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An immortal fumble by Uwe Hayek (1-Aug-2012)

HIV does not even exist
On 8/1/2012 5:17 PM, Dirk Van de moortel wrote:
> Uwe Hayek <hayektt@nospam.xs4all.nl> wrote in message
>   501923d4$0$6959$e4fe514c@news2.news.xs4all.nl
> [snip]
> > A lot of humbug over something very simple.
> Humbug like HIV doesn't cause AIDS, no doubt:
>   https://groups.google.com/groups/search?hl=en&ie=UTF-8&q=uwe+hayek+hiv+aids

Hiv does not even exist, how can something that does not exist, cause aids ?

Look at this document, that was written to Gallo, the scientific
fraudster that "discovered" hiv.

from :

A. Letter from Dr. Gonda XE "Gonda, Matthew" , the Head of Electron
Microscopy at the NIH XE "National Institutes of Health" , to Popovic XE
"Popovic, Mikulas" , copied to Gallo XE "Gallo, Robert" .  He reports
that images wanted for the Science papers, do not contain HIV XE "HIV"
(HTLVIII) a s Gallo had claimed, but only cellular rubbish. This was
received only 3 days before Gallo sent in the Science papers for
publication, When the papers appeared in print, they still contained
photos credited to Gonda, with Gallo saying they contain HIV.

Later, Eleni Papadopulos will state the same in this interview :

You and the scientific method ?

Laat me niet lachen !

Uwe Hayek.
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