During the PSD classes we learned a lot about what kind of skills we already poses but also skills that we still need to develop. We learned what we already can do instead of what we can’t do. The class was most of the time knowing more about yourself and what makes you thick, your passion. This class is one of the most important classes I think to develop you on a personal level. If you know yourself on a personal level you can do a lot of things more.

We did 2 tests online one was about our strength the other was about our INTP personality. I found out that a lot of these test have a little bit of truth in it. I’m person who tells you what they know, but not everything. This does not mean that I’m dishonest towards people this is because my thoughts about telling you what I know are not truly developed. What most of the time is true? I like to use my imagination and being original. At the other hand I’m a very private person. I think there are 3 persons on this planet who know everything about me. This is part of my personality.

Doing a strength finder test can give a good insight about what your strengths could be and also hoe you can use them in future occasions. All the 5 strengths I found out during the test where very nice. The first strength tells that I’m restorative this means that I’m good at figuring out what is wrong and resolving it, the second strength was telling me that I’m a include, this means that I can be a very accepting person, I want to include others and make them feel a part of the group. This is important when you need to work together. The third strength was about intellection this means that I love activity what makes you think. The fourth strength was about Ideation. This means that you are able to find connections between seemly disparate phenomena. The fifth strength being a learner. I love to learn in many areas just too simply enjoy the process of learnings.

In class I’m always the student who has questions. This is because I’m sometimes insecure with what I’m doing and what I still need to do. 70 % Of the time I do underestimate myself a lot.

I also tried to use the skill critical thinking which involves a lot the IBIS meta-skills; defining and learning. I still need to work on my critical thinking. The PSD class critical thinks was one of the hardest classes during this first term for me, I did ask questions during the lectures and also outside the class. One of my goals for the next term is develop critical thinking skills. When I’ve developed this skill successful, I will be more confident about the statements that I will make in possible future assignments for the second term.

On the page Skills where you could find my top 10 skills to be a good student where very useful during this term. I need to fill in some gaps but I’m also proud of skills I can manage most of them already.

1.Time management For me It’s still difficult to plan my time. When do I do what? This leads to stress and insecurity if I’m done with everything that I needed to do. Although I’m always one time before deadlines. What I will do is to make a SMART plan and also stick to it.

2.Good study habits I’m always eager to learn. I do not cut class with no reason. I was not always prepared for class. This is because of the bad time management I got which I discussed already in first point

3. The Ability to Set Attainable Goals It’s for me not too hard to set attainable goals. I’m now more aware of what I can do and what I cannot do. Before I did took too much responsibilities on my plate. I wanted to do so much, I realised that having a busy schedule is not for everyone, I learned to take it easy, sit back sometimes and concentrate on one thing at the time. I saw that when I concentrate one thing at the time I can show more of my full potential.

4. Concentration Personally I can keep my concentration very well. I had some times that is was hard to keep focused in class, this was because of the noise that were made every class which was really annoying sometimes. Of course I cannot blame other people. I took responsibility by asking questions to the teacher if he can repeat or explain more if I feel like that I missed a part from what he was saying during the class.

5. Good Note-Taking I’m very good in note taking yet. I did not took the time to practice note taking. It’s for me also an issue to keep attention and writing at the same time. I did find a group of people in my class with the same aim to get their p this year.

6. Completion of Assignments I did fail for a small part of completing assignments during class. This was because I did spend too much time on one assignment. As I said in the first point where I did discuss that my planning skills are not that good enough yet in my opinion. I do make sure that I’m prepared for class.

7. Review of Daily Notes I do not review my notes regularly. This is because most of the times I did not make notes or the notes that I’ve made are bad. I cannot get a grasp of what we had discuss in class out of my notes most of the times.

8. Organizational Skills I’m an organized person when it come to school. There is one place for all my school supplies at home. Nobody can enter the place nor touch it. This is into make sure that everything stay in place.

9. Motivation IBIS is one of the most exited and toughest course here at in Holland in my opinion. I never worked this hard to make sure that I will pass. This is because I really like the information you can get out of each class. Especially the guests lectures where very inspiring.

10. Commitment There were times that the course really did took his toll. I was not used to make much homework and preparing for serval subjects at the same time. This course is giving me a broader view for the opportunities that are on my way, I’m determined to take every opportunity tis course is providing for me.

Conclusion; Out of my reflection I can say that I have to work on a few things. I’m motivated to finish this course and also committed to each promise that I make to myself. I do need to plan more often and stick to my plan also. Planning should be SMART. I’m aware that too much responsibilities on my plate are stressful especially when your planning skills are bad at the moment. I do need to work on my note taking and also review them regularly.