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An immortal fumble by Androcles (9-Nov-2005)

"Randy Poe" <poespam-trap@yahoo.com> wrote in message 
> Androcles wrote:
>> What  I find disconcerting is that Baez still can't count his fingers and
>> toes.
>> http://math.ucr.edu/home/baez/physics/Relativity/SR/TwinParadox/twin_vase.html#doppler
> And Androcles still can't read. WHO is the author of that page?

It clearly says "Original by Michael Weiss " but who knows what Baez has 
done to it or who the present author is? Doesn't matter to me who Baez 
plagiarizes his material from, Poe. Baez is responsible for it being under 
the banner http://math.ucr.edu/home/baez/, that's his name on it and his 

When I pointed out that it was a fucking cheat the fucking lying cunt Baez 
suggested I should learn to read, and now I've got another fucking lying 
cunt Poe defending the lying cunt and suggesting the same.
Fucking cheat it is, there are 16 red arrows in the left diagram and 32 red 
arrows in the right. Were the diagrams to be unbaezed they would show no 
time dilation
whatsoever; you, Baez and Roberts and every other fucking lying relativist
are nothing more than a bunch of con artists.

Why don't you crawl back in the woodwork where you belong, fucking 
relativist troll? Go and sell your magic tricks on some other street corner, 
the lot of you, and don't tell me I can't read, you stooopid cunt.

"Americans always try to do the right thing -- after they've tried 
everything else" -- Winston Churchill.


"Randy Poe" <poespam-trap@yahoo.com> wrote in message 
> Androcles wrote:
>> pisses you off as intended, you ugly bastard.
> What evidence do you have that this is my state of mind?
> Hints about your diagnosis: one of us is reduced to curses and
> playground insults, one of us is not.

One of us is reduced to snipping what he has no answer
for, the other is not.
One of us wants to divert attention from the real issue,
there are 16 red arrows in the left diagram and 32 red
arrows in the right, a matter of physics, and talk about one
of us instead.
If you wish to avoid the physics and talk about one of us,
then we'll  talk about one of us and I'll call you a cunt.

> If you were objectively looking
> at a discussion on the street in which one person was jumping
> up and down, screaming, cursing, and throwing kindergarten
> insults, and the other was not, which one would you diagnose
> as "pissed off"?

Do you know what non sequitur means, cunt?
My  diagnosis is Baez is a fucking cheat and you want to avoid that
because you can't answer me with honesty and agree, can you, cunt?
Why can't you do that, cunt? It's because you are not honest or
objective, are you, CUNT?
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