Home Is Where The Wind Blows

An immortal fumble by Androcles (aka Dumbledore aka ...) (28-Jan-2007)

Ergo x-rays are faster than visible light.
Anyone that looks and has half a functioning brain.
If you drive a car on a bumpy road, it has a frequency.
Drive faster, it has a higher frequency. 
Ergo frequency is proportional to velocity.
Ergo x-rays are faster than visible light.


I do not have any theories, I make discoveries. All theories are the work
of giants that I stand upon the shoulders of.  I do not crawl beneath the
knees of pygmies such as Einstein yet I am humble before the mighty
Newton, Kepler, Galileo, Doppler and Michelson. What you can or cannot
believe (based on your prejudices and preconceptions)  is a matter for you
alone. To me, you are a fuckwit.
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