Home Is Where The Wind Blows

An immortal fumble by James Driscoll (Spaceman) (15-Sep-2008)

You see how to construct a sentence?
Clocks run faster on top of mountains then they do
near the bottom.
apparently the mountains do not care.
You see,
If the top of the mountain is moving faster in "time" than the
speed it travels should be slower than an absolute clock
would state it is moving at since the second is occurring
But for some reason mountains do not care about the clock
malfunction and they like to stay at a speed that agrees
with using absolute times for motion and speeds.

Not only the entire universe around us is ignoring time dilation,
but even our mountain tops are smarter than your average
relativist and also ignoring the time dilation.
The entire universe is showing how stupid relativists are,
yet they still worship the malfunctioning clocks.
Three simple words relativists can not handle
The clock malfunctioned.

James M Driscoll Jr
Creator of the Clock Malfunction Theory
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