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An immortal fumble by Androcles (3-May-2013)

Dirk Van de moortel <dirkvandemoortel@hotspam.not> wrote:

> "Lord Androcles, Zeroth Earl of Medway" LordAndrocles@April2013.edu
> schreef in bericht news:NNVft.82484$z82.22745@fx07.fr7...

>> "Tom Roberts" <tjroberts137@sbcglobal.net> wrote in message
>> news:E_ednfmvt9M_ux3MRVn_vwA@giganews.com...

>>> On 4/30/13 4/30/13   4:20 AM, gehan.ameresekere@gmail.com wrote:
>>>> On the subject of transofrms, can we have a transform of a
>>>> transform, and are they .. what is the word.. transitive? What I am
>>>> looking for here is that if you apply these transforms willy nilly
>>>> you may end up with some inconsistencies, which seem to be the case
>>>> in the mechanical representation of SRT eg thought experiments.
>>> It is required that the set of all coordinate transforms form a
>>> group.
>> =========================================================
>> State two elements a and b of the coordinate transform attributed to
>> Lorentz such that a o b = e, the identity of the group. As I
>> thought, you can’t, you bullshitting bastard, Roberts.
> Define
>    g = 1/sqrt(1-v^2/c^2)
> b: transformation from (x,t) to (x',t') with relative velocity v
>    x' = g ( x - v t )         [1]
>    t' = g ( t - v/c^2 x )         [2]
> a: transformation from (x',t') to (x",t") with relative velocity -v
>    x" = g ( x' + v t' )         [3]
>    t" = g ( t' + v/c^2 x' )         [4]
> For a o b, subsitute x' of [1] in [3] and t' of [2] in [4] to get
>    x" = x
>    t" = t
> meaning
> e: transformation from (x,t) to (x",t") with relative velocity 0.
>> -- This message is brought to you from the keyboard of
>> Lord Androcles, Zeroth Earl of Medway.
>> When the fools chicken farmer Wilson and Van de faggot
>> present an argument I cannot laugh at I'll retire from usenet.
> You will never retire from usenet alive.
> It's the only thing you've got left.
> Dirk Vdm

t’ = t/g  [2], you clueless fucking imbecile.
Also, v’ = x’/t’ by DEFINITION and it isn’t zero, 
you crazy ignorant cretin. 
Learn algebra, you fucking moron.
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