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An immortal fumble by Byron Forbes (15-Sep-2011)

Experiments? Too Funny
In article <ew5cq.312$kj5.100@newsfe25.ams2>, dirkvandemoortel@nospAm.hotmail.com
> Byron Forbes <chocolate@caramel.com.au> wrote in message
>   MPG.28db8b958747ece79899b6@news.tpg.com.au
>> In article <j4p3st$qt9$1@speranza.aioe.org>, thedraperfamily@gmail.com says...
>>> On 9/13/2011 10:04 AM, Byron Forbes wrote:
>>>> In article<j4mafn$1sc$1@speranza.aioe.org>, thedraperfamily@gmail.com says...
>>>>> On 9/12/2011 10:16 AM, Byron Forbes wrote:
>>>>>>> You're starting to sound rather shrill, Byron.
>>>>>> You have pointed out nothing other than that you're full of shit and will
>>>>>> push relativity no matter how much of a fool you make of yourself.
>>>>> Measurements are not full of shit, Byron, no matter how fervently you
>>>>> would like to dismiss any measurements that disagree with your intuition.
>>>> Any measurement that claims to confirm TD is an outright lie.
>>> Well, nobody can force you to believe what you don't want to believe,
>>> Byron. That was acknowledged from the start. If you don't buy into the
>>> scientific method, then nothing in science will be convincing to you.
>>> That's fine. You just end up being an anti-science, peanut-gallery
>>> hoot-caller.
>> It is not my fault these "measurements" are lies or misconceptions.
>> There is no need for measurement in this case. The notion of TD is absurd 
>> and impossible.
>> It even breaks the 1st postulate of SR! 2 million ticks in on one clock will
>> be 2 million on another.
> In your wet dreams.
> In the real world it goes like this:
>  http://www.sciencemag.org/content/329/5999/1630.abstract
> You don't like it?
> It drives you insane?
> Excellent!
> Dirk Vdm

"We observed time dilation from relative speeds of less than 10 meters per 
second by comparing two optical atomic clocks connected by a 75-meter length
of optical fiber"

Too funny.

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