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Jos Boersema (josX): Nice quote. OOPS, it's NAZI-propaganda. Ah, what the hell!  (9-Sep-2002)

Nice quote i found (and i see i'm not the first to accuse phycisists of
their corruption): Weyland in the 'Deutche Physikalische Gesellschaft':
"high time that fresh air enter this rat's nest of scientific corruption."
"unter der Leitung Lenards die Vergewaltigung der Physik durch
mathematische Dogmen abgelehnt wird, wa:hrend auf der anderen Seite die
Einsteinophilen auf ihrem Standpunkt beharren und hurtig den Parnass
ihres Formelkrames zu erklimmen versuchen... es wohl die ho:chste
Zeit wird, dass in dieses Rattennest wissenchaftlicher Korruption
einmal frishe Luft kommt"

...and that is almost a century ago...

For some reason, the smart political siding of Einstein (who didn't have
a choice btw because of being Jew) and the anger of the anti-relativists
and aparently sometimes getting anti-semitic, work ofcourse for the
victory of Einstein, and the destruction that it brings to physics. Einstein
was gravely personally attacked, but aparently he realised that by mere
silence he could achieve a lot socially.

OTOH, one can't blame the angry anti-relativists, because Einstein is
a blizzard of Errors.

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