Home Is Where The Wind Blows

An immortal fumble by Ken Seto (2-Oct-2003)

Ken's Relativity Theory (KRT)
Ken's Relativity Theory (KRT):

A. The postulates
1) The laws of physics based on a clock second is the same
for all observers in all inertial reference frames.
2) The speed of light in free space based on a clock second
has the same mathematical ratio c in all directions and all
inertial frames.
3) The laws of physics based on a defined absolute second
is different in different frames of reference.
4) The speed of light in free space based on a defined absolute
second has a different mathematical ratio for light speed in
different inertial frames. The speed of light based on a defined
absolute second is maximum in the rest frame of the aether.

B. The Consequences of these Postulates:
1.. The speed of light is not a universal constant. It is a constant math
ratio as follows:
Light path length of rod (299,792,458 m)/the absolute time content for a
clock second co-moving with the rod.
2. The physical length of a rod remains the same in all frames of reference.
The light path length of a rod changes with the state of absolute motion of
the rod. The higher is the state of absolute motion the longer is the light
path length.
3. The rate of a clock is dependent on the state of absolute motion of the
clock. The higher is the state of absolute motion the slower is it rate.
4. Absolute time exists. The relationship between clock time and absolute
time is as follows: A clock second will contain a different amount of
absolute time in different state of absolute motion (different frames of
reference). The higher is the state of absolute motion of the clock the
higher is the absolute time content.

C. The Math:
1. The time and light path length expansion or contraction equations:
     A and B are in relative movion from A's point of view:
      t'B=ta(Faa/Fab)   and    t'B=ta(Fab/Faa)
      x'B=xA(Faa/Fab)     and  x'B=xA(Fab/Faa)

2. The transform equations:
	x'= x- t(Faa-Fab)(lambda)
	t'= t- x(Faa-Fab)/(Faa^2)(lambda)


	x'= x+ t(Faa-Fab)(lambda)
	t'= t+x(Faa-Fab)/(Faa^2)(lambda)

A is the observer's frame (unprimed) and B is the observed frame (primed).
Faa = frequency of a standard light source in A's frame as measured by A.
Fab = frequency of an identical light source in B's frame as measured by A.
If Fab is not constant the mean value is used.
lambda = wave length of the standard light source in A's frame as measured
by A.
These transform equations are valid in all environments ---including

3. Momentum of an object:

4. Kinetic Energy:

5. Energy of a single particle:

6. Gravtational Red Shift:
	Delta (Faa-Fab)=Faa(1-Fab/Faa)

7. Gravitational time contraction:

Ken Seto
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