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Tom Potter: Assfixations revisited already!  (5-Oct-2002)

"Tom Potter" wrote in message
> "Spaceman" wrote in message
> news:20021002082718.23183.00000828@mb-fp.aol.com...
> > >From: tdp@earthlink.net (Tom Potter)
> > >Why not go to the horse's mouth, (Tom Potter)
> > >rather than to the horse's ass? (Dirk Van de moortel)
> >
> > Sorry Tom,
> > you got that wrong,
> > Dirk is the horses crap.
> > He wishes he was as smart as the ass.
> > and he wishes he smelled like tha ass and not the crap he spouts.
> My mistake.
> I figured that if something
> looked like a horse's ass.,
> smelled like a horse's ass.,
> acted like a horse's ass.,
> and its' sole function was passing horseshit,
> that it was a horse's ass.

Title "Assfixations":

Dirk Vdm

Dirk's post is a classic example of what I call the "Horse's Ass Syndrome".

Immoral people commonly promote their personal agenda,
by consuming clean information,
passing the information through their system,
excreting it as horseshit,
and trying to equate the horseshit with the original information.

Note that the original thread went as follows:
1. Someone asked for an outline of physics.
2. I posted that my Physics Property Chart did this.
3. Kirk tried to divert the poster to horseshit on his personal web site.
4. I suggested to the poster that it was better to get his
information from the "horse's mouth" rather than from the "horse's ass".
5. After additional comments by "Spaceman" and I,
Dirk posted only the part that makes it look like he is the
one who was being attacked, rather than showing that he was the attacker.

Dirk's actions are equivalent to taking two sets of data,
and using only the cross-correlations that cater two one's
personal prejudice or agenda.

In other words, Dirk's positions are heavily biased toward his
prejudice or agenda, rather than truth and reality.
It is wise for true seekers of objective reality
to ignore the positions of people like Dirk, as they
tell you more about the person, than about objective reality.

A word to the wise.
Editorial comments, regurgitated information, and history books
are what comes out of a "horse's ass",
not what goes in the "horse's mouth".

If you want good, clean oats,
get them before they go through the horse.
By the same token,
if you want good, clean, accurate information,
get it from the "horse's mouth",
not from the "horse's ass".

Tom Potter http://home.earthlink.net/~tdp

   Index   Original post and context: 3d9ea11e@post.newsfeed.com

See also: http://childstudy.net/anal.html