Home Is Where The Wind Blows

An immortal fumble by Androcles (Hexenmeister) (9-Mar-2006)

The AC teachings of an electrical engineer

"Paul B. Andersen" <paul.b.andersen@hiadeletethis.no> wrote in message
> Hexenmeister wrote:
>> Sigh...
>>  http://www.androcles01.pwp.blueyonder.co.uk/AC/AC.htm
>> Androcles.
> Where the electrical engineer Androcles is teaching us:
>  "This is in agreement with Faraday's Law for induction
>   embodied in Maxwell's equations, E = - dB/dt 
>   which says the electric field is proportional to 
>   the change in the magnetic field." 
> Hilarious, no? :-)


> And what's even more hilarious is his response to this posting.
> Does he admit his blunder? :-)

What blunder would that be, fortune-telling tusselad?
Have another one:

And yet another:

Hilarious, yes?

I can see why Norway is not renowned for anyone but Quisling.

> Wahrsager Paul

Hmm... my spelling checker suggested "Washrag". How smart it is.
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