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An immortal fumble by André Michaud (srp) (29-Apr-2006)

That's exactly what you said.
PD a écrit :
> srp wrote:
>>PD a écrit :
>>>srp wrote:
>>>> The first time I posted such a cleanly derived formula, I was
>>>> expecting the usual aggressive treatment, from past experiences
>>>> without the derivation.
>>>> Surprise: total silence!!! no approval, no disapproval, only
>>>> ABSOLUTE AND TOTAL SILENCE, on this very forum, which is quite
>>>> unusual for anything not kosher in their view.
>>>> One in particular concerned the structure of so-called
>>>> universal gravitational constant G, which is a simple
>>>> application of Kepler's third law, universally misused
>>>> by the whole community at the particle level.
>>>> Met with total silence the few times I posted it, indicating
>>>> total inability to even understand the implications.
>>>> All physicists aggressing people on this ng are just time
>>>> wasting useless ducks quacking from the sideline, not even
>>>> aware that all they ever "contribute" is merely stuff that
>>>> can be easily found in countless references and textbooks.
>>>> When confronted with anything that they have not read about
>>>> before they closed their books (and minds) for good as they
>>>> got their degree, if they happen to not be able to see a
>>>> crack in the derivation, they simply do not understand and
>>>> let go.
>>> I think there may be another reason why your original posting met with
>>> such stunning silence. People engage in subjects on this group
>>> voluntarily and at some cost in their time and effort. There is
>>> certainly no professional reward for physicists in their investment
>>> here. As such, then, there is a threshold for "not worth my time to
>>> engage". There are several things that contribute to this judgement:
>>> - whether the poster has expressed any lucidity or capability for
>>> self-consistent thought
>>> - whether the poster is clearly ignorant of basic principles that can
>>> be demonstrated with everyday facts and experiments
>>> - whether the poster seems at all receptive to positive criticism
>>> - whether the poster is simply interested in self-aggrandizement and
>>> not at all interested in what is demonstrably right
>>> - whether the poster is under some gross delusions about what science
>>> is and how it works
>>> - whether the poster judges that an entire community of scientists is
>>> wrong about something even though the poster has not taken the time to
>>> read or study anything about that something
>>> - whether the poster is so egocentric that he presumes that anything he
>>> writes will be read with interest and responded to.
>> So you mean that you open your mind only to whoever kisses your arse ?
> Not at all.

That's exactly what you said. And I will never comply.
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