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An immortal fumble by Androcles (Hexenmeister) (14-Mar-2006)

No, I can't do it.
"PD" <TheDraperFamily@gmail.com> wrote in message 
| Hexenmeister wrote:
| > "PD" <TheDraperFamily@gmail.com> wrote in message
| > news:1142258523.396019.267830@p10g2000cwp.googlegroups.com...
| > |
| > | Hexenmeister wrote:
| > | > "kolt" <sabbath450@yahoo.com> wrote in message
| > | > news:1142144442.415598.141680@p10g2000cwp.googlegroups.com...
| > | > | Although we know that sound waves are, well...waves. But it is possible
| > | > | to formulate a set of equations that would seem to suggest that sound
| > | > | comes in "packets" of sound energy. Sound can even have a dual nature
| > | > | (wave or particle).
| > | >
| > | >
| > | > Sure can.
| > | > "click".
| > | >
| > | > clickspeed  = (wavelength * 1 ) * (frequency *1)
| > | >
| > | > one phonon = one click.
| > | > Picture of a click :
| > | >   /\
| > | > \/
| > | > Listen to an analogue watch, you may detect it clicking.
| > | > Androcles.
| > |
| > | Androcles seems to think that the quantum of oscillation energy is a
| > | single period.
| >
| >
| > That is correct. If you deny it then you deny E = hf (Planck).
| No I don't.
| You should demonstrate that the energy in hf is the energy contained in
| a single period, Androcles, before you claim it's obvious. Can you do
| that?

I was discussing "packets" of sound energy with "kolt".
A gas which has been compressed/decompressed and not fully relaxed
would contain sound energy and is therefore not a completed packet.
The concept of "packet" implies a whole number, "one".

It was you that introduce the term "quantum" into the discussion,
so you must define its meaning. Can you do that or were you handwaving?

All ideas have to originate in the mind of someone, usually the sensible
ideas come from sensible people and the stupid ideas from clueless people.
Stupid people are always the last to know, some never find out unless
they are told. Even an IQ of 100 (normal)  is relatively stupid compared
to that subset of society responsible for today's technology.
What percentage of people could actually produce a successful
design for a plane or a TV or a cell phone, a refrigerator or a carpet loom?
One in a billion?

You are one of the stupid people, Phuckwit Duck. There is no shame
in it, you are "normal". The shame arises in your arrogance and bigotry,
refusal to learn and an insistence on attempted and failed teaching.
When one teaches, two learn. When one lectures, the lecturer gains nothing
but a fee.
As the Tusselad puts it, "Ignorance of own ignorance is the worst kind
of ignorance".
Of course, no one seems to know why Phuckwit Duck doesn't get any
clues, enough have been given him.

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