Home Is Where The Wind Blows

An immortal fumble by Androcles (17-Jan-2008)

"don't even know what a transformation is"
| > You wouldn't know a Galilean transform if it bit you in the arse, Poe,

[Misguided Blind Poe]
| It looks like this:
|   x' = x - vt
| (where x, x' and v are 3-vectors in general)
|   t' = t

You don't even know what a transformation is or what it does,
you cretin. It looks like this:

except that Weisstein has omitted velocities u and w in the
y and z directions.

Of course cretins like Einstein and Poe can't handle moving
sideways and up simultaneously. Never step sideways on
an escalator, Poe, you'll be lost in spacetime and dream up
impossible shit like "transverse mass" and "transverse Doppler
As  I said, you wouldn't know a Galilean transform if it bit you
in the arse, Poe.

Your homework assignment:
Place u, the velocity in the y-direction, in the matrix shown by
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