Home Is Where The Wind Blows

An immortal fumble by NoEinstein (16-Nov-2011)

A largely, self-educated man
Dear K. W.:  Why not just say what I do: "...Einstein, the MORON..."
He chose 'science' as his area of specialization because few people
would know about nor care about anything being discussed.  For
Einstein junkies, having science be conceived as... "difficult"
becomes their badge of courage.  They wear it proudly, solely to be
identified with that bearded, pipe sucking, mental lightweight, whom
the naive believe was somehow profound.  Parents waste tens of
billions of dollars per years sending jr. to colleges to... become...
smart, like Einstein.  The Jewish controlled media and most colleges
and Universities hold Einstein high, because he increases student
enrollments, and gets them billions per year in grants from the NSF
that are suggested by the criminally corrupt NSB.  The latter is
composed of 'representatives' from major Universities.  Those crooks
get percentage kickbacks for getting wasteful grants to their personal
Universities.  Since the NSF is financed by government, I say, fire
the lot, and shut down the corruption!  Education (HA!) is THE most
time and money wasteful endeavor in the whole world!!!  — NoEinstein —
A largely, self-educated man.
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