Home Is Where The Wind Blows

An immortal fumble by Mike (aka Bill Smith aka Eleatis aka Undeniable (4-Jul-2009)

The Eleatis Criterion
On Jul 4, 11:25 am, Tom Roberts <tjroberts...@sbcglobal.net> wrote:
> Mike wrote:
>> [...]
> To understand this, you must STUDY modern physics. Expect to spend some
> 4-6 years full-time to get to the point you can understand the physics
> underlying the standard model and its Higgs mechanism (that's a typical
> duration of post-graduate schooling in theoretical physics).
> (This assumes you are smart enough and dedicated enough
> to succeed; some 30-50% of people who try drop out, and
> they were interested enough to self-select to come to
> a physics grad school in the first place.)
> Your guesses and coffee-table books simply do not reflect the actual
> content of modern physics. So it's no surprise that you are confused and
> think there is a contradiction....

I guess you think it is not a contradition. I also infer that you know
the reasons it is not, otherwise you would be a fool answering the way
you did. So go aheas and state them. If you cannot state the reasons
in a few sentences , then they do not exist and/or are not valid.

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