Home Is Where The Wind Blows

An immortal fumble by Androcles (17-Oct-2004)

"It is your integrity that is on the line, buddy, for all to see"
Do you still maintain that  the derivative of (1/2)mv^2  is not mv?
Or should I ask, the indefinite integral of mv is not (1/2)mv^2 ?
Or that I have forgotten the chain rule?
Are you really just another relativist troll, or an intelligent being 
capable of admitting error?
It is your integrity that is on the line, buddy, for all to see. Think
carefully before you ignore, deny, or obfuscate. I'm calling, and the pot
is quite large. If you want to bluff, raise. I'll raise, believe me. I have
a royal flush in my hand, and I think you have nothing better than a full
house, probably 2 pair. I don't want to rip you off, you are a decent guy.
So I call. Thanks for the game.
[snip unanswered correspondence]
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