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Chapter 1: The Start Of A Journal

      "This way, Mr. Kasun, Lord Sandalio and Lady Imelda are waiting for you inside. Please, excuse the mess." A man that smelled like a sweller rat said in an almost hiss of a voice. He was dressed in a skin tight brown colored clothing, it was a thin type of armor. Dragomir had examined the man to a degree that he knew this one was a spy or a scout for Sandalio. It'd explain the smell, the clothing that was fit for only a thief, assassin or spy and the fact that at his waist hidden slightly was a dagger. Dragomir was quick to study a person and this one was obvious. Afterall, what type of scholar would he be if he couldn't even make an assumption on a man. No doubt, ones he has heard of from one of Aditi Aldana's series of books. She was one of the first draconian scholars and the creator of things such as the book, paper and pen.

      The intelligent man in gold let his eyes scan the surrounding as they entered the huge tented 'castle.' The therianthropes are known to live primarly in the forest land of Beastilis while the goblins lived in the cavern areas. The therianthropes were well known hunters, so the forest fit them while the goblins perfered the darkness of the caves or the light that a forest would not provide. The first thing his baby blue eyes met with was a barred cage but made completely out of wood. Inside was, indeed, the most unique thing to see. It seemed someone was locked into it, obviously a criminal to the king of the therianthropes. The second thing was the woman with long brown hair that met to just above her waist, her clothing was similar to the man outsides clothing in the fact it was tight but thin armor. It was meant for one that was fast and cunning, over one that fought straight forward. The pattern on it was unusual though for such clothing. It was solid white with black stripes and the outfit went from her neck down to her feet where she wore black leather boots. Her hands were covered in the same snow white color with gloves. Their eyes met for a moment, hers were cat-like, before a man with a voice of a leader spoke.

      "You're late, Mr. Kasun." The man's voice became less commanding and angered as it continued, "but good thing you were, or I'd been the one keeping you."
      "I assume you mean because of her," Dragomir spoke softly as he jestered to the girl in the cage.
      "Indeed." The man paused as he walked over to the cage and placed his hand on the top of the cage. He was just wear black leather pants and boots. His torso was completely shown and it was obvious he was well built, and that he worked out. Dragomir continued to look over the man's, that was no doubt to be Sandalio, appearance. The one he knew to be Sandalio had a shaved head and his eyes were wolf-like, similar to how the girl's were cat-like.
      "This little hot one tried to break in to this camp here and slit my throat." Sandalio broke the silence and brought Dragomir out of his studying of the man. "Shes a kitsune, an enemy of our allies. She must be trying to get ahead in life and well, we'll have to see how well she thinks she is off. I don't disrespect their queen, Hinata Himura, though. I have a proposal for you Dragomir, I can call you that correct? As you know, or will find out, our traditions is that we give the guilty a shot at living. One shot only, if they fail or choose to use their given second life to come back we aren't so forgiving. We're gonna go on a hunt soon. We'll let her out somewhere in the middle of our land. Me, my beautiful wife here," He paused as he moved towards Imelda, who was the one in the white outfit, and put his arms around her before continuing, "and a few select others. We'll hunt in a pack and in a pack we'll get our prey. Now, if we should some how not get our prey and they get out of our borders, she is free to live as long as a life she has away from us."
      "That explains your acts but what might be this proposal be?" Dragomir inquired as he adjusted his glasses that covered his blue eyes to a small degree as he seemed to scribble some things down on a piece of paper. "Afterall, as you have given me permission to come I seek some simple knowledge of you and your wife as well as your people. I am a draconian as you know and my job is to record history to a degree, though personally I'm just interested in making a book with my travels. A journal if you will. I've always wrote about Dragonis and wish to write about Wereilis."
      "Indeed that is why I wish for you to accompany us on our hunt. You won't have to join in on the fun if you don't want to but if you do I will make you an honorary hunter for this specific hunt. Either way, you have one hour to get ready. We'll do it by light and give the kitsune a small light advantage, though indeed in such forests the light does not shine bright even in the brightest of days." Sandalio explained as he turned behind him and pulled out a box out that was at least five feet long and not very wide at all. He pulled out what looked to be a stick with a steel blade tip buried into the stick. A homemade spear so native to the therianthropes. "I'll even give you one of these," Sandalio added before he tossed Imelda one. She gripped it with grace and held it like a warrior might. It wasn't their first hunt, far from it.

      Dragomir was shocked by such an invitation and one he couldn't very well deny either. He would have to accept as if he could have first hand sightings of one of the well known, but possibly less recorded, traditions of the therianthropes it'd definitely make his book stand out from others.
      "I accept but I'll use my steed and watch from a distance. I assume you're faster than me on foot so I'll need my mount." Dragomir said as he took off his glasses and shoved them in a bag, as well as the papers and pen. He then tied the bag shut and whistled. Outside of the tented area you could hear a series of footsteps and a man shouting at the one charging up. Though before the man could continue shouting Sandalio called out to let it go by. The first thing seen of this 'steed' was that of the falcon head that poked its way through the tent. Though as the head came further in it showed that it was very big and nothing like a real falcon. On the back of its neck was bone-like U-shaped spots where most riders would hold there as well as on the sides of the steed were interlacing horns that created leg 'belts.' The body was like that of a horse and the tail seemed to be more of a whip with a spiked-tip.
      "Meet my steed." Dragomir said as he petted the back of its head. It was very unique indeed and acted very similar to a horse.
      "You act like you're the only one with a pet here," Imelda finally spoke up as she jestered to someone hidden in the back of the tent to come to her. Dragomir's eyes never leaving the hidden spot. "Heres my baby." Imelda spoke as a teenage tiger leapt up onto a table and into full view. She walked closer to it and pet it and hugged it slightly. "Shes been with us since she was a cub. Cute as can be."
      "Stop being all soft there Imelda, you might make our prisoner over there think we're weak." Sandalio added sarcastically.
      Imelda just gave off a teasing hiss as she patted the side of her leg and the tiger followed behind her like a pet.

      "So you got one of the pets? A fellow draconian told me of them. The most common ones being a tiger, panther or wolf. I wonder why that is." Dragomir asked as he tied the bag up to his steed as it let off a small squawk. Dragomir dug into a bag already tied to the steed and pulled out a small unknown meat that to most would seem to be a heart or brains and fed it to the steed. The steed quickly devoured the meat and squaked but in a more joyful manner.
      "Yeah Imelda has had her since she was born. Her mother breeds them and takes care of them and any other wild tigers she comes by. It probably comes from the fact that she is indeed part tiger herself. As you probably already know, Imelda is an ailuranthrope which is just a fancy way of saying a feline therianthrope. Just like me an my boys. My pets, not my guards or followers just to clear that fact up." Sandalio explained as he snapped his fingers and howled. As he did that there was three wolves that came from behind Dragomir in the same way that the steed had. Two were solid white and were very much a stunning sight to see. The third was just as stunning but it was solid black and obviously the black sheep out of the three. If Dragomir guessed right he'd have to guess the two were twins and the other was from another pack.
      "Are the two siblings and the third from a seperate pack or somehow did they become so mixed?" Dragomir inquired as he knelt as the wolves passed. The black one stopped next to Dragomir and put his paws up on Dragomir's knees and licked his face. "Friendly one, isn't he?"
      "Indeed, you'll find more mischief out of these two. They are siblings and I found her alone and needing help, yes you insulted her by calling her a him. Though don't mind it, she can't understand you and I won't tell her you insulted her." Sandalio said jokingly but at the same time serious. "When I found her alone there was obvious signs of struggle and blood around. Not just hers. I'm almost positive one of the goblins had attacked her or cornered her and in her own way of trying to escape she attacked. Afterall, an animal cornered isn't something you wish to see."

      Just as Dragomir was about to add a responce she ran towards the direction where Imelda went off before and so did the other two wolves.
      "What was that for?" Dragomir asked as he turned to Sandalio who had gripped his spear and showed tension.
      "Intruders. Isn't one enough for one day?" Sandalio asked himself as he growled softly. It wasn't really a question anyone could anwser, nor was it meant to be anwser. Before Dragomir could respond, yet again, a man rushed in and seemed frantic.
      "Someone is trying to light our forest on fire but we have a couple of our man trying to stop it. It's just outside the border of the forest, not out of Wereilis territory though. It seems the man has powers over flames. Not that he is carrying a torch or anything." The man's voice also showed he had ran fast as it was heavier than normal as his breath was heavier. The clothes of the man was a heavy type of armor, steel and shining bright when the candle light hit it just right. At his waist was a sheath that held a longer sword.
      "Capture him and we'll handle it like the kitsune here." Sandalio said as he twirled the spear around in the air and moved closer to the man who at this time was turning and starting to walk out.
      "Wait, Sandalio...I can help you. My mother was an ice dragon, I can use my powers to keep the flames away. Afterall, burned ice is water." Dragomir said as he leapt up onto his steed and very skillfully he had slipped his legs through the horns that seemed to open up just for him and then close around his legs to keep him safe. He then nudged the steed to turn before Sandalio even had a chance to anwser.
      "Taking that honorary huntership up a bit more than you thought you were gonna, huh?" Sandalio said with a smile as his he winked at Dragomir. "Come on then."
      Dragomir placed his arms through the backwards U-shapes on the steed's neck and before he knew it the steed was off. His body seemed to be tight to the steed. It kept perfect pace with Sandalio and the man. They both were running fast as their beast inside them would allow and the steed was going fast as he could to follow.

      Outside the forest's borderlines there were two men blocking another from touching the forest trees. This man was obviously the attacker as his hands were covered in flames.
      "Pathetic. I thought the therianthropes were actually gonna be a challenge." He said with a smile as he charged towards one of the men and before they could respond he uppercutted him up and then slammed him back down into the ground with his other fist. Each punch causing the therianthrope guards to burn.
      "Halt! I will be forced to attack if you keep that up!" The uninjured therianthrope guard spoke up as he held his spear tightly and ready to attack but before he could the spear caught fire and it burned up so fast that the tip fell to the ground and the guard had the let go of it as it turned into ashes.
      "I guess you'll be forced to attack." The man said with a smile that seemed to show an almost innocent face but in his eyes showed a twisted young man. The man was obviously young in age and it wasn't positive but the therianthrope guard could swear he was human. Indeed he was to most aspects but his clothing was dark red to the point it almost looked like it was black. At the point that was unique was at the wrists of his hands, there was a glowing what most would assume is a half of a ruby on each wrist. Inside each half seemed to be a glowing flame.

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