My Favorite Post
In the past SRians such as Paul Andersen claimed that a cosmic muon
and a lab muon both have a decay time of 2.2us in their own rest
frame. They also claimed that a cosmic muon is able to travel a much
greater distance than a lab muon before decayinbg. Why is the cosmic
muon can travel a much greater distance than the lab muon before
decaying? Paul Andersen's explanation is that from the cosmic muon's
point of view the earth is rushing toward it to meet with it.
Therefore after 2.2 us of the muon's time the earth arrive at the
cosmic muon's position. Since there are
zillions of muons all around the upper atmosphere, the earth must be
rushing toward all these muons at different directions. This means
that the earth should have been exploded a long time ago. Thank God it
didn't. The other explanation is that the muon's point of view is a
bunch of BULL.
Ken Seto
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