Home Is Where The Wind Blows

An immortal fumble by Allyou! (9-Feb-2005)

BADDA BING! Lying Moron!

"Bilge" <dubious@radioactivex.lebesque-al.net> wrote in message
> AllYou!, dishonest moron:
>  >"Predictions [that which attempts to foretell the future] include any
>  >result......." -- 
>  >Bilge
>   You wrote that. I didn't. Is there some reason you need to fabricate
> statements and attribute them to me rather than use what I've actually
> written? Try to figure out the difference between what I've written
> and what you've written and attributed to me.


Here it is, dickhead!  Posted on 02/04/05 @ 2:55 PM.

 >No.  A theory predicts the behavior of phenomena.  People guess at the
 >develop new theories to test those explanations.
 >> Furthermore a theory mathematicall relates disparate observables. In
 >> that sense it is an explantion. Predictions (which are testable) are the
 >> outcomes of theoretical explanations.
 >Predictions are not outcomes.  Predictions are guesses of what will happen,

  Predictions include any result that a theory wasn't constructed to

BADDA BING!  Lying Moron!
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