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An immortal fumble by Mike (aka Bill Smith aka Eleatis aka Undeniable) (21-May-2008)

An imbecile's response to a formal proof.
On May 21, 10:54 am, "Dirk Van de moortel" <dirkvandemoor...@ThankS-NO-
SperM.hotmail.com> wrote:
> Mike <elea...@yahoo.gr> wrote in message
> 7879b624-c47c-4223-add8-842108bbe...@34g2000hsh.googlegroups.com
>> On May 20, 10:59 pm, Neilist <Neilis...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> On May 20, 5:28 pm, Mike <elea...@yahoo.gr> wrote:
>>> <snip>
>>>> Don't care what you say idiot. x/infinity is for all practical
>>>> purposes equal to 0 for x in R - {infinity}.
>>> For all x in R - {infinity} ????
>>> Gee, I thought you said above that 0/infinity is undefined.
>> Error, read my other post. I meant to say 0/0.
>>> But x=0 is in R - {infinity}. Contradiction!
>> Only in your mind.
>>> You can't even keep your WRONG definitions straight.
> quite :-)
>>>>> And don't forget, it has to be a peer-reviewed paper or textbook to be
>>>>> considered authoritative, according to some news-groupies around here.
>>>> Do you knwo the "limits" of limits?
>>> So, you DID pull the definition out of your ass! No surprise.
>>>> Idiot
>>>> Mike
>>> Yes, your new name is Idiot Mike.
>> Listen troll. Why don't you present a formal proof that
>>     lim 1/x as x --> infinity is zero?
>> I wait for the formal proof troll.
> The string:
>     "lim 1/x as x --> infinity is zero"
> is by definition the abreviation of the statement
>     "For all real epsilon > 0 there is a real M > 0 such that for all x in R
>          x > M ==> 1/x < epsilon"
> Proof of the statement:
> Take an arbitrary epsilon > 0, then for all x > 0:
>     1/x < epsilon
>         <==> x > 1/epsilon
>         <=== x > 1/(2*epsilon)
>         <==> x > M and we define M = 1/(2*epsilon).

Hey troll Dirt van der Broothel, thsi si not a formal proof you idiot.

Is maybe your square root lesson a formal proof you troll?

Immortal fumbles by Dirt of ther Mootel:



The folowing is a gem:


That is currently examined by top psychiatrists around the world.

Now, ladies and gentlemen, heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeereeeeeeeeeeee is Dork
in action, you know where? at alt.jokes, demonstrating his racist


More funny, that was cross-posted by the idiot to:


But hey, the man has class, he plays chess all day:


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