Home Is Where The Wind Blows

An immortal fumble by Henri Wilson (15-Nov-2003)

Yes, I believe it because it supports my beliefs.
>> >Come on, Henry.
>> >Show us that you are not only babbling, but
>> >that you really can back up your claim:
>> >"Hatch is 100% correct."
>Are you giving up?
>Are you not going to back up your claim?
>"Hatch is 100% correct. Is too! IS TOOO!!"
>Is that your only argument, Henry? :-)
>Paul, enjoying having Henry in a corner

Paul, since you and your colleagues continuously act in exactly that manner
with regard to Einstein's theories, I just thought I would point out the
stupidity of believing in something purely because it supports one's beliefs.

So Yes, Paul. I think Hatch is 100% correct because I also think that anyone
who says anything against relativity must be 100% correct - just as SRians and
GRians automatically believe that thall critics of relativity must be 100%

Henri Wilson. 
See the Stupidity of Relativity.
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