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An immortal fumble by Hayek (7-Jul-2003)

10 years to reach my level of understanding of GR and biting without teeth.
Dirk Van de moortel wrote:
> "Hayek" <hayektt@nospam.xs4all.nl> wrote in message news:3F09CF0E.8010902@nospam.xs4all.nl...
>>Dirk Van de moortel wrote:
>> > "Hayek" <hayektt@nospam.xs4all.nl> wrote in
>> > message
>> > news:3F088ADF.8030805@nospam.xs4all.nl...
>> >> Bill Rowe wrote:
>> >>> In article
>> >>> <20030706021457.22449.00000200@mb-m15.wmconnect.com>,
>> >>> merryfield9@wmconnect.com (Merryfield9) wrote:
>> >>>
>> >>>> What is space-time, really?
>> >>>
>> >>> I've seen good answers to this posted by
>> >>> Tom Roberts and Martin Hogbin. I would only
>> >>> add the observations that it is usually
>> >>> spelled "spacetime" without the hyphen. And
>> >>> if you are truly interested in learning
>> >>> more about this concept, a good place to
>> >>> start would be the book "Spacetime Physics"
>> >>>  written by Taylor and Wheeler.
>> >>
>> >> Maybe "Merryfield" does not want to study 10
>> >> years, and just wants an expert answer.
>> >
>> > 10 years for "Spacetime Physics"? SP is just
>> > beyond highschool level.
>> No, 10 years to reach my level of understanding of GR.
> No no no. You have no way out of this one.
> Certainly not with a pathetic attempt like that.
> It doesn't even *qualify* as a lie.

I assumed that Spacetime Physics was more 
complicated than the MTW. Since you kept bragging 
about it. Now you say it is kindergarten stuff.
Now I understand why you keep bragging about it.
And why you do not understand the MTW.
A lot of riddles got solved today.

How long are you "studying" relativity ?
And you are only at this level ?

Btw : I found a flaw in your escape velocity 
argument. You assume that inertia is constant into 
infinity. You can't assume that, because it simple 
is not correct. Again you forgot to take account 
of the background metric.  You are still a 
Newtonian, with some minor SR tendencies.

>> Without help from people pointing me to p543
>> of the MTW, which I acquired by accident,
> Accidents like that should not happen.

Even "engineers" like you should know that ivory 
is not good building material for towers.

> They should have taught you to add and multiply first.
> Poor you.

You have people that are good at adding and 
multiplying, and people that are good at solving 
problems. I wonder why you claim superior 
intelligence because of something a $20 calculator 
  does a better job at.

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