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An immortal fumble by Androcles (Hexenmeister) (9-Mar-2006)

The AC teachings of an electrical engineer, revisited already

"PD" <TheDraperFamily@gmail.com> wrote in message 
> Hexenmeister wrote:
>> "Paul B. Andersen" <paul.b.andersen@hiadeletethis.no> wrote in message
>> news:duphmb$j8$1@dolly.uninett.no...
>> > Hexenmeister wrote:
>> >> Sigh...
>> >>  http://www.androcles01.pwp.blueyonder.co.uk/AC/AC.htm
>> >> Androcles.
>> >
>> > Where the electrical engineer Androcles is teaching us:
>> >
>> >  "This is in agreement with Faraday's Law for induction
>> >   embodied in Maxwell's equations, E = - dB/dt 
>> >   which says the electric field is proportional to
>> >   the change in the magnetic field."
>> >
>> > Hilarious, no? :-)
>> No.
> Yes, actually.

Well, I suppose you don't realize that bar magnets do not create
electric fields by themselves, so I guess the tusselad is hilarious
in his own tiny way.
Did you want the constant added in the integral, moron?
It's just the voltage on the battery being charged.

C'mon, Phuckwit, tell the world what's funny, don't keep it to
 yourself. There are students waiting for a good laugh.

>> >
>> > And what's even more hilarious is his response to this posting.
>> > Does he admit his blunder? :-)
>> What blunder would that be, fortune-telling tusselad?
> Ah, thought so.

Not possible, you are not capable of thinking.
Tusselad jeers and you join in like the sheep you are, and he knows
"The spectral class [of stars]  is determined by the relative positions
 and intensities of the absorption lines, and these are unaffected by a
 Doppler shift."

How the fuck anyone is supposed to measure the velocity of a star
is beyond comprehension now, the shift was all that we had.
Hilarious, yes?

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