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An immortal fumble by Ken Seto (24-Jan-2005)

The Killing Subset Runt
> Dirk Van de moortel wrote:
> > "kenseto" <kenseto@erinet.com> wrote in message
> > news:6j4Jd.20366$QC5.19177@fe2.columbus.rr.com...
> >
> >> "Jesse Mazer" <vze2ztqw@mail.verizon.net> wrote in message
> >> news:41F4AEB8.8090007@mail.verizon.net...
> >>
> >>>
> >>>kenseto wrote:
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>> IRT (Improved Relativity Theory) is a New Theory of Motion.
> >>>> It includes SR as a subset. Its equations are valid in all
> >>>> environments....including gravity.
> >
> >
> > Okay, IRT contains SR as a subset.
> >
> > [snip]
> >
> >
> >> In Einstein's train gedanken:
> >> The track observer will see the events to be simultaneous at time L/c.
> >> The train observer will see the events to be simultaneous at a later
> >> time of gamma*L/c
> >
> >
> > Okay, so SR is wrong because SR says that the train
> > observer does not see the events to be simultaneous if
> > the track observer does.

Yes runt...the SR interpretation of simultaneity is wrong it violates the SR
postulate that the speed of light is isotropic in the train.

> > Therefore IRT includes SR, which is wrong.

NO stupid runt....simultaneity occurs at a different interval of absolute
time in the train. This has the same desired effect of the wrong SR
interpretation of RoS. But this new interpretation does not violate the
isotropy of the speed of light in the train.

> > Therefore IRT includes a wrong subset.

Hey fucking stupid runt....the first two postulate of IRT is SR.. SR is
incomplete because it does not include the 3rd and fourth postulates of IRT.

> > Therefore IRT is wrong.

Hey runt your fucking logic is stupid.

> > Therefore Ken Seto has demonstrated that Ken Seto is stupid.
> > But he uses a German word!

Vdm and Worny are runts of the SR experts.
Definition for a runt of the SR experts:
A moron who thinks that SR is a religion. An idiot who doesn't
know the limitations of SR. A mental midget who can't comprehend
beyond what he was taught in school. An imbecile who follows
the real experts around like a puppy and eats up their shit like
gourmet puppy chow. An Asshole who will attack anybody
who disagrees with SR.

Ken Seto
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