Home Is Where The Wind Blows

An immortal fumble by Mike (aka Eleatis aka Bill Smith aka Undeniable) (13-Dec-2006)

Are you sure? - I will use it against you.
> > > Nothing undergoing rotational motion can ever be in an inertial frame,
> > > you idiot.  Your ignorance of physics bites you in the ass again.
> >
> > Are you sure? What about a rocket fired inside a train moving at
> > constant velocity? or a stone tied on a rope whirled around in the same
> > frame?
> >
> > Did you forget of polar coordinates already? can that be associated
> > with aging?
> Jesus.
> A rocket fired from inside a train that is moving with constant
> velocity is an inertial frame - it doesn't accelerate, and is thus
> inertial.

What the hell are you talking about? Acceleration is absolute. Are you
a psychology major?


" A rocket fired from inside a train that is moving with constant
velocity is an inertial frame - it doesn't accelerate, and is thus

This is good, this is really good man.

I will use it against you

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