"Randy Poe" <poespam-trap@yahoo.com> wrote in message
> On Mar 2, 9:14 am, "kenseto" <kens...@woh.rr.com> wrote:
>> "Randy Poe" <poespam-t...@yahoo.com> wrote in message
>> > A clock which looks like it is moving to an observer, will also
>> > appear to be running slow to that observer. That is #2.
>> > "Moving clock".
>> So the observer is assuming that the relative motion between them is due to
>> the moving clock.
> Wow, you really can't understand this "moving" thing, can you?
> No, the observer is assuming that a clock whose distance
> from him is changing is "moving". Do you have a problem
> with that assumption?
Yes. What a fuckin' stupid assumption, why doesn't the "observer"
assume the clock stands still and He moves? Oh wait... I get it...
the Earth and its royal "observer" is at the centre of the universe,
Galileo should have been kept locked up, right?
Copernicus taught you nothing, you ignorant shit.
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