Home Is Where The Wind Blows

An immortal fumble by Mike (aka Bill Smith aka Eleatis aka Undeniable) (30-Sep-2005)

The square root idiot in your head dipshit.
Dirk Van de moortel wrote:


[snip Dirtish crap copy and paste]

> Remember that kinetic energy is not proportional to speed, but
> to the square of speed, and therefore energy differences are
> not propertional to speed differences.

Hmmmmm, now I understand why you spent so much time studying
the square root idiot.

> Increasing a bullet's speed from 100 m/s to 110 m/s also requires
> more energy than increasing it from 90 m/s to 100 m/s.
> In general (still with u < v):
>     1/2 m (v+u)^2 - 1/2 m v^2 = m u v + 1/2 m u^2
>     1/2 m v^2 - 1/2 m (v-u)^2 = m u v - 1/2 m u^2

Inreasing your IQ from 10 to 11 will take infinite energy as there is a
black hole in your head dipshit.

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