"Dirk Van de moortel" wrote in message news:k0qpvq$7pl$1@speranza.aioe.org... "Vilas Tamhane" <vilastamhane@gmail.com> wrote in message news:439a924c-7f71-44d6-abfb-f18ec181293c@k3g2000pbr.googlegroups.com [snip] > If you demand real situation, Uh-oh... "real situation"... watch out now... > still keeping Einstein’s postulates and > results undisturbed, following should be the case. > If L is the distance between two pulses, according to source frame, > then T=L/c. And what has this time T to do with frequency? Nothing. =============================================== ROFL! F = 1/T where T is the period between pulses, which is not nothing. What does Dork Van de lying faggot know about physics? Nothing. > Now observer (in the frame O’) is moving towards these two > pulses. > O’ will see the two pulses approaching him with the velocity c, as > velocity of light is unchanged. His clock measures proper time. > However distance between the two pulses is now reduced. So in the > frame of O’ length is the only factor that is changed. Not time. We > now don’t get the equation that was derived by Einstein. > T’= L* sqrt(1-vv/cc)/c = T * sqrt(1-vv/cc). > f ' =f /sqrt(1-vv/cc) > Increase in frequency is neither classical nor according to SR. > So Tamhame thinks that when you send a light signal from one > place to another over a distance L, then the "real situation" > Tamhane frequency of the light is c/L. Nice. > Tamhane sends a red signal over a distance L, so the Tamhane > frequency is c/L. > Tamhane sends a blue signal over a distance L, so the Tamhane > frequency is c/L. > Indeed, increase in Tamhane frequency is neither classical nor > according to SR. It's entirely according to Tamhane. > Sincere Tamhane congratulations. ==================================== He certainly does, which is more than Dork Van de faggot is capable of. [snip] -- Lord Androcles, Zeroth Earl of Medway |
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