"The Ghost In The Machine" <ewill@sirius.tg00suus7038.net> wrote in
message news:q9no23-uho.ln1@sirius.tg00suus7038.net...
| I'll admit to some curiosity as to whether the speed of the
| OhMyGod particle, which had an energy of 51 Joules (that's
| a 100W light bulb for a 1/2 second!), was measurable as
| it flew through the detectors.
| I would be surprised if it was anything but c (within measurement error).
| Ditto for careful measurement of space-caused muons.
Earth FoR:
Distance 60 miles, time 2.2 usec.
Speed of muon measured in Earth FoR, dx/dt = ?
Muon FoR:
Distance = (60 miles - v * 2.2usec)/ sqrt( 1 - v²/186000²)
Time = (2.2usec - v*60/186000²)/sqrt( 1 - v²/186000²)
Speed of Earth measured in Muon FoR, d(xi)/d(tau) = ?
You're the guy with 30 decimal places, what's the careful measurement ?
Come on, Ghost, surprise me, persuade me I'm wrong.
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