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Chapter 7: The Silver Blood

      Jirair was standing on top of the carriage looking around as if he was the look out for the four of them. He never faultered his view, even if he heard noises from the caverns and bushes around the terrian. It took them until nearly 4:00 PM to arrive at Codoble and it would take them two more hours before they'd make it to Dragomir's cousin's museum. The two goblin guards grinned between each other before they stopped the carriage and jestered for Jirair to wait for them by Dragomir. Both the two guards walked off together laughing under their breath and passing insults about Jirair and the scaley one.
      "Now that we're out of his view," The one that seemed to be more dominant spoke. "If I remember correctly, theres a den here with minotaurs. If we can cause them to charge us, maybe we can charge them to the draconian and the goblin."
      "You mean those," The other guard said as he drew his bow back and closed one eye, taking perfect aim on a minotaur who was now standing with five others of its kind. The minotaurs were standing nine feet tall, weighed a various weights, were humanoid with the only animal trait being hooves for feet and the big bull head. Horns that went from the top of their head up out almost like a crooked V and then the final horn coming out of the bull head's nose. When the other goblin guard let his arrow go soaring towards the minotaur another of the minotaurs snorted and almost as if it was communication the one that was being shot at turned. The snout horn knocked the arrow off course and to the ground. The six minotaurs snorted and the leader of the den, obvious by how he seemed to be rallying them up, leapt up and slammed back down which caused the earth around him to shake. If the goblins were closer, they'd swear it was an earthquake. One last snort out of the minotaur leader and the rest of the minotaurs followed suit, all charging face first towards the attackers. The two goblins share one glance before they laugh.
      "Right on cue," The dominant one said as he turned and pulled the other along with him. "Now to get them confused and attacking the wounded draconian like lord Suk Kwan wishes."

      It took them mere minutes to get back to the carriage and lose the minotaurs behind them but at the same time leave their scent to follow.
      "Whats happens?" Jirair asked as he leapt down off the top of the carriage and in front of the two guards.
      "Minotaurs, we gotta go." The dominant one spoke yet again as he leapt up onto the carriage horse. Then, out of pure shock to Jirair, the other one shot Jirair in the leg with an arrow before he could react.
      "We're on orders, you're to die but only accidentally." The guard said with a laugh as he tossed Dragomir and the bag they had out of the carriage. Jirair was trying to stand but the wounded leg had shocked him and pained him enough to keep him from doing anything productive even though he had three other working limbs. It wasn't until the other goblin guard pointed and laughed, that he even moved towards Dragomir.
      "We gotta go, the minotaurs are coming."
      "Yaa!" The other goblin shouted as he cracked the horse to go faster and just like that the carriage went fast and out of sight. The minotaurs stopped after seeing two others and smelling the blood. They looked in the distance to see some thing, the carriage, going away. Then back at the two. The two were closer and could be better meals. The leader slowly started to walk towards them and snorted very loudly. Jirair grabbed Dragomir and started to tug him with, using his one leg and foot to pull while holding on to him with the other. It wasn't getting him very far but it was at least moving. The leader, who wasn't pleased with them moving, charged towards Jirair only to be throw back into another minotaur. Jirair had closed his eyes and braced himself for the kill when nothing happened, he slowly opened his eyes.
      "Bless Ouallion!" Jirair shouted as he saw above him was a giant ape, about six feet taller than the minotaurs as well as much heavier in weight. The ape leaned back and slammed his fists against his chest and let out an ape's battle cry, charging for the minotaurs. It was a fast battle, two minotaurs down before Jirair even had time to survey the situation. A horn into the shoulder of the ape, another horn in his side. It didn't seem the slow him any. The ape body slammed into one of the four remaining minotaurs, crushing the neck and spine of it. It wasn't evenly matched, each having a slight advantage over the other. The minotaurs by numbers and the ape's was the pure fact he was built so much stronger, more agile and taller than the minotaurs. Once the ape had cleaned the minotaurs out, by force or the pure strength scared them away, he turned to Jirair and the Dragomir. He bent down to face them face to face. His face was the size of their body. The eyes showed something tame within them, so when the ape put his hands out for Dragomir and Jirair to get on. Jirair did just that and pulled Dragomir with him. Jirair pointed in the direction of the historical museum of knowledge,
      "Thanks for the help fellow being!" Jirair shouted up. "We must get to a museum to help nurse Dragomir back to health."

      The ape's hands closed around Dragomir and Jirair to keep them safe without crushing them either but gave him enough movement of his ape hands to use them to run faster towards the direction that Jirair had told him. It wouldn't take him long to get there, he could leapt and go ten times longer than the carriage at normal pace. They'd make it there before night fell at around 9:00 PM.

      "Dieter! You shall never win against me." A man that had a much deeper voice than what his appearance held.
      "Kane!" He mimicked the tone of the man known as Kane, "I've already won."
      Dieter, looking very much how he had in the....memory? Of Dian's body. The blood red pants and tattooed chest very apparent but in this scenario he held flames around his body. While this Kane man was standing three feet off the ground with a katana. Upon further examination, this Kane and Kuno, could seem to be near idenitical in appeal and style. Kane charged towards Dieter only to be blocked and locked in blades with him. They looked each other dead in each others eyes.
      'You shall die Dieter.' Kane thought to himself without thinking that Dieter could read it.
      "Yes, you think it would be true but it isn't." Dieter replied as he kneed him up into the crotch with flames burning at the ranger-like armor of Kane's clothing. They knew it wouldn't last long in a fight where they were. In the middle of a giant volcano which was near eruption already due to Dieter's coaxing. He was trying to ignite it and ruin the land of Dragonis. If he could do it, the dragon's would slowly die out and Kane refused to let that happen but during the heat of the battle. A sapphire blue dragon showed up, flying straight towards Dieter and let off blue streams towards him. It froze Dieter solid in mere seconds and slammed its tail into Dieter making Dieter's iced body crack into a million pieces and a flash glow of a red firey light shot out of the debris. Kane was thankful that Dieter had fallen but at the same time it did pain him to see him gone. Dieter Adler was once a great and highly respected lord to Kane. Kane didn't have much more time to react as the tail of the dragon had clipped a piece of debris that knocked Kane off balance and towards the volcano. Kane went falling towards the end of the volcano. His mind distraught, he wasn't able to focus his powers to stop his body from falling into the pits of the volcano. After a few seconds in the lava, a skeleton hand rose out of the lava and at the tip of the finger was a glowing green light that shot off his finger before the skeleton lowered into the lava.

      Kuno shot up from the bed in a deep sweat from the, nightmare?
      'Fuck, more dreams like that.' Kuno thought to himself. As he got up and went towards the nearest bathroom he could find he splashed water on his face and looked into the mirror.
      'You're losing it boy.' A voice in the back of Kuno's head reminded him.
      'I know, I know.' Kuno thought to himself, back at the voice.
      'You're not Kane, you're not going to burn in the pits of lava.' The voice spoke again, a rather deep voice in his mind.
      'And how might the voice in the back of my head know, when I don't even know!'
      'You can't know, so don't say it is simple.' Kuno thought back to his deep voiced friend.
      'The voice always knows, besides, you aren't the reincarnation of Kane. You may be a descendant of Kane, but not Kane.' The voice replied, the voice was like the angel and devil on his shoulders. Though it was only one. It always seemed to voice when it came to more important matters. Honestly he thought he was partially crazy and never told anyone it. It hadn't even voiced its opinion for a few weeks, so he saw no reason to tell anyone either.
      "'How would you know?'" Kuno thought the reply, but voiced it as well.
      "How would I know what?" A sleepy voice spoke between a yawn as it stretched up.
      "Nothing Berko, I was just talking to myself. I can't sleep." Kuno replied as he started to head for the guest room door. "I'm going to go see what this museum is all about."

      The silver haired draconian was sitting on a chair in his office when a man came to him and spoke in urgency, at least the tone showed that.
      "That body guard is searching the museum. He is currently in the extinction exhibit." The guard said as Etzel smiled, showing he was actually happy the man showed interest in the exhibit. Which only further confused the guard. The museum was currently closed for today due to their vistors, so no man or woman should be searching through the exhibits. Esspecially if he got to the magicial exhibit.
      "Let the boy search for all he wants, actually. Go to him and ask him if he'd like a tour. I'll give the boy one if he wants me to." Etzel said with one finger at the edge of a page, slowly flipping it over to read the next page in his book. The book was very heavy, looked to have at least five hundred pages and when the guard turned to see the title but couldn't Etzel laughed.
      "Frank, you really do not know me, do you?" Etzel asked and when the guards expression just turned even more confused he shook his head. "I mean," He said with a sigh, "if you ask me what I'm reading. I will tell you."
      "Sir, what are you reading?" Frank asked him with a slight pause before doing so. Almost as if he was a kid with his hand caught in the candy jar.
      "I'm reading the history of Aditi Aldana." Etzel said with a smile as he placed a small book mark in his place and closed it, showing the title to the guard which read 'Aditi's Journal.' "It is the last book she wrote before she died. I hear, people believe she has be reincarnated in another draconian historian."
      "Do you believe in reincarnation and Ouallion Daris?" Frank asked with a smile of sincerity. He wasn't sure he did but he hoped it was true. It'd give meaning to life. It'd also explain those rotten darklings.
      "I do," Etzel paused as he put the book up on his shelf, "I believe I'm reincarnation as well. I have many dreams at night of another person's life. All to detailed to seem to be just my imagination. Though I do wonder if it isn't just my historian nature, replying it all of what I read. Though some of it I never read. Now, go see to Kuno Kron, please."
      "Yes sir!" Frank said and saluted him.
      "Frank, call me Etzel. Sir makes me feel old."

      "Mister Kron, Etzel Fleischer has offered for him to give you a full tour around the museum. It'll be Etzel Fleischer's pleasure to give you a tour." Frank annouced with a smile, as he approached Kuno. Kuno was brought out of daydreams by his voice and nearly attacked. His hand tightly on his katana.
      "I'm sorry but honestly I don't trust other worldly beings much. It is no offense to Etzel." Kuno said honestly as he stared at the weapons of the extinct exhibit. It was supposely weapons forged from the jewels of the essences of the race that went extinct due to them attacking the dragons and the dragons taking the 'psionics', as they are called on the description of the case, to extinction. Kuno held his katana up and stared at the jewel in the hilt. It was very similar to what the jewel on the axe behind the case was. Kuno turned to Frank as he was starting to leave.
      "On second thought, I'd like to know more about this exhibit. So yes, I'll take a tour."
      "Okay I'll go tell..." Frank was caught off as he looked back to the door to see Etzel was in the door way.

      "I figured I wouldn't intrude if you didn't want the intruder. May I ask one question before the tour Kuno Kron?" Etzel asked with a sparkle of curiousity in his eyes.
      "You can ask," Kuno said as he shrugged his arms and sheathed his katana back up. "I may not anwser though."
      "What happened that makes you such a dislike for us draconians and dragons? Or any other race besides your human lineage as you have." Etzel took a few steps forward as he placed his hand on the case, he then slowly trailed his finger over to the display case's panel and put in the code. The case rose up and he pulled out the axe.
      "I've never had good travels with anyone but the dwarven people. Others always think they are too hot to trot and honestly, I fucking hate that." Kuno said coldly but it actually seemed he barely even believed his explaination of that. "Why'd you pull it out?"
      "'Cause, you wanted to see it." Etzel said with a smile, his eyes showing he was hiding something as well, it just seemed he knew everything. Even about Kuno, who no one knew about. Which is one reason Kuno didn't like this Etzel Fleischer man....draconian. Etzel rose the axe up into the air and threw it up. It was spinning completely around as it rose almost like a tornado, no, just like one. It shifted and the axe was starting to create a tornado wind, lightning striking around it. Etzel made sure to keep Kuno behind him. As soon as rain started on the small patch where the axe was, Etzel, almost too fast, snatched up the axe and it all stopped.
      "The tale of those jewels are true, just like yours. Around your neck, that is hidden, and the one on your katana. Each jewel has a variation of powers. Theres no way to know until you try it. From the stories, I really do assume you have the gravitakinesis and I'm not sure what else. In layman's terms, it means you have power over gravity. Your jewel probably contains a essence of the soul of one of the psionics. Its said that you can contact that soul somehow, that ones who use them alot, have a connection. Some say they can be taken over if they use it too much. I really don't know which is true and I can't really judge as I've only tested the ones here a few times." Etzel put his hand on Kuno's shoulder and smiled in a sincere way, it showed he meant what he was saying. That he didn't mean to scare him with this or act like he was a know it all. "I'd like to ask you a few questions of your 'essences', if you don't mind. If you do. I understand completely. It just is once in a lifetime sitting to see such a famous user of these jewels."
      "No..." Kuno paused as he watched Etzel. He seemed sincere, he seemed to just be curious. He wasn't going to cut him open or take the jewels away. All these items were owned by Etzel and all the items were legally his to do however he wanted with. A rare collector that displays everything, even demonstrates the more magicial properties of things. He has given a guest room to Berko and Kayin, what is the problem really?
      'Do it,' The deep voice spoke again. It seemed to be very interested lately, seeing as it usually only talked when he was thinking about his dreams.
      'Shut up.' He thought in reply before he continued after a very long pause with Etzel. "Not now, I will do it before tomorrow. I think I'm going to get mo...."
      "ETZEL!" Frank shouted as he came rushing back, having left after Etzel took over. He had gotten the eye of 'I'm fine', so he left. "It's your cousin. He is outside, with a goblin who is frantically say he has to see you and that they are possibly in serious danger. As well as there is a giant ape outside that carried them! It is fucking King Kong!!"
      Etzel rolled his eyes with a sigh. "It is probably just Teagan in another form. (S)he always loves to play tricks on the people. I wonder what happened." With that he rushed towards the entrance, only turning to Kuno to give him his sincere apoligizes for leaving so abruptly but it had to be done. Kuno followed but far away that he wouldn't get in the way or even be in hearing distance of just talking, unless it was shouted.

      "Is he okay?" Jirair asked as he looked up at Etzel with worry in his eyes. Etzel didn't anwser he just lifted up Dragomir in his arms, carried him to the nearest table he could call a makeshift doctor's table and his medical background kicked it. As well as his silver draconian background. Jirair had followed fast but not fast enough as the giant ape moved in front of Jirair and slammed the hand down, with a small glow. The glow started to form down to the hand and then in the shape of a female. The female was dressed in a crimson dress that went down to her knees, crimson high heels and her finger had a wedding ring on it. Her body felt sore all over and under her crimson dress was signs of the fight she had with the minotaurs. She was a shapeshifter and a very powerful one at that, she worked with Etzel. She had been out seeking intel about a recent attack of minotaurs not to far away when she had met Dragomir and Jirair. She knew very well Dragomir was Etzel's cousin from pictures and how similar they looked. They both had that angelic look about them. That nerdy historian look and yet very muscular bodies as if they work out just as much as they read. She knew Etzel did though, she walked in when he was lifting himself up on a bar repeatedly while reading a fictional novel that neice wrote. She was jerked out of her pain when she heard Etzel call for her to help. She came right away to his side and grabbed bandages, antibotics and anything that can help Dragomir. As well as a knife, which she handed hilt end to Etzel. He took the knife and after unbandaging the wounds of Dragomir, which were completely soaking in blood by now, he slit a pin line on his arm and held the knife there to get his blood out into a cup. Once it was half full he pulled the knife away and his slit turned silver tint while seconds later it healed up. He was feeling weak from using so much of his power but he knew his blood was the key here. He poured just enough blood into each major wound and just as Etzel's had, they turned a silver tint glow while they healed up instantly.
      "Ameezzing." Jirair said with his jaw nearly dropping to the floor as he watched the wounds heal up.
      "Don't know much about draconians, do ya day dweller?" Kuno asked as he laughed. He knew well what the draconian's powers were. He even had fought the draconians before and won. Thats one thing he was good at, knowing his opponents. Which is what most opponents didn't know about him.
      "Teagan, are you hurt too?" Etzel asked as he noticed her cringing when she was rebandaging the wounds with fresh bandages. Her shoulder and various other parts of her body were scratched up or wounded. She nodded her head in responce and Etzel cut another slit to fill it again as he had with Dragomir's wounds. He noted Jirair's wound too and before he let the knife go away from his wrist and channel his powers to heal he dropped a bit of the blood on Jirair's arrow wound which closed the wound cleanly.
      "Take the cup Teagan, pour it on the wounds, just enough, it doesn't take much. It'll close the wounds." Etzel would've done it himself but Teagan had decided to be a female shapeshifter, which wasn't so far fetched in his opinion but it was definitely not biologically really. She was born a shapeshifter and everyone knew that shapeshifters were a male only race, just some took on other personalities more. It was even common for some to turn into animals and be talking animals. In his nature, he wouldn't dare ask to check her wounds seeing as some were in spots that would involve her to be nude. Etzel may be intelligent and he may be a man but he was nothing but a gentleman at heart. He was one of the older, possibly oldest, draconians that are well known.

      Teagan took the cup and nodded her thanks as she headed into the next room. When she left the room he turned to Kuno. Kuno was already shaking his head 'no,' knowing very well what Etzel was going to ask.
      "We have to," Etzel paused as he went to the top of the table and placed his hands on Dragomir's upper hand. "You take the bottom half, we gotta get him to a bed. He lost alot of blood, but he should be just fine in a few hours."
      "Why not the goblin boy?" Kuno asked through gritted teeth as he walked over and lifted Dragomir up by the legs and Etzel did the upper half. Together they got him to a bedroom and in bed within minutes. Tucked in and Jirair said he would keep watch after a long rehash about what happened with them. Etzel and Kuno headed to another room, which Teagan had now entered as well.
      "Suk Kwan wanted him dead?" Etzel stated outloud, not really a question but Kuno ended up anwsering it anyways.
      "If thats the case, it is very unlikely he is the one that wants it to be done. It is most likely Bora Kaminski that ordered that done. Why kill a draconian who is doing research?" He asked, yet another one of those questions not to be anwsered. It seemed the two had pushed their differences aside and were now actually talking equally.
      "I think," Etzel said as he tapped his lips with his index finger. "Bora must fear Dragomir's strength in the arena, must fear here is going to uncover something in his research since he has permission to do research everywhere or it may actually just be the goblins but I agree I think it is Bora." Etzel ended the statement with.

      'I just woke up, I'm at my cousin's museum home. Jirair just left to get Etzel, my cousin, here to check me over. I feel rather weak and I don't honestly plan to get out of bed anytime soon. The battle was fierce and incredible. I never felt anything so intense but at the same time, I'll never do it again. The drug took all my human senses away and made me a feral draconian. I killed a man, I felt everything afterwards. Heard Jirair leapt to my aid. I was screaming in my mind to get ahold of my senses but nothing worked. I was on pure feral instincts and I'm wanting to be like Aditi Aldana, a historian. One who is remembered through his or her books. Not one who killed the best goblin in Gobilis, Rage was his name. He was pure feral and I honestly assume he was like that most every single day, without the drug. He took too much of it, too often. I'm sore but luckly Etzel is a silver draconian and his blood healed all my wounds, at least closed them. I'm still weak from blood loss. Oh, here comes Etzel and his assistant, Teagan. A shapeshifter, turned female shapeshifter. She's a polite lady from what my cousin tells me. Strong and I may actually interview her later if she doesn't mind it. I'd love to get to know more of what she does for my cousin here and how her race ticks. It'll be a great additon to my book, I want to gather information of all races.' Dragomir hit the pen down and made the period to close the last sentence of his book. Just as Etzel, Jirair, Kuno and Teagan entered the room. Etzel and Jirair first, Kuno last and Teagan inbetween.

      "We're here..." Dieter said with a smile. "I'll stay behind while you talk to Etzel, get as much information of Darklings and where the book is. If he won't let you read it. I'll then take over and steal it."
      "Yes sir." Egon said as he cracked the ropes on the horse to ride forward towards the gates of the museum.

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