See the beginning of Chapter 4 in Bryan Wallace's book: :
"Marilyn vos Savant is listed in the "Guinness Book of World Records"
under highest IQ and publishes an "Ask Marilyn" column in the Sunday
Newspaper Magazine PARADE. In the May 22, 1988 issue, Jennifer W.
Webster of Slidell, La. asks:
What one discovery or event would prove all or most of modern
scientific theory wrong?
Marilyn replies:
Here's one of each. If the speed of light were discovered not to be a
constant, modern scientific theory would be devastated. And if a divine
creation could be proved to have occurred, modern scientists would be
I suspect that Marilyn has hit the nail on the head. Einstein's special
relativity theory with his second postulate that the speed of light in
space is constant is the linchpin that holds the whole range of modern
physics theories together. Shatter this postulate, and modern physics
becomes an elaborate farce!"
Curious isn't it? But not VERY curious since the initiated have known
about the falsity of the second postulate for quite a long time. The
fundamental problem the initiated have been trying to resolve for the
last 20 or so years is: How do I get rid of Einsteinian idiocy without
losing my salary? Since the same people are dominant in education, that
is a fundamental problem of education as well.
Pentcho Valev
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