Home Is Where The Wind Blows

An immortal fumble by Mitchell Jones (20-Nov-2002)

***{Mathematics according to MJ}***
> Pinf = Lim {p->0} (1-(1-p)^(1/p)) 

***{Since p can take any value from 0 to 1, it follows that 1/p is not
limited to positive integral values. N, however, *is* limited to positive
integral values, for the reasons given earlier. Hence 1/p cannot be
substituted for N. You can, of course, attempt to rectify this difficulty
by limiting p to positive integral values, but if you do, its value must
be 1. The reason: the number 1 is the only number which is both a positive
integer and a permissible probability value. However, your position, in
your words, is that "in nothingness there is no causes, so probability of
single event is 0." Thus your argument fails. (Nor can you construct a new
argument based on the claim that, if nothing exists, N = 0, because, as
noted above, the formula does not permit a value of N = 0.) --MJ}***
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