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An immortal fumble by Androcles (25-Aug-2008)

Androcles and the Operators
>>> Neither have you explained your aesthetics; "mathematical beauty"
>>> is in the eye of the beholder.
>>> e^(i * pi) = -1
>>> relates two transcendental numbers, an imaginary number,
>>> a negative number, and a power operation that makes little
>>> sense unless one defines it as a logical extension of
>>> an operation that is either a curve area or an infinite
>>> series.  Yet it is considered by many one of the most
>>> beautiful formulas in mathematics. ;-)
>> I prefer the form
>>        1 + e^(i pi) = 0
>> Here you have the three basic operators in a row (addition,
>> multiplication and power), joining the five basic numbers
>> (0, 1, pi, e, i).
>> Dirk Vdm
> Even better. ;-)

 1 + e^(i\pi) = 0

'i' is a unary operator such as for example  '-' (minus) and '!' (NOT),
it is not a number.

Here you have four basic operators in a row (addition, rotation (90 degrees
in the Cartesian complex plane), multiplication and power), joining the four
basic numbers (0, 1, pi, e).

if -(-n) = n,
   i(in) = -n
   iii = -i
   i(i(i(in) = n

\pi and e can be approximated by a string of numerical digits, 3.142... and
2.718..., whereas i cannot be so written. The decimal point is also an operator.

The choice of a letter as an operator is indeed an unfortunate one but alas
we are stuck with it, just as we are stuck with the keyboard layout as a
legacy from mechanical typewriters
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