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An immortal fumble by Androcles (21-Dec-2003)

Load of crap like me, huh?
> "Androcles" <jp006f9750@antispamblueyonder.co.uk> wrote in
message news:y8%Eb.491$cS4.288@news-binary.blueyonder.co.uk...
> >
> > "Dirk Van de moortel" <dirkvandemoortel@ThankS-NO-SperM.hotmail.com>
> > wrote in message news:2EVEb.87288$6K2.3780718@phobos.telenet-ops.be...
> > some garbage to propagate his smear campaign.
> >
> > So you really don't want to discuss relativity, then, Dinky?
> Discuss relativity?
> With a load of crap like you?
>    https://home.deds.nl/~dvdm/dirk/Physics/Fumbles/LoadCrap.html
> You are about as funny as Wilson Rabbidge!
> Dirk Vdm

Load of crap like me, huh?

You stupid, incompetent, useless fucking moron, you have no scruples and
cannot be trusted to correspond in any sensible manner whatosover. You are a
worm, a creep. I spit on you. You can only giggle like a child, but you are
not a child, you are an imbecile. In short, a cunt.
(Insult duly returned with malice aforethought, as anticipated and obviously
desired. *plonk*)
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