> > > I agree. > > > The correct answer is that in this system GR must be applied. > > No, SR can deal with the question of the proper time recorded by an > > accelerating clock by considering its path as seen in an inertial frame. > > Just integrate [squareroot(1 - v(t)^2/c^2) dt] between two times t1 and > > t2 in your frame, with v(t) being the clock's instantaneous velocity at > > time t in your frame; this will give the correct answer for the time > > elapsed on the accelerating clock during the interval (t1, t2) in your > > frame > You can see this in action on > https://home.deds.nl/~dvdm/dirk/Physics/Acceleration.html [snip] Good think I forgot to KILLFILE you Donkey. The ecerpt from the above imbecile's link: "Observer I can parametrize the worldline of A with the same proper time T, so he will see infinitesimally consecutive velocities of A as v(T) and v(T+dT). Since v(T+dT) is the standard SR composition ('addition') of the velocities v(T) and dV(T), we can write (using c=1): v(T+dT) = [ v(T) + dV(T) ] / [ 1 + v(T) dV(T) ] which, using the expression for dV(T), becomes: v(T+dT) = [ v(T) + a(T) dT ] / [ 1 + v(T) a(T) dT ] To calculate dv(T)/dT we use [ v(T+dT) - v(T) ] / dT = a(T) [1-v^2(T)] / [ 1 + v(T) a(T) dT ] Take the limit dT --> 0 dv(T)/dT = a(T) [ 1 - v^2(T) ]" Now, you think you can fool people with this stupid derivation of yours. You ain't going to fool me Dinky-Donkey. The error in the above derivation is basic. Only a Dinky-Donkey could err that way. Are you so stupid Dink-Donk? Hint: maybe mixing Lorentz and Galilean relativity? Mike |
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