them, ie [211,211,0] gives a yellowish color on a
| pixel at coordinate
| x,y = (120,130) if you wish
| so you only need to time the 3bytes with the maxX and amxY, ie
| 3x1024x768 bytes a page on graphic card memory
| usual you have more then that, so you draw in background, so nobody
| can see what you do, then when finish you give the graphic card
| controller
| the command to switch to the newly page
| respect

You need 24 bits for one pixel for a choice of colors.
Then you need another 24 bits for the next pixel, a different colour.
So there are 24^2 possibilities for a screen of only two pixels, and
24^4 possibilities for a 2x2 screen.
Perhaps if we use only monochrome and a 2x2 screen and
ask the question "how many different pictures can we draw?" you'll
see what I mean. 0 = black, 1 = white.
 0 0
 0 0
That's one.
 0 0
 0 1
That's two.
 0 0
 1 0
That's three.
 0 0
 1 1
That's four.
 1 1
 1 1
That's 2^4 = 16
There are no more pictures possible.

If I take ANY picture and change 1 bit in 1 pixel, it's a different picture.

 (24*640*480) is the number of bits in the [ONE]  image (7372800)
but that isn't the number of possible images, which is what the discussion
was about.
The number of  possible images is 24 ^ (640*480),
not 24 * (640*480), which is only ONE image.

The number of possible pictures on a 640*480 screen is (too large for
my calculator), but much larger than a mere 7,000,000 pictures.

What has happened, of course, is that Dork Van de shithead the local village
dog tord has extracted only the part of the discussion it wanted so that
it could poke fun like the troll it is.

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