Home Is Where The Wind Blows

An immortal fumble by Peter Riedt (2-Oct-2008)

After 48 years we can buy the solution
MMX Solution for Sale

I have studied the problem of the null result of the Michelson-Morley
Interferometer Experiment (MMX) since 1960 and found the solution in
1998. I intended to publish my finding in this NG but because I
perceived some bias by some members decided the only way to ensure an
objective reception was to offer my solution for sale.

The procedure (Instrument 1) to sell my solution of the null result of
MMX is as follows:

Communication between the prospective buyer and me to be first by the
Email feature of this NG and then as mutually agreed.

The prospective buyer to submit a definition of the logic of MMX as
perceived by MM (instrument 2) in order to avoid talking about
different things or getting into issues of semantics.

If instrument 1 and instrument 2 are agreed upon by the prospective
buyer and me in writing (instrument 3), the prospective buyer may
proceed by paying the purchase price of $x which is non-refundable.

Upon receipt of the purchase price, I will disclose my solution of the
null result of MMX (instrument 4) to the buyer.

If the buyer accepts the solution as correct in writing (instrument
5), I will transfer all rights thereto to the buyer by executing a
deed (instrument 6).

Peter Riedt
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