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Chapter 2: The Myth Of Reincarnation

      The steed arrived with Dragomir on top along with Sandalio and the male hunter. The first thing they saw was one of the two guards laying with a blade pinning him down through his heart. The other guards was being held as a body shield in front of the pyro attacker.
      "Drop him and we can settle this without another death." Sandalio said as he closed his eyes and chanted a small line. It was a way to bless his soul and hope it passes its way through Cengelius.
      "Now, why would I want this settled with out death?" The pyromaniac said with a smile as he kicked the therianthrope guard down and pointed both hands at him and the flames engulfed the guard it was so hot that it melted the skin, leaving a charcoal body. "I really am just looking for someone in your land but then when I was greeted with such hostility right after I wanted to set one simple flower up in flames. Though I must admit, the bodies worked much better and burned bigger." A small cackle was heard as the pyro flipped back and whistled. Not long after he whistled a squawk was heard from above and a steed swooped down and he leapt onto it. "You can call me Blaze but honestly who cares? You won't see me again and if you, lets just hope you don't." He said with a snicker as he flew over the top of a few trees and lit them ablaze. Three trees burning fast. As Sandalio and Dragomir were rushing to put the trees out 'Blaze' escaped. Dragomir used his skills to ice the trees over and freeze them just enough to set the fires out but not enough to kill the trees.
      "Fuck." Sandalio cursed under his breath as he turned to the bodies. He knelt by the burnt therianthrope and did the same chant from before but extended it now that the main threat had left. He then added in, "May you see the light of Cengelius and be blessed."
      Dragomir watched him carefully and listened to the prayer he had said.

      "You do know what they say about Cengelius right?" Sandalio asked as he turned to look up at Dragomir. Sandalio's eyes showed pain from the loss in them as he turned to the hunter and nodded his head and he took a small ring from one of the bodies and placed it in a small pouch.
      "I know what the book said," Dragomir said as he pulled out the same book from earlier of Aditi Aldana and turned it to page thirteen and started to read from the book, "It says that when someone dies they are suppose to go to Cengelius and there Ouallion Daris will see the scale between good and evil. If they pass the test they become reincarnated and if they fail they are sent to Doellion after that there isn't anything else listed here."
      "Thats right but have you ever seen what makes people believe that? Probably never had a dream that felt like you were there but never knew who in Doellion it was?" Sandalio asked as he turned to the bodies and just as he turned to the first body, the body glowed and the body seemed to vanish in a mist. "Thats a reason we suggest they are sent to Cengelius. Aditi was supposely like I am, we both have dreams everynight of our 'former past' at least thats what we both believed. Ever read her book about Cengelius and reincarnation? Not the basics or history books but some of her theories? Yes I know of the draconian. Never of course met her but she has alot of fame even to us hunters."
      "No I've never read that one but thats new. I've never seen something just vanish that wasn't using some kind of power." Dragomir said as he knelt down where the body that vanished was, only thing left was the blade that had been put through his heart and some blood. He placed his hand in the air where the body was as if thinking it just went invisible.
      "Well supposely Ouallion is calling the body up with the spirit or soul of the fallen one so who knows. It is power no doubt." Sandalio said as he put his hand on Dragomir's shoulder and pointed back to the camp. "We need to get back to start making hunting arrangements and to confirm the bodies to their respective family."
      "I'll catch up, don't start the hunt without me." Dragomir said as he shook his head at what was happening. He moved towards the charcoal body and before he even put his hand out the body vanished in a mist like the last one. It seemed to glow and then as the glow fade it turned to a smoke or mist and next thing you know it was gone. It was intriguing and keeping Dragomir's attention. He was active in Dragonis but this was his biggest journey outside. He had been being trained and learning before he ventured out in the world.
      "Suit yourself." Sandalio said as he put his arm around the hunter and they both walked back to the camp.

      The pyro from earlier was just above the camp's main tent where the earlier meeting was taking place. He took a rope fast but quietly and tied it around one of the two leg 'belts' of the steed and slid down the rope and on top of a tree. He then fliped down and on the tent from the top. His hands went to his waist to pull out a knife and cut a hole into the tent, dropping into it. 'Blaze' walked towards the cage that held the kitsune.
      "Dian! I thought you died in the fire..." She said as she stood best she could in the cage.
      "Well I'd say that would've only been possible if it wasn't from the fact I started the fire." Dian said with a smile as he grabbed the kitsune by her collar and slammed her into the wooden bars and used his other hand to search her pockets. He found a jewel that was very similar to the ones he had on his wrists.
      "What...are you doing Dian?" She asked as she tried to get free. She didn't know he was so cruel. He'd always been so kind and sweet to her.
      "I'm getting what is rightfully mine." Dian said as he put the jewel in a pocket before he placed both hands on the cage bars and set the bars on fire. Once it spread fully it'd consume the kitsune in flames just like he had burned the therianthrope earlier. Dian quickly once he set the bars ablaze he leapt up and grabbed the top of the tent and pulled himself up. Once he was up he grabbed the rope and climbed up to the steed. He turned back only once to hear a scream from the female. Dian's eyes seemed to flicker a bit from their coldness when he heard the scream but then they went back to the coldness and he went up and flew away on his steed.

      Dragomir slowly approached the tent while scanning over his notes which read,
      So I've just witnessed something very new to me. It is supposely the start of some type of judgement that is made by Ouallion Daris in Cengelius. If one passes the judgement they are sent back to be reincarnated and if not they are sent to Doellion. I plan to see what else I can find out about Doellion later. It seems it is of mysteries. I'm also going to ask Sandalio if he can relate some of his previous memories to me that he has in dreams. He thinks he is someone who has been reincarnated. I've also witnessed one of what I believe to be the 'mages' of Ouallion Daris. A man attacked Wereilis for unknown means but he contained powers of fire. It was human in appearance and acts besides that. I'll get into more detail about it later but from what I've heard 'mages' have a power source of the once known race of psionics. The dragons killed them during a vicious war, not even my mother was around during that time though. It took place during the P.R. era and it is over 2000 years and now is the E.D.E. era. So only the books can indulge us into that history.

      Dragomir snapped out of reading when Sandalio shouted to him. Dragomir readjusted his glasses as the jerk sent the glasses nearly off his face as he turned to see a burned down cage and nothing but a ring left by the cage.
      "She must've been burned like the other one." Sandalio said as he picked the ring up. "I'll have to inform Hinata Himura that one of hers attacked me and was barred. While we were out that Blaze must have attacked her here. He was after her the whole time. The forest attack was a diversion."
      Sandalio started to do the small prayer and Dragomir soon stepped in and did it too. It was new to him but he knew of it.
      "You're a fast learner." Sandalio said after they finished it and smiled lightly before placing his arm around Dragomir. "You'd be a good ally, too bad the dragons don't wish for an alliance with anyone."
      "All of my kind is fast learners. We're known to be the biggest history scholars of all time, Aditi Aldana being the very first." Dragomir said as he put his glasses and journal away.
      "Thats good, we're fast hunters. The therianthropes invented hunting games and equipment." Sandalio said with a grin as he turned to one of the tables and placed the ring into a box and closed it tight. "You take this it Hinata Himura of Kitsonto and tell her what happened. Make sure you give her my regards."
      "I have a few questions I wish to ask you about your dreams you say you have." Dragomir said as Sandalio's guard left with the box.
      "Go ahead then." Sandalio spoke as if it was another days conversation.

      "The first question would be simply, who do you think you were in the past based on these dreams?" Dragomir inquired as he looked very intrigued about this whole thing.
      "Well to start it off in every single dream that it feels like its just part of my past but isn't me. I'm not a therianthrope. I'm actually a human but the unique thing is, in most of the dreams I seem to nearly die everytime. Though in some miracle I come back. Except one. Theres one dream I have that I'm having my heart ripped out of my chest by some creature and when that happens I fall to my knees and it pauses over my body for a few seconds. Then it glows and goes up into mist. The only dream is that one that I literally am dead. Its like I dream about every single death situation I had in the past. Also to add to it, everytime I wake up I feel a shooting pain in my chest like my heart has been teared." Sandalio replied with all seriousness. "The name of whoever I was is unknown to me but the person surprisingly doesn't look much different then I am. He wielded a spear but has a lesser build then I have. He was human so he had more human eyes. Its odd. I know and you probably think its all nonsense but I believe in that, that I was once that man."
      "No not at all. I don't think you are speaking nonsense. If thats true then technically every single person who is good is still around today. Aditi Aldana, the gods, the goddesses, every single great warrior is still around today but as someone else. It'd be quite intriguing if we could find a way to figure out if thats true or not." Dragomir spoke with interest showing in his voice.
      "Indeed but I doubt that'll ever happen. You're the first one that doesn't have dreams like myself that doesn't think I'm crazy to believe it. Imelda has ones too." Sandalio replied with a smile.
      "If you can ask Imelda, I'd love to hear all about her dreams as well. If there is truth in the matter I wish to learn more about it. It'd be quite the break through in our knowledge if we find out if we have another history truly. It may also allow me to figure out exactly who or what you were or she was in the past. At least make theories." Dragomir explained as he dug out his journal and started to write in it. Though not before placing his glasses back on.
      "I can ask her, she'd probably be happy to anwser your questions but I can't promise." Sandalio paused before continuing, "You wait right here and I'll go ask her."

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