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Dennis McCarthy: "Straight Forward Inductive Argument"  (15-May-2002)

>> Dennis:
>> >> And in fact, the problem is it is SRians who believe that whenever a
>> >> clock has been slowed due to a high velocity journey, it is in fact *time* that
>> >> has slowed -- even though there are many other examples of clocks retarding
>> >> due to motion for purely mechanical reasons.

>> Dirk:
>> > So what?
>> > It is raining on many days, so it is raining on every day?
>> Dennis: No, it's more like every other example of witchcraft has so far proved
>> false -- and all magic tricks have been shown to be the result of mechanistic
>> explanations, so I prefer theories that David Copperfield is not a warlock and
>> that his tricks are based on material causality.
>> This isn't necessarily so, of course, but the induction of science and Occam's
>> razor strongly suggests it.

> Occam's razor is a guideline for making a choice between
> two alternatives. First, it is not a LAW and second, there
> is no alternative in this case. If you look at it as witchcraft,
> that's your (and Spaceman's) problem.

Dennis: ? You misunderstood the analogy.

In all other known examples, both magic tricks and clock retardation
have shown to be the result of local material interactions, thus, it is reasonable
to believe that is the case here. Thus, we may reject new extraordinary
theories of witchcraft or mutual time dilation to explain these rather mundane

Dennis McCarthy

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