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Tom Potter: Assfixations  (2-Oct-2002)

"Spaceman" wrote in message
> >From: tdp@earthlink.net (Tom Potter)
> >Why not go to the horse's mouth, (Tom Potter)
> >rather than to the horse's ass? (Dirk Van de moortel)
> Sorry Tom,
> you got that wrong,
> Dirk is the horses crap.
> He wishes he was as smart as the ass.
> and he wishes he smelled like tha ass and not the crap he spouts.

My mistake.
I figured that if something
looked like a horse's ass.,
smelled like a horse's ass.,
acted like a horse's ass.,
and its' sole function was passing horseshit,
that it was a horse's ass.

Tom Potter http://home.earthlink.net/~tdp

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