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Chapter 4: Enter Kuno and Jirair

      I'm finding this idea of reincarnation more appealing by the minute. If elementals truly are reincarnated then they have to be done differently cause the Great Four specifically stated that the elementals powers go into a chamber with all the other power. This power of the elements is said to power everything related to these elements all across Ouallion Daris. If the chambers would be destoryed it is said that the element would die out which would cause destruction all over Ouallion Daris. They also said that the elementals power goes into the chambers, not any personality or soul. So this leads me to believe that it may be possible that once they are judged their power goes into the chambers but they still are reincarnated or sent to Doellion yet. Xiu, the wind elemental goddess, told me that the elementals reproduce in a very specific way. The female elemental splits a fraction of her power into a new form and that form grows into a new elemental. They also told me of a goblin that would be kind enough to show me around Gobilis but I'd have to meet him by exactly 12:27am on Mondaria. It'll take me sometime to find where exactly in Gobilis this mountain top I'm suppose to meet him on but indeed I'll do it. It's already Sundaria so I only have one day to locate this area and it'll take mew at least a half a day to journey back to and through Wereilis. The goblin I'm suppose to meet is suppose to show me the great arena that they are famous for. Though he'd have to get permission from Suk Kwan, no doubt. Suk Kwan being the goblin lord afterall.

      Dragomir tucked the journal back in the back with the quill, taking his glasses off as well. He then proceeded to mount the steed and start off towards Beastilis' split of Gobilis. His steed insisted on being fed again so he dug out the same piece of meat that he fed him before with and fed him another of it. The meat was specifically made for steeds, it is made from the hearts of an ox and horse.

      Dieter took out a pin needle and poked at the jewel he had gotten from the kitsune. He scanned around to only see Cordula around so he continued on. Dieter was very hidden behind his acts, never telling the touched ones why he helped them. Only Cordula knows but then she is the sister of the other kitsune that he killed.
      "When I finally gain the rest of the jewels and the rest of my essence. I can once more gain full power. Dian is and will forever be too weak to break through. A human was the perfect target for me." Dieter said softly to Cordula as he continued to poke at the jewel until he found an opening.
      "Yes Dieter, I know he was. My sister was a fool for falling for him anyways. What are you gonna tell the touched ones when you are at full power again?" Cordula asked as she moved over to Dieter's side, crossing her legs under her.
      "We won't need them. They are expendable and we will expend them when we don't need them anymore. As of now they are help for you during nights and protection inside the cave for you. As I promised you'd be my queen when I take over." Dieter explained as he pushed the needle up a bit and at an angle. Mere seconds later the jewel reacted and a stream of small flames went twirling around the room and lighting the cave up even more then the sundos was. Dieter stood in front of Cordula and put his his wrists with the jewel halves in plain view almost as a shield. Soon as he did the flame split into two streams and went into the jewel halves, one stream each. Dieter dropped to his knees as a devilish smile came on his face. His eyes were showing flames as it was evident the power was working with him, strengthening him.
      "Theres seven more jewels. The next one and only other one I know of its existence is with the darklings, thats why I planned to get help from the touched ones. Plus what more would one need but a walking history book like Egon. Draconians always are the ones that have knowledge of things others do not. Its been like that since they were brought into the world by Ouallion knows what." Dieter said as he straighten himself up and stood. Cordula was standing at his side now and looking up at him almost as checking if he was okay from that power shock. It did drain him some but he didn't let on. Dieter placed his hand on her cheek and kissed her, with something he never showed another person, with love. Dieter's eyes then turned black almost as if they died but indeed there was something happening inside his head.

      "Dian, come now, do you really think you can handle me?" Dieter replied with a smile. The appearance of Dieter was much more unique than he was seen as now. Dieter only had blood red pants on with no shirt and on his chest was a variety of what seemed to be a tattoos but indeed were markings.
      "I knew I should've never took those jewels. I should've never given the one to her. How could Cordula do that to her sister?!?" Dian said, who looked like a commoner but errily actually how Dieter does now.
      "No you shouldn't have. My race may be extinct but our essences still live in our jewels. If I can locate all of mine then maybe I can once more become Lord Dieter Adler and strive to take back my province and homeland. If the oblivious elves didn't split our essences up making more jewels out of one I'd already have my essence." Dieter explained as he lunged for Dian, with a back kick to his face which knocked him down. Dieter than put his hands up and covered Dian with a firey cage. He couldn't kill Dian for some reason.
      "You killed her. You killed the one I loved." Dian said through the flames as he pounded the ground.
      "Dieter? Are you okay? Dieter?" Cordula's voice seemed to come out of no where and instantly Dieter was out of the trance his eyes turning back to the firey type it had once been.
      "It was Dian, he was trying to grip hold with his weak powers." Dieter said with a smile as he let a finger trail on her cheek to behind her ear before turning and looking out at the sundos. It was shining bright. Two circular orbs that seemed to be combined at one side. "The sundos is shining bright today, it is hot out today. When night hits I'm going to leave with Egon and head for Codoble. We'll attack the museum and get the book before they know what hit them." Dieter explained as he seemed to enjoy the heat coming from the sundos.
      "Just be careful Dieter. The shapeshifters are crafty and good thieves, they should know how thieves work." Cordula replied softly with concern in her tone.
      "Of course." Dieter spoke as he placed his hands on hers and guided her arms around him as they looked up at the sundos. Cordula resting her head on his shoulder as her eyes closed.

      A man and his wife, obvious by the fact they had matching rings that were wedding rings, were walking in to Draelta at a very slow pace. They all were getting looks back and forth. The ones watching were passing words about who the couple was when a shout broke the silence.
      "How can you all comment bad about such a couple when they supply you with some of the best equipment all across the lands." A man that stood tall, must have been at least six feet tall, spoke up with anger in his tone. "Berko and Kayin are one of the best traveling smiths around." He added as he looked at them with anger. The humans stepped back and shook their heads, he was right. It was just that not many were use to dwarves walking around in Draelta. Though they were allies with the dwarven kind, it wasn't often they left Axiuson. The man had a symbol of a serpent on his hauberk, which is a shirt of chain mail armor that reached just to his mid-thigh but was held up further by a belt, making it stop at his waistline. This man had a spaulder on each of his shoulders, that reached just to half of his upper arm. He wore a pair of greaves that held the same chain mail armor that his hauberk did. It covers from his waistline down to ankles. His long black hair was barely visable under his hood and cape that he wore. The cape covered his sheath that held his katana blade, the hilt of the blade had a beautiful jewel in the hilt. Almost as if the blade was made around the jewel. The jewel was an emerald with what looked like something constantly moving around inside it. He had a second jewel around his neck as a necklace but this one was hidden under his hauberk and was like a ruby with a flame but it wasn't as if it was burning but as if it was just glowing.
      "Kuno, ignore them. They just don't know that we're here on business." The male dwarf, Berko, spoke up to the one that had came to their defense.
      "As you wish," Kuno said as he bowed his head and continued on moving with them. He easily stood two or more feet taller than the dwarven couple.

      After sometime of walking they approached a stone built house, they were invited in by a human who bowed to them. Kuno grabbed the two oxtens by the ropes attached to their backs to make sure they don't get out of range. The oxten are very much like oxen but they are the next generation of oxen. They got bones coming out of their backbone, depending on the age there is more spiked-bones to come out. These two specifically had five, what some called horns, coming out of their back which then had ropes tied to the bones to keep their equipment and belongings tied down. The oxten are also quite stronger than the oxen.
      "So you have the equipment as we agreed?" The man said who was in a full suit of armor with an axe by his side.
      "Yes, do you have the thirty Ouals we talked about?" Berko spoke as almost if he started to not trust the tone of the man. Berko turned to Kuno and gave a nod. Kuno then pulled out four swords, handcrafted and made out of some of the strongest, yet light, material in the land of Ouallion Daris. Kuno looked into the man's eyes and soon as he had he drew his sword and stepped in front of Berko. Kuno quickly blocked an arrow.
      "Run you two. I'll take care of these...I hate to even call them men so I'll perfer to use the term rats." Kuno had read the human's mind and found out that he was going to execute them as soon as they got ahold of the blades. Which is exactly what they almost did if it wasn't for Kuno's quick actions. He tightened his grip on his katana and almost as if there was nothing stopping him, he leapt over the traitor with the axe. Kuno quickly slashed at the back of the man's head and caused the hair on the back of his head to be cut from being long to short. As well as giving a long scar on the back of his neck. The man swung his ax around and went for Kuno's chest but before he even got it close the ax felt like it weighed a ton and he had to drop it which left it wide open for Kuno to plunge the blade in to the man's chin and up into the brain, twisting for satisfaction of death. Kuno then pulled the blade out and took a nearby bag and wiped the blood off before turning to see two arrows drop inches from him.
      "I'd really stop shooting those now." Kuno said as he leapt back and up onto the table, then leaping up and slaming his blade into the curtain that hid the archer. The blade pierced the archer's chest and with a thud Kuno landed back on his feet and sheathed his blade. Just as he sheathed his blade the emerald jewel stopped glowing. Kuno turned putting the hood back up and went to chase after his companions, Berko and Kayin.

      The sundos was just setting when Dieter kissed Cordula before whistling for his steed to come flying down towards him with Egon's steed as well. Egon was just stiring but was not anything like that of Dragomir in the draconian sense. Egon was a sea draconian and because of this he never would be able to fly but was able to adapt to water in everyway. Egon doesn't hide what he is, though most draconians who do only show their human form aren't hiding it just not trying to scare others. Egon's body is covered in scales and under his shirt is gill slits as well as he has them on his wrists. Though he can breath without water he is built to breath underwater as well.
      "I'm ready to go Dieter as soon as the last rays set." Egon annouced as he cracked his knuckles and was very wary of what he was about to do. He knew Dieter was going to steal the book.
      "Good, then we'll arrive at the codoble province borderlines by tomorrow morning, we'll have to find a spot to hide you before morning though. We'll only have about ten hours before night ends." Dieter said as he hopped up onto his steed. Soon as the sundos went down both riders got on their steeds and rode off towards Codoble and out of Gobilis. Though it'd be a few hours before they even reached the border of Beastilis to get out of Gobilis.

      Dragomir landed onto a mountain top, ten hours early as there was a goblin on it. He straightened himself up and looked at the goblin with a smile, showing he meant no harm.
      "I'm Dragomir Kasun of the draconians, I'm looking for a goblin by the name of Jirair. Do you know which cave or mountain would be the most likely to meet him at?"
      "Indeed, but why might you be looking for Jirair? We don't take kindly to your kind snooping about you know? Suk Kwan would be terribly angered if you enter Gobilis without his permission." The goblin as if he knew far more than Dragomir had known.
      "He is suppose to be kind enough to show me around and I assume get permission for me from your lord, Suk Kwan." Dragomir explained softly with words that showed nothing more than curiousity and not threat.
      "Good but you're quite early Mr. Kasun. I'm far from ready for you. Though Suk Kwan's permission is granted, even to witness one of the arena battles which will take place an hour after you were suppose to already be here." Jirair said as he was slightly slouched over and almost moving on fours on and off. As if he moved like a monkey might. He hopped over to his cave and pulled out a bag. He looked up at the moondos. It was only 2am at night, the man was here far too early to start showing him around but he would accomdate him.
      "Please, do come in. I'll get you something to eat. How does the Bull Specs sound? Very delicious meal. I had it last night." Jirair said as he continued to move almost ape-like into the cave. Dragomir following right behind with his bag that held his books, quill and glasses. Jirair held up a candle stick as he got further in to give light for Dragomir. Jirair was a bit inbetween but he was considered a day dweller but his eyes were adapted to see in the dark.
      "What is that exactly, if I may ask before accepting or denying such a invite?" Dragomir inquired as he knew goblins were often to eat something that another race would find disgusting.
      "Bull eye balls, meat and pasta. It is a pasta mix. Topped with the seasoned blood of a rat." Jirair explained and thats when Dragomir knew he was right to ask. His stomach just turned thinking of such a meal, much less ever being able to try such a thing.
      "I must decline that offer, that isn't something very appetitizing for me but I'm sure that those who do like that, that you made it perfectly." Dragomir replied as he held his cool even though that made his throat want to choke and gag at the combination.
      "Fine by me, more for me and my kin." Jirair said as he swated a cockroach that was on a bed and then sweeped it off onto the side of the bed. He put his hand out and pointed to the bed he had just killed the bug on.
      "Feel free to rest until daytime. We've got a long day ahead of us." Jirair offered as he licked the hand to clean his hand. "Don't wander inside too much, Suk Kwan specifically wanted you to stay in my cavern if you wander without me, you'll be seen as a threat but me know you're not a threat. Me likes you to be honest. Very polite. Me must prepare for our day and then sleep." Jirair said as he turned and wandered off outside of the cavern leaving the candle stick next to the bed for Dragomir.

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