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An immortal fumble by Androcles (11-Feb-2005)

"The formal mathematical disproof of relativity - by Androcles"
For quotations, reference
"On the Electrodynamics of Moving Bodies" - by Albert Einstein.
online version

Declare  v > 0.

Einstein defines

'the ``time'' required by light to travel from A to B equals the
``time'' it requires to travel from B to A.'

and formally states

"the ray moves relatively to the initial point of k [ aka A ], when
measured in the stationary system, with the velocity c-v, so that
x'/(c-v) = t"
which leads directly to
the ray moves relatively from the point of reflection [aka B] , when
measured in the stationary system, with the velocity c+v, so that

x'/(c+v) = t

and is evidenced in the equation

½[tau(0,0,0,t)+tau(0,0,0,t+x'/(c-v)+x'/(c+v))] = tau(x',0,0,t+x'/(c-v))

x'/(c-v) = x'/(c+v)

from which we have a (formal mathematical) proof by contradiction that
v > 0, which is against the declaration.


From this we induce that Einstein had no formal mathematical training
and was a mere symbol shuffler (and a dingbat).

(And up yours, fucking cretinous imbecile Schwartz, imbecile devens,
fucking stooopid idiotic imbecilic moronic cretin moortel, imbecile
Andersen and imbecile relativists everywhere.)

Go on, Schwartz, snip and say [snip crap], throw an insult, we already
know that is the extent of your only neuron.
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