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Chapter 3: The Elements and The Darklings

      Sandalio's accounts of the dreams are very unusual but intriguing. If this is true about reincarnation and he is truly this male human that kept getting out of so many unique ways of 'death', it'll just prove that there is much more even us scholars do not know. I have just finished interviewing Imelda and well, it was just as interesting of accounts. She has dreams of times when she was apparently one of the Fays. Imelda told me of the time when she was protecting a kitsune from some doellion demon and when she was the demon wounded her too heavily for her to recover but she did protect the kitsune. The account of the event, for only being a dream, seemed to be far to detailed. I admit I'm a bit skeptical as if they are pulling my tail but then I honestly believe them. I'm suppose to be meeting the Great Four at the Temple of Four tonight at 9pm. Today is Ludaria of Once. Today is the last day of the second 1/3rd of this month and the eleventh month of the year. Four more months and we'll be seeing the new year, now that'll be quite the interesting day. I'm suppose to be back in Dragonis to celebrate the new years with my kind. I just hope my travels will allow me to be back then.

      Dragomir jerked out of his silence and writing when his steed squawked. He chuckled lightly as it was almost as if his steed had scared his mind back to the present. His hands traveled to that same bag from before and pulled out a treat for his steed. The steed quickly devoured the meat and squawked in joy before it started to spread its wings, smacking Dragomir in the head lightly as if to say I'm ready for the trip. As indeed it was time for Dragomir to start flying. It was nearing the night of Ludaria and that was a sacred time for the therianthropes as every Ludaria of the 1/3rd the moondos shines brighter than ever, increasing their instinctive hunting natures. They use that time to hunt. He mounted up his steed and flew off towards Ellianis. As he is flying away there is a book in his bag that opens up to a certain page.

      That page explains what the time, days and months consists of. The days of the 1/3rd(week is not a term known by the people of Ouallion Daris) are, in order, Sundaria, Mondaria, Todaria, Wedaria, Thirsdaria, Fridaria and finally Ludaria. Each month consists of three 1/3rds or twenty-one days. There are fifteen months in a year known as, in order: Un, Dos, Tres, Cuatro, Cinco, Seis, Siete, Ocho, Nueve, Diez, Once, Doce, Trece, Catorce, Quince. The time consists of thirty hours a day from 15am, The Night Hour, to 14:59pm. The book jerks shut and deeper into the bag as the steed turns fast, flying Dragomir fastly towards Ellianis.

      Dragomir finally approached the temple's base at exactly 9pm at night. When he was at the entrance to the temple, the door slid open in a very slow movement with pebbles dropping down almost as if the door was ripping the stone from the temple. He entered the door and it was only when he heard the voice of a male speak but not being able to see anyone around is when chills were sent down his spine.
      "Come further and sit down in the seat on the pedestal. Do not fear us, we are only waiting to see such reactions you have." A mysterious male voice said.
      Dragomir slowly approached the pedestal and soon as he did a big gust of wind nearly knocked him over but failed, the second wind however succeeded but this one knocked him into the chair.
      "I see you're not one with the wind." A mysterious female voice spoke as a chill of wind hit Dragomir on the back of his neck as if someone was speaking in a whisper behind him.
      "I'm Dragomir Kasun and I'm the draconian scholar seeking some information from your kind. I had set up a meeting with you prior to today in hoping to get that chance. You are part of the Great Four, the supposely first elementals to be on this planet as well as being one of the earliest known races, I am correct in this knowledge right?" He inquired as he still was trying to locate them when all of the sudden the fire of a candle, sitting in the middle of circular groove in the wall in front of the pedestal, started to shake. There was three of them to be more percise and in each one the fire shook. In very short time the fire formed, of flames, a human form but still remaining in solid flames. It showed his body was completely made of flames and that he was the one speaking first to him, the mysterious male voice.

      "I am Bai Wang, the fire elemental of the great four." Bai paused before a flame hand pointed to the groove next to his which was full of water at the base of the groove. "This is my brother. Hai Wang."
      The water rose to make a similar humanoid form but made of complete water, the water formerly in the base of the groove no longer there.
      "I'm the water elemental but I perfer to be called a sea god." Hai said with a laugh before he was whipped in the stomach by a vine, the water on his body splashing back on the wall and his upper body jerking down to his lower body to connect what the loss water had left empty. The water on the wall slowly rising up to rejoin Hai's water body. The vine being the new point of interest as vines that covered the third groove slowly wrapped around the air and made spiral vined legs and then continued up further to the point it had a female form but completely made of vines.
      "I'm Kun Wong, sister to Xiu Wong, the earth elemental. I think you met my sister already." She said as she smiled to Dragomir. Her tone was more deep and tomboy-ish to that of the female voice from before. Just as he was about to ask where the final one was there was a small breeze on his shoulders when he saw what looked like female hands on his shoulders but it seemed that the hands were fading in and out almost as if the body was blowing in the wind. She glides right through Dragomir and towards her place in the temple and turned to look at him with a smile.
      "I'm Xiu Wong, the wind elemental." She took a bow and smiled as she straightened herself up.
      "Ask your questions." Bai and Xiu both said but in very different tones. Almost as if they were the leaders of the temple and more dominant of each gender.
      "I was wondering about a one general question but I also have questions based on your living style and ways." Dragomir spoke freely with them as Bai spoke up in responce.
      "What would the general question be and I know we gave you some time here in place of the normal ones who come here to ask for guidance or other similar acts but we do not have all day." Before Bai even finished he was splashed in the face with water and 'extinquished' but the flames just went hotter and reformed.
      "My apoligizes. The general question I have is, what exactly is your views or knowledge on Cengelius, Doellion and reincarnation?" Dragomir asked as he looked at Xiu first then slowly moved back to Kun, then Hai and then Bai.
      "Ouallion Daris is suppose to judge those who die." Hai spoke first.
      "They are then either sent to Doellion or be reincarnated." Kun added to Hai's words.
      "I know all that but my question is your views on it." Dragomir explained as he started to write in his journal.

      "We're not sure but we do know one thing is indeed, the powers of the elements are sent into each of their represented elemental rooms." Xiu explained as each of the four slowly started to move towards a hallway and down it. Dragomir quickly pushed his glasses up and held the journal under his arm, pen in hand and followed. The elementals stopped in front of a door each. Each of the four doors had an elemental symbol on them and the first to speak was Bai. He told Dragomir what was inside was the power of all the passed away elementals. Dragomir peeked inside to see a sideways tube that held fire that seemed to try to burst out of the tube that it was raging so fast.
      "Inside it gets hotter and more rageful every single time an elemental dies it is known to me cause I can feel the energy inside this tube. We also have complete connection to our land of Ellianis, if even a single leaf is crushed we can feel it. At least Kun can, but combined we feel everything." Bai explained as he sparked his fire towards Dragomir so Dragomir stepped back and out of the room. Kun showed him inside her room which the tube in hers contained vines that repeatedly smacked at the tube, very thin vines. Each one she said represented a lost elemental. Xiu's room had the same setup as the last two but the tube had visable wind blowing fast around in it, tornados in it and other wind acts. All smaller than what they'd be in the real world but they were still representing the power of lost elementals. The final room which was Hai's had the same tube but inside was a whirlpool of spiraling water.
      "The water combines and is a power. We believe this power is the source of all elementals powers and our powers. If they'd be ruined then we'd lose our power." Hai explained as he turned to Dragomir as he closed the door. "I also believe it is part of truth that if each of the tubes broke that the elements all over the land would start to lose power, not just the elementals. Forests would die, lakes would dry up, fire wouldn't burn and the wind would slowly be polluted."

      "Dieter!" A man stood inside of a cave calling out to another. This one was in nothing but a pair of pants. His body was very muscular and his eyes were solid red. He shook his head in disapproval at his lateness, brushing a few locks of his brown hair out of the way.
      "Adolf, how is the other two?" Dieter replied simply as he circled a red jewel in his hand before slipping it into a pocket. This man was obviously a man of many names, seeing as this was the same man the refered to himself as Blaze and the kitsune refered to him as Dian.
      "Egon is still wounded and his instincts as a draconian are kicking in. He wants to go back to Dragonis but Cordula is tending his wounds and keeping him off thoughts like that. Theres no way he can go back now that he has been touched by a darkling." The man, Adolf, replied with ease and almost as if he felt sorry for the draconian.
      "The mark of a darkling isn't so bad as long as you aren't controlled by one, as you have found out. You've mentioned Cordula and Egon. Where is Alfred?" Dieter asked as he was caught off by the voice of another.
      "Speaking of me?" Alfred had shouted out as he was draging back the body of a lion which had three points in the body. One was definite to be that of the arrow that was in the elf's other hand and the other two wounds would be unknown if Dieter didn't note the fact that the front two fangs of Alfred were bloodied.
      "Yes we were mister elf hunter. You know you shouldn't be outside the cave, only me and Cordula are allowed outside the cave when it is close to daylight hours. You could get yourself killed." Dieter replied in a annoyed tone.
      "I needed to drink, Cordula didn't bring us a meal. I got the rest for Egon, esspecially since he is still wounded." Alfred said as he walked passed Dieter turning his pointed ears very visable to Dieter as Alfred looked at Adolf. "Sorry old chap, you gotta get your own. Only enough for two." Alfred continued on in as he tossed the lion's body next to Egon. Alfred's eyes and Egon's eyes were both the same solid red color that Adolf's were. A female with a feline's tail, short blonde hair and blue eyes came into view. She was dressed in what looked like a red japanese komodo. She bent down and forced Egon's lips to the neck of the lion without any words and soon Egon bit down hard on the neck, sucking at the neck, licking the blood. Egon's wounds seemed to glow a bit and heal a bit more than they had been before Egon closed his eyes once more and went to sleep.

      When Egon woke he was laying next to Dieter who imediately spoke with a tone that was meant to be serious and caring but could come off as just being blunt.
      "You've been touched by a darkling as they say, theres no cure and honestly it isn't as much of a curse as most think. If you can stay away from the darklings you have no worry to live out a normal life but you must steer clear of the sundos at all costs. If you even are hit by one of its many rays it will slowly drain you and eventually kill you, only a darkling can bring you back but then it'd be without your will or mind. You'd be a slave to a new type of hunger. The darkling infects others based on a few things though the most known are if it is dead or alive. If you're alive you become what you are now. If you are dead, you become something far worse. Adolf and Alfred will take you and Cordula will tend to your needs. I've been trying to finish locating the rest of the jewels I need to bring back the full power of the essence. Once I've completed locating them I'll hunt for ones that I can use as well. If I combine them and use them I can challenge the darklings but I need your help. I need to know everything you can think of about the darklings. At least, I need to know the details of where they dwell in Axiuson's underground caverns. We're currently in Gobilis so we're safe from them and no goblins are located in this cave. We cleared it out before coming here. Adolf has been keeping watch and Alfred hunting at night." Dieter finally quit explaining as he turned to slowly walk to the cave entrance that was showing slight rays from the sun now. Adolf, Egon and Alfred far out of the way of the rays but Cordula sitting right at the entrance, bathing in the sun.
      "Only one book made ever mentioned anything about darklings and it was written by Aditi Aldana. It currently would be located in Codoble province in the historical museum of knowledge. It'll be heavily guarded by a few draconians as well as the shapeshifters. It was one of the draconian museum's made specifically for us in another province so others can view it as well, seeing as no one but my kind and dragons are allowed in Dragonis." Egon explained inbetween pausing for his pounding head to get a bit of rest.

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