Project Overview
The Etumrail project consists of three steps, and every step will mean an important progress in Dutch transportation. On
The Current Situation
The current situation on the Dutch infrastructure is quite worrisom. Both motorways and rails are overloaded with cars and trains. This means billions of euros of economical losses each year, annoying delays in traffic jams and slow-running trains and a big
impact on the enviroment. A new vision on Dutch infrastructure is therefore necessary. There are two options to solve this problem. The first solution would be to expand the road network. This could be a good solution if we would forget the impacts on
available space and enviroment. To solve the congestion problems should 20-lane motorways be necessary and this would mean an extremely big demand on the available space, and is therefore not a really smart solution. The second option is to expand the
network for public transport. This is of course not enough; small adaptions in the highway network are also necessary, and this is also mentioned in this plan.
Situation in 2007.
The Situation in 2013