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Chapter 6: The Museum

      Dragomir approached the goblin lord, Suk, and as he was close enough to him, Dragomir bowed in respect. His arm down and then crossed back with his fist over his heart. He was positioned down on his right knee with his other up and his foot placed firmly next to his knee. Suk stepped forward with his hand out, moving it to Dragomir's chin and lifting his gaze to meet his own.
      "Rise, young one. It is only right I ask you what my own kind gets asked. In the event of your death, is there anyone we can give your things to?" Suk asked in a tone that showed he was all business, showing no signs of actual care or concern.
      "Yes, Etzel Fleischer, he is my cousin. He owns the major historical museum in the Codoble province." Dragomir anwsered as he rose from his bowed position. Jirair hanging on every word, writing it all down for use after the fight. It wasn't that Jirair thought Dragomir would fall to Rage. Jirair shook his head, okay, he did think Dragomir would fall to Rage. He just hoped he was wrong. Though he'd make sure all his wishes were fulfilled.
      "Ah, a famous cousin, at that," Suk turned and started to walk through the doors to return to his podium. Two goblin guards following him out as if they had to protect him. Suk was one to not fight but he could if he had to. Suk's voice rose to Jirair's ears before he was completely out of sight, "Get Mr. Kasun ready for the fight, will you?"
      Jirair leapt up two feet higher than Dragomir's height, which wasn't an easy task seeing as Jirair was slouched over and at least half the height of Dragomir. The goblins were very agile, great climbers and jumpers though so it wasn't such a hard task to them, anyone else looking it'd be near impossible. "Yes sir!" Jirair let the words escape from his mouth even though Suk Kwan was long gone.

      "Follow me, Dragomir, in the next room are the weapons you can pick from." Jirair said as he drug Dragomir into the next room without hesitation. Jirair was passed being excited, he was hyped up as if he was the one going to fight. Dragomir couldn't help but wonder if Jirair was trying to prove something with the goblin lord by helping Dragomir win.
      "When I go in to fight," Dragomir adjusted his glasses as Jirair had stopped dragging him and he could finally adjust himself. "Will you hold my belongings and if something..."
      "Should happen to you?" Jirair interupted as he noticed Dragomir's pause and could only assume.
      "Indeed, if something should happen to me," He paused again but this time as he bent down to pick up a longsword that he heaved up. It was too big to be weilded by one hand, "tell Etzel the news of my death, give him my belongings and tell him to tell my mother. Excuse my rudeness," Dragomir put the longsword back and pulled his glasses off to clean them, "you do know that only Draconians are allowed into Dragonis? I assume so but I don't think my mother would appreciate a goblin coming into Dragonis, even for this."
      "Mes knows," Jirair leapt up onto a door of one of the weapon cases and swung it open with his foot and pulled down a case with ranged weaponry in it, "if you rather go ranged this would do well in a fight if you could aim."
      "My sight would most likely make me miss such a thing," Dragomir smiled as he placed the glasses back on his face, resting the earbuds where they belonged as well as pushing the glasses closer to his face as he took longsword again. This one alot lighter but obviously less durable.
      "Hurry, Suk will be waiting. We need to get you a weapon and train you on the V-Aguja and the powder and get you out there before the timer goes off and..." Jirair was holding the V-Aguja in his hand, the powder in the other and seemingly frantic all of the sudden. He was, however, cut off by Dragomir.
      "Jirair, I'll be prepared in time and his majesty shall be pleased. Besides," Dragomir said as he adjusted a sheath to his waist and picked up yet another longsword. This new longsword was easy to weild as well as it was very durable, "I've already picked my weapon."
      "Good! Good!" Jirair shouted as he rushed over Dragomir, started to explain how to use it as well as demonstrating it without actually injecting himself. Dragomir held his glasses and watched intently after sheathing the longsword.
      "You take this and fill the bottom with the powder, like so. Then you take it, flip it and impale your vein with the needle. Once it is in the vein, pull this little lever and it'll inject the herb into your bloodstream." Jirair finished as the powder hit the floor when Jirair hit the lever. Dragomir didn't take but seconds to nod his head in understanding.
      "I understand," Dragomir confirmed as he took his glasses off and placed everything in his own bag, handing it to Jirair. Jirair in turn grabbed the bag gently while dropping the V-Aguja and bottle of powder into Dragomir's other hand.
      "You can trusts me, Mister Kasun." Jirair held the bag so close but gently that at first Dragomir was slightly worried Jirair would crush his glasses. Though seeing it was a gentle grip he eased. Jirair did look as if he'd die to protect the bag and give the message if that message would have to be relayed to Etzel.
      "I have complete faith in you. You're a great...goblin...and will no doubt, not let my faith down." Dragomir smiled as he turned to the gate and stepped through it, only to turn back to see Jirair shut it and chain it. It was pure precaution, soon as he took the Goubalon powder he would react to it. Possibly even injure a guard like the lions had. The Goubalon leaf was very unpredictable.
      Dragomir opened the cap off the bottom of the V-Aguja and tipped the powder bottle to pour it into and filling the base up. He then proceeded to locate his vein, like a medical dunce, he first tried to locate a good vein. Not successful with that he proceeded to think back to his medical background and tore a piece of cloth, tying it around his arm. Once the vein was located he sent a sharp shard of ice cutting the cloth from a tear drop he had. It was due to his eyes being slightly effected, he had focused too much and the eye was watering just the slightest but that gave him an advantage in it. He finally plunged the V-Aguja into the vein, gritting his teeth from the sting of the needle. His thumb flicked the lever on the side of the base which caused the slit that seperated the powder from the needle to open up. The lever also triggered the bottom of the base to push down to that slit with enough force to push all the powder out and into his vein. As well as his bloodstream.

      "In the one corner we have our new comer, Dragomir Kasun. A draconian journalist. In the other corner, we have our returning champion. The undefeated," Suk smiled at the roar of the crowd as he paused. They hadn't made any jester when he mentioned Dragomir, they were all hyped up for Rage. Actually there was one that did but his roar was merely nothing in comparison. Jirair had climbed up to the crowd with Dragomir's bag to watch the fight. "RAGE!" Suk finally finished with a loud shout on the horn, that shout just caused more of a roar in the crowd.
      The crowd went dead silent when Rage busted straight out of the gates into the colosseum. Rage had his axe in one hand with a chain wrapped around his arm and was swinging wildly around, bloodlust wanting to kill. He only had armor for pants and his eyes were blood red, no white. Rage let out a unhumanly roar as his eyes locked onto the other gate that was just starting to rise. A sapphire blue what all the young goblins thought were demon came out of the gate where Dragomir should've came out of. A scaled demon at that, the whole body was of blue scales with a tan underbelly. It stood up right like a human but stood at least five feet or higher than Rage. It had wings like a mix between those of a bat and those of scales. The wings however as soon as it came out iced over and seemed to form into the body as they closed around its body. It lifted its head up into the air, that seemed to be a mix between a humanoid and a lizard's head, and let out a very lengthy burst of blue streams. The goblins were in a uproar at the event but most would assume that they are flames, they were streams of a very cold breath.
      "So he isn't just a journalist, he actually has some strengths," Suk said up on his pedastal as he turned to the guard next to him, "Get the medical herbs here, they are going to both need it, if one doesn't die."
      The new found blue demon was indeed Dragomir and his eyes, usually of the purest blue were now the darkest red and showing absolutely no emotion.
      'What am I doing? I can't control it! The...rage....kill him!'
      Dragomir slouched down on all four and started to run towards Rage with such speed and force he slammed directly into his body, before he got to him, Dragomir had extended icicles on his head like horns. Rage reacted fast enough and savage enough that he cut one of the iced horns off but the other had impaled his shoulder only to be ripped off while still in his body. Rage leapted up and landed down on Dragomir's back, wrapping a chain he had his axe attached to around Dragomir's neck and pulled. Dragomir jerked back trying to shake Rage off his back. With such speeds again, Dragomir ran towards the colosseum's walls with the chain around his neck, choking him. At a sudden stop Rage jerked forward a bit but held on to the chains only to be slammed into the colosseum walls with such force one of the goblin watchers above nearly fell into the pit. Another watcher even slammed his hand into the goblin watcher's hand trying to knock him off the edge with no success. Then another thud came as Dragomir's claw came straight into the shoulder with the icicle in it, ripped it clean out and blood dripped down onto the floor. Rage let out a loud roar but it wasn't a roar of pain it was a war cry. Rage slammed the axe down on Dragomir's clawed hand, leaving a huge gash on it. Rage slammed his knee up into Dragomir's chin and a bone crack could be heard, followed by another roar from Rage as teeth bit down onto the knee but only gripping with the top jaw. The fight was going so fast it seemed the crowd was barely keeping up and barely aware that it was still able to go on. Both competitors had already had sufficent damage to be in the quitters group. Neither did though due to the Goubalon that was numbing all the pain while keeping them both going strong.

      "Mister Kasun has a broke jawed!" Jirair shouted in worry as he saw Rage's wounds and Dragomir's wounds. He was judging which was worse and honestly as it stood he thought Rage's was the worst. Dragomir was bigger, stronger but less trained in battle as far as he could see. Rage was shorter, more trained in battle and currently he had the shoulder wounds and his knee was bleeding fast from the draconian's teeth. Dragomir had a few broken bones in his jaw and the wound on his hand. Jirair was knocked backwards as Rage was thrown straight into the colosseum walls which sent such a shockwave through the upper seats that he couldn't help but fall.
      Dragomir snarled with an obviously broken jaw by how it seemed to not move but half of what the top jaw was doing. He couldn't help but let out a roar which set streams of blue towards Rage. Rage without thinking, which he did even out of the pit, threw his chain towards Dragomir's jaw. The blue streams froze the chains solid, causing them to drop to the ground and break under Dragomir's heavy claws. Rage went running at full force towards Dragomir with the axe. Dragomir's eyes seemed to die down in redness and his might shouted to him.
      'STOP IT! STOP IT NOW! DON'T KILL HIM!' His conscious shouted at himself.
      'No, he dies.' His rage got the better of him. The rage in him from the Goubalon had been controlling him from the start. It was a feeling he never felt before and he didn't like it. He'd never do it again if he made it out of this.
      Dragomir rose his claw up into the air and waited to bring it down on Rage in a heavy thud but before it could the axe impaled the underbelly of Dragomir and was frozen into the wound. The iced over blood refusing to let go of the axe. Dragomir stepped back on his feet, his front claws staggering up with him. It hit in a location that Jirair could only assume was his heart from the reaction. It looked as if it was the death blow. The crowd roared in antipication, was this the end? Was Dragomir dead? Would Rage beat the strongest opponent he has ever dealt with? That was all anwsered when Dragomir's eyes seemed to grow colder. He opened his wounded jaws and raised his claw again, all at once he slammed them down. The jaw ripping into his shoulder, even with the lower jaw wounded the rest of the jaw went strong. The claw slammed into Rage's gut and twisted to the point Rage's eyes went normal, the pain breaking the last of the Goubalon in his body. The battle that seemed to have raged on for ages, went on for mere minutes. Dragomir stood back on his back draconian claws and roared. Rage dropping to the ground, as far as anyone could see, lifeless. They couldn't risk going in while Dragomir was ready but that didn't last long as wings seemed to mold out of ice and thin air. The wings started to flap only to have Dragomir roar in pain instead of victory. The Goubalon stopping work on Dragomir as well and the pain making him fly up two feet only to fall face first down into the ground. Dragomir's dragon body slowly started to change back to his human form. The axe had dropped from the wound but the wound was bleeding now instead of being closed by ice. The scar on his one hand evident while the jaw was bruised and obviously through just as much abuse.
      "Momma! Look! A boy with no pants!" A goblin in the crowd, obviously younger, shouted as he pointed towards Dragomir. That was true, when he had changed in such a rage his armor hadn't formed into scales but ripped right through the armor. His clothes were torn straight through like a knife through hot butter.

      Jirair without thinking grabbed the edge of the colosseum and leapt down onto the pillar, then onto the ground, rushing over towards Dragomir. Jirair pulled out a blanket in his bag and threw it over Dragomir, then turned to look at Suk. Suk nodded his head and goblin colosseum guards rushed into the pit with Harioon Freeze powder in the V-Agujas they carried as well as bandages. Another two rushed in with a moving bed, two wood planks at each side that the guards took each of them in their hands. The middle held durable clothes that wouldn't rip with a weight up to three hundred pounds. They took Rage and put him on the bed, put a blanket over them and looked up to Suk. The two guards shook their head and it showed in their shake that they meant he was dead.
      "Dragomir is still alive, dying no doubt, but alive. Dragomir is the winner and he shall be remembered in death or life that he beat our greatest champion. Rage shall be remembered always and shall be placed in our own hall of fame. His axe shall be the plaque." Suk spoke loudly through a horn to annouce his voice all across the colosseum. The voice was booming with the horn. He waited as Jirair looked up at him again and seemed to be waiting for an anwser. An anwser that Suk gave, "I shall be putting Jirair in charge of traveling to Codoble's province with Dragomir's body, whether it die or survive. Jirair will be accompanied with two goblin guards. They will go to the Historical Museum of Knowledge there. We most likely will never see another fight from this man."
      Jirair felt chills down his spine. Suk seemed to be alot crueler currently to him then what he assumed he would be about all of this. Jirair could only think it was because he lost Rage to an outsider. Rage had been a great warrior for the Gobilis province. The whole province would miss him but Jirair was more concerned of the living. Dragomir was administered with the pain killer and bandaged up but his pulse was very faint. Two guards, heavily armed, entered the colosseum and lifted Dragomir up by his under arms. They would carry him to the carriage, Jirair following at their ankles. Suk stepped down into the room between the stairs down from the colosseum and the pedastal balcony.
      "Should we worry about him?" A very handsome man in the shadows of the room spoke.
      "If he lives," Suk replied with a tone that showed he didn't think he would, "you may have to worry. He is a strong fighter when his potentional is maxed out. Just imagine if he actually trained."
      "He better die on the road." The man replied coldly.
      "I told the guards to get rid of him once they got into Codoble, make it look like an accident. Though I doubt he'll live that far. He is heavily wounded and we only numbed the pain, as well as putting minor bandages on it."
      "My king would be very displeased," The man in the shadows pulled out a small dagger and started to pick at his nails as if he was trying to make a point, "if you don't succeed."

      "Berko," Kuno laughed as he patted him on the back before continuing, "Did you really think I'd die?"
      "Never crossed my mind." Berko said as he turned to the museum.
      "Thats where we're to stay the night?" Kuno asked as he leapt back up on his black mare.
      "Etzel is supposely the one we're to speak to, he'll give us room and board. Then by tomorrow morning we can head to the middle of Codoble to meet their leader." Berko anwsered with all honesty. Though Berko was wondering why they had to stay the day here, he could only assume the king was busy with some special royalty business. A man in silver clothing that shined of noble blood, or at least rich with Ouals blood. The hair was medium length, not hitting his shoulders but long enough to be obvious he didn't cut it anytime recent. The color was silverish white color and his eyes were brown and showed intelligent beyond his years.
      "You must be Berko the smith, his wife," The man stopped a moment to take the lady dwarf by her hand and kiss it, "and you must be the famous Kuno Kron. The great body guard of his. I'm most pleased to meet you."
      "It isn't likewise." Kuno said coldly. He didn't like being put into the spotlight and he showed it with his tone.
      "Ah, the long wolf type. I hadn't forgotten that but I was hoping I could get to know if you really can control gravity or not. A man who can control gravity would be impressive no matter what lineage he came from. Though I believe if I did my homework right, you're from royal blood are you not?" The man asked as he opened the door to the museum and ushered them both in.
      "Yes I am, but I really don't see the concern of that to be honest." Kuno said as he was rather shocked the man knew so much about himself. Not even Berko knew he came from royal blood, nor most knew his last name.
      "Excuse my manners," The man bowed, "I'm Etzel Flesicher, owner of this fine museum. I take pleasure in knowing the backgrounds of any vistors to this fine museum. I've had too many people say they are someone and try to bust into this museum, just to steal one of the antiques here. It is rather disturbing that crime has come to that. To steal such rare and priceless things from a Draconian museum none the less! The thieves must be purely insane to try to wage a war with the Dragonis province. You do know that all the Draconian's museums are allowed one guardian? My aunt, a ice dragon, is my guardian. If anyone ever stole from this museum I could call her and she'd hunt them down. It isn't often you see a dragon out of Dragonis. I think the last dated time was about twenty years ago, give or take a couple years."
      "If you're done spouting off useless trivia, I'd really like to get some rest. It was a long night." Kuno said coldly again. He didn't know why but something about Etzel bothered him. The knowledge was probably the cause. He hated when his enemy or ally knew so much more about everything, and more importantly, him.
      "Kuno!" Berko shouted to show he meant be nicer. "I'm sorry for Kuno, I honestly do not know why he'd be bothered. We'll go get some rest and be out of your hair by tomorrow morning."

      "You really don't know how much I miss watching that sunrise," Egon said with a sad sigh.
      "Will this Etzel person let us see the book or will we have to use force?" Dieter asked, always straight to business. They both had taken camp, as soon as the sun started to rise, in an abandoned hunter's hut. The only windows Dieter had boarded up. Dieter needed Egon more than Egon could ever know. Draconian to Draconian it was possible he may get something out of Etzel but human, esspecially if he let off his real nature to him, he stood no chance to get it out of him.
      "Not likely," Egon let out yet another sad sigh, "We'll most likely have to fight our way into the museum and fight our way out with the book. Promise me one thing," Egon said as he stared into Dieter's eyes with nothing but utmost certainity. Dieter nodded his head in responce and Egon then continued, "we kill no one."
      "Of course," Dieter didn't hesitate but he knew very well he'd kill anyone and everyone that got in his way. He had no cares for them and didn't honestly care about Egon. He just needed his knowledge while he was searching for the jewels. If one was in the Darklings den then there would be six others he'd have to locate. Then he'd have a complete set of all his jewels, his essence. He'd be at full power and no one could stop him. Thats all he could think of and thats all he cared about.
      'That', he thought to himself, 'and of course Cordula. Afterall, what king is a king without a queen.'
      "Lets get some rest, we got nearly seven hours or more yet before sunset. We need to be well rested for tonight's rush to the museum, thievery and then rush out. We'll go the polite way first, then my way. Egon you are a Draconian so I'll let you do the talking first."
      Egon just nodded in responce and layed down on the bed in the small hut. Dieter leaned against the wall and closed his eyes. 'If only he knew how much of a fool he is and how much I've been using him.'

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