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Chapter 5: The Colosseum

      A horse's hooves can be heard hitting hard against the dirt road, off in the distance there can also be heard even more horses giving chase. The horse was a black with a familiar rider. It was Kuno who was now being chased by human riders. Kuno had previously met up with Berko and Kayin, they were safe and carrying the oxten as well as their horses out of Draelta. Kuno explained that what he heard was not that these men were knights for the king of Draelta but that they were bandits pretending to be knights. These 'knights' were now chasing him and Kuno made sure they were distracted by him to leave the dwarven couple alone. Afterall, Kuno is a human and the human race has an alliance with the dwarves. They do business together, so the proposal with the human bandits were not such a long shot from being real. Kuno ducked into a forest, one of the near only forests in Draelta and grabbed a branch, flipping up into the tree. The horse kept on going, not even missing one beat from its master getting off of it and into the tree. The other horses came rushing by and when two of them passed under the tree, thats when he struck. Kuno flipped down with two daggers and slammed them into the chests of the two bandit riders. The other four horses continued on until they heard the screams, which is when two of them kept going and two went back. They could hear the hooves of Kuno's horse but could also hear the screams of their men so they split up evenly. It made the only sense. If the horse was with Kuno then they'd lose them going back. If their men were injured by Kuno or another they may lose those men. Kuno flipped himself back up and into the tree. When the other human riders came through, Kuno leapt to another tree and threw a dagger he had plunged into the human's heart before at the human's head. It was rather bad day for him to forget his helmet.
      "Stop! In the name of the king of Draelta!" The only remaining one shouted out to Kuno as he saw the dagger go into his companion's head. At least, he was the only remaining one that was mounted here.
      "The day I give in to such bandits who use the king's name in vain, is the day that I'm dead." Kuno replied with a show of disgust in his tone as he drew his katana. "If you wish to fight for my head, then do so. Your companions died by false hope that they were more cunning then me. Shall you die by false hope that you are stronger than me?"
      "So be it, commoner." The man said as he leapt off his horse and drew his blade. "I'll strike you down here and take your Ouals as compensation for the king."
      "More like for your own gain but then, you have to be able to beat me for that and tonight is the day you die." Kuno replied as he lunged towards him and their blades collided with a clash. There were sparks from the blades as each time they clashed. It seemed they were rather evenly matched until the human bandit pulled out a dagger to slash at Kuno, as well as his own blade. Kuno quickly recovered and laughed, almost as if he had seen it coming.
      "When you are evenly matched, you pull out a dagger to try to gain the upperhand? In a sword fight?" Kuno just scoffed at him as he smiled. "Then I shall pull out my own upperhand, which you are going to wish you didn't make me do."
      Kuno pulled his blade in front of him as a shield, the hilt started to glow a bright color from where the jewel was in. The man's dagger started to float right out of his hand and then rushed up into the sky and out of sight. Then almost as if gravity itself changed, the bandit slammed back into a tree and before he could react Kuno's blade was in his neck. The bandit died within seconds of the blade connecting. The glow on the blade stopped as soon as he pulled it out of the bandit. Kuno put his hand out and within seconds of the glowing stopping the dagger fell down into Kuno's hand.

      The two human riders had cornered the black horse against a mountain pass that was unclimbable by a horse and barely climbable by those even well equiped to scale mountains. The one human rider pulled his bow back and shot, the arrow was a mere inche from piercing the horse who arched back at it. Thats when it stopped and hit the ground hard, snapping in two.
      "Do not harm my horse." Kuno's words hinted with a threat to them as the human riders turned to see Kuno on one of the horses from the four fallen humans. Kuno leapt off the horse and drew his katana which had just died down from glowing at the hilt. The horse he rode in on had ran off as soon as Kuno left its mount.
      "Why not?" The horse archer spoke as the other one gathered his blade in hand and ready for an attack. Two against one gave them an advantage that they were no doubt going to take, Kuno expected that much.
      "Because if you don't, I'm going to kill you both." Kuno spoke in a cold tone as he charged towards the human riders whose horses rose up on their back hooves and gave him an opening to get to his horse. Kuno quickly leapt up and mounted onto his horse.
      "Now that we are on even terms, lets have a bit of a fight." Kuno snickered as he pushed his horse to charge. Kuno and his black mare went right between the other two riders but without hesitating Kuno's dagger blocked the sword of the one and his sword slashed against the archer's throat. No longer was that archer shooting. Kuno was kind but ruthless. He knew what he had to do and did it. He grew up that way and always would be that way. He is far older than his twenty year old appearance claims to be. Kuno, however, had saw enough bloodshed that day. He scared the horse to knock the man off and while the man was gathering his barings, Kuno rode off. Kuno was to meet up with Berko and Kayin in Codoble. There was a business of daggers to be held in their capital.

      At 12am and on that of Mondaria was when that of Jirair returned to Dragomir who had remained sitting on the edge of the bed or standing during the time he was there in that dark cavern. It was morning now and time to visit the arena. They'd need to go early to get good seats. It was on the mountain not far from where they were. It was actually just two leapts over, two mountains over that is. Though to the goblins it was rather quick of a journey.
      "Dragomir, time to go. The arena waits for no man or beast." Jirair said as he leapt up and grabbed a rock to hold on to, flipping his body weight up and grabbing another with his foot, his free hand he grabbed out a bag with ropes and a 'blade' attached to it. He then dropped down and dug into a cabinet, pulling out what looked to be a needle and a powdery substance in a bottle. He shoved it all in the bag and turned to Dragomir who was just now standing and gathering his belongings.
      "Lead the way as fast as you wish. I shall follow, thank you for your kindness Jirair. I do know my kind is not welcome much here do to the pure fact that we were once strong enemies of your ally. It is nice to know that not all hold that grudge against our kind." Dragomir explained in a true tone as he followed Jirair as he quickly ran towards the entrance with a candle for Dragomir to follow.
      "Me really don't care for such things, war is fun but not fun during off time. War is work and during off hours me perfer to watch the goblin arena or guide young draconians on a scholar mission. Me has done that a few times, you're not the first." Jirair shouted back as he got outside the cavern and went to the edge of the mountain. Without hesitating he threw the rope with the blade which hooked into the other mountain. Jirair leapt out onto the middle of the rope after tying it down to a rock and climbed over with all but his left hand. Jirair got up onto the other mountain and turned back to Dragomir and waved him over.
      "Come on slowpoke, we've got one more mountain to go before we can go to the arena." Jirair shouted over as he continued to wave for Dragomir who slowly walked his way on the rope as if it was his life threatening. Dragomir looked down and as soon as he had, he lost balance. Dragomir was falling down fast, the mountain was at least one hundred feet above ground if not much higher. Jirair panicked as he slammed his feet down. Jirair knew that draconians were not to be messed with and knew that some could fly but not all. Not all and they needed training too. Though before Jirair could estimate if it was dangerous or if he was safe, Dragomir rose up with wings flapping fast. Dragomir's wings were a thick leather-like texture with icicles on the tips of each wing, top and bottom. Dragomir's golden chestplate had two slits on the back where his wings had came out of, whether they were there before or not, only Dragomir knows of that.
      "I think I'll fly while you climb, never been a good climber." Dragomir said with a tone that showed he was making a joke but being serious at the same time. Jirair just laughed and took out a second rope and rushed over to the edge of the second mountain. The rope was thrown fast over to the final mountain which would lead up to the arena. The goblin leapt out to the middle of the rope and traveled to the other mountain as fast as he had the first one. Dragomir circling above but he landed fast as he knew this was the final mountain.
      "Up the stairs Dragomir, up the stairs we shall go which will lead to the arena seats." Jirair said as he quickly rushed up the stairs and at a split in the mountain's stairs they stopped just for a moment. Dragomir, however, went up the right set of stairs or started to before being pulled back by Jirair.
      "Do not go up those unless you wish to fight Dragomir Kasun, thats where the contenders go. We go up this set of stairs to the seats. The arena is booked until after The Morning Hour. We can't go as contenders." Jirair tugged Dragomir with him as he rushed up the left set of stairs. Thats when they got to big stone gates which led to more stairs which led into the arena's seats. It was a big colosseum, it was pushing the limits of the mountain but they had specifically built and chiseled the mountain to make sure it fit everything possible for such games. Jirair pulled Dragomir to a seat right out front, there was more there as well cheering on and getting impatience for the execution. Indeed it was an execution for a criminal that would be so seen as one, would go into the colosseum with no weapons or armor and be faced with a beast that was very well kept for fighting and very hungry. They specifically bred lions to be violent and fighters. Most kept lions as pets, lions were always tame unless bred to fight.

      Jirair had explained the first person to be thrown into the pit and the ways of the colosseum's pit. The first to enter the pit was a criminal from the elven land. It was a dwarf who had killed an elven pure blood and took the blade the elf had. It wasn't sure why he did it but thats what the king had reported to Suk Kwan and thats what he believed. Suk Kwan was standing on a pedestel up from the rest of the seats. He spoke in a loud voice with a horn to even make it louder.
      "The first to enter the pit is a dwarf who has wronged our fellow ally, King Bora Kaminski. He shall be facing your favorite homeland special. The Mane twins." Suk Kwan pointed down as the big gate on the left side of the colosseum opened up to reveal a young dwarf who was dressed in nothing but a pair of pants only seen on a peasant. The rest of his body was completely bare. No weapons either. It was obvious this execution was exactly that, an execution. The goblin guards who were on the other entrance to the colosseum's contender grounds pushed the lion's metal cage up tight to the bars of the gate, latching the cage's gate onto the colosseum's gate. They then proceeded to take the spears but these spears had the same needle syringe at the tip with a stick that could be triggered similar to a scissors to inject that which was inside the needle. The goblin guards stuck the 'spears' into the two raging lions inside the metal cage. Only the one goblin guard got away with finishing his job without being attacked the other as soon as he injected the lion he had his hand bit and pulled through the bars. The goblin's hand was ripping clean off, leaving only partial bones and flesh in stub which was once his hand. The lions fought over the hand until they got it bit right to split it in half. The goblin guards got outside the contender's area and pulled down the outer gate so that the lions could not escape the colosseum once the gates that held them now were released.
      "We're good to go!" The goblin guard shouted up as the other took the same type of needle and slammed it into his wrist. Soon as it was all injected into the wound his mind eased and his pain seemed to ease as well. This needle had something different in it though, a pain killer known as the Harioon Freeze. It sends every part of your body almost ice cold numb but it makes any pain go away. It has no true side effects as long as it is taken in small doses and is not used when one could gain serious injuries, seeing as they would not notice they even got the injury.

      The colosseum gate rose which in turn rose the lions' gates. Both lions looked up after their very small feast. They seemed to act as if it was expected for them to go out of the cages, it was just another days work. They slowly walked out of the cage and looked at their next meal. The Dwarf was terrified as this was a slaughter and not a fight. If he at least had his axe he could have possibly killed them or at least one. He might as well not have had his pants for how much protection they gave. As soon as they had truly spotted their meal, the two rushed at a fast speed that not even he could dodge if he saw it coming. The lions pounced him quickly, the more dominant male had taken the kill with a fierce bite to the neck while the other ripped an arm clear off. It was a brutal sight and it made Dragomir cringe as he watched it. They were watching the feast as well. The lions had been eating the dwarf in their sight. They were a savage group, at least the dwarf had died fast for he then did not feel the pain of what would've been the most painful thing for anyone to feel. The goblins around, including even Jirair, were cheering strong and letting off what could only be described as battle cries. When what was left of the dwarf glowed and vanished the lions weren't very startled but angry their meal had vanished. They circled the colosseum, refusing to go back into their cage.
      "Send in the tamers, and tell them not to hesitate for if they do that, they shall be the lion's lunch. They are still on the drug." Suk Kwan told a guard next to him, that guard quickly went down and went to tell the tamers. It took near seconds for them to gather the tamers and the outer gate goes up, the tamers inside and then closed. Then thats when the second round of fun goes on, the tamers would be released into the colosseum with fierce lions, these lions commonly refered to as the Mane twins. They were male lions, brothers and the fiercest of all the lions they have ever bred. That is why they only bring the Mane twins out when theres a criminal to be taken care of. The other lions have been known to lose, even to an unarmed criminal. The tamers cracked their whips at the twins and the twins slowly backed away, heading towards the cage. The whips continued to crack furiously at the lions. The lions gave a look to each other before they roared loudly and went barreling towards the goblin tamers. One each for them. The older and more dominant brother of the lions was taking crack after crack from the whip, scratches that started to bleed even but it didn't slow him down. The lion seemed as if nothing would but death. It lunged on top of the tamer and dug its claws deep into the neck before draging the body back to the cage fast where it feasted on the goblin tamer. The younger lion brother also stopped and roared out, whimpering lightly as the drug stopped. The other goblin tamer cracked it at the younger lion and he went back to the cage with a limp. The other lion roared lightly as the pain struck him too. Though the older one could take the wounds far more than that of the younger one and that was good seeing as he had alot more wounds. The gate slammed shut and the mane twins were in the cage once more.

      "The next up is our famous goblin warrior, the goblin gladitor known only as Rage." Suk Kwan annouced before he shouted once more on the horn.
      "He needs a contender, and we have a guest in our colosseum. A scholar of the draconian race known as Dragomir Kasun. He wishes to know of our kind as well as ways. He is on a journey to gather knowledge of history and write his own journeys down. If Mister Kasun wishes to join this match, he may. We give ten minutes for his decision before we put in another new comer to fight our champion known as Rage. Jirair, please do explain the difference between an execution and a battle match. Oh and an added rule since he is a draconian, no flying allowed." Suk Kwan offered to Dragomir Kasun as he stood up and went down some stairs and out of sight.

      "Dragomir, the rules are very simple you fight until death, or until your opponent gets you near death and gives you a sparing life. Which is just a fancy way to say he spares your life. Me never seen that with Rage though, Rage is brutal. He uses the Goubalon Leaf drug that they inject into the lions. It makes you stronger, numb to pain and nothing but a brute. It almost forces you into a bloodlust if injected into your veins. The needle me brought with the powder in the bottle? That's the injector and the drug. Me knew Suk was going to offer you to experience the fight but even if you didn't accept me could have it incase you wanted to see what it was like. In a battle match you are armed with a weapon as well as armor. The drug is optional but gives you an edge. Me think you really should take it, if nothing else just for the advantage. It is your first and near only battle in such a fierce one and Rage has had many under his belt." Jirair explained nearly all at once without even taking a breath.
      "I'll do it and for the fact I need the edge and it'd be interesting to experience the drug's effects and all to see how it would work. Though I must ask. Does it have any after effects?" Dragomir asked as he adjusted his glasses. The whole time he was talking he was writing down about his journey so far into this colosseum.
      "During it makes you more of a bloodlustor, afterwards, there is not one need for it. Nor does it do anything as long as you don't constantly take it. Me know it only effects you if you have it constantly like Rage does. Rage is more brutish off the colosseum even." Jirair said with a smile as he pulled Dragomir along and down the steps, heading back for the split in the stairways.

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