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The Prologue

      "This is my story. Who am I, you ask? My name is Dragomir Kasun and I'm rather different than what you might be use to. I'm born from an egg, yes, I did say an egg. My mother was from a province known as Dragonis which is an island with water surrounding it. She was known as an ice dragon. I still do what I was born to do. There is two race from Dragonis, the dragons and the draconians, and they work together perfectly. The dragons are the strength and rulers while the draconians, I, work as a scholar and informant for the dragons. The draconians are human in appearance but we can alter our appearance depending on what type of dragon we come from. I have the powers of my mother, an ice dragon. I'm immune to cold weather, among other powers. If you'll look over here I can point you to something that might explain a bit more about where you are."

Ouallion Daris' Basics of Knowledge: The Introduction
by Aditi Aldana
      Ouallion Daris has been the country's name since the era of P.A. before that it was not called anything. There are nine provinces known as: Dragonis, Kitsonto, Codoble, Fayrost, Axiuson, Draelta, Beastilis, Ellianis and Elfunton.
      The Dragonis province is the island where the dragons and draconians come from. It is forbidden to go there unless you are one of the two races that live there.
      The Kitsonto province is the province of the kitsunes. The kitsunes are of foxish traits and the race is of complete females.
      The Codoble province is where the shapeshifter race lives. They are the most decieving in appearance as they can alter their appearance in every way without you truly knowing what their real appearance is. They are, however, known to be only males in real appearance but it is unknown if they change their gender in appearance and physically to females to hide or for personal gain.
      The Fayrost province in uninhabitable by anything but the fays. It has a barrier around it that keeps other races out unless you get full permission from a fay to walk in their province. Thats all I can report at current times as I haven't gotten permission.
      The Axiuson province is actually split in two but work united. The two splits are of the underground cities and caverns, and the above ground mountain areas. The two are controlled by the dwarves.
      The Draelta province was once controlled by another race but currently it is controlled by the human race. Mortals in every way. Some say they are the descendants of the psionics without the powers since the god Xenon had parished.
      The Beastilis province is inhabited by the goblins and therianthropes, sometimes mistakenly refered to as the weres. After a war the provinces split into two halves, still refered to as Beastilis, but each having its own name now. Wereilis is the therianthropes half and Gobilis is the goblins half.
      The Ellianis province has no cities but has been known to have independant villages. It houses the elementals. It wasn't known but after a few decades, the four original elementals, who are refered to as the Great Four, were known to live in a temple in the middle of Ellianis. They don't rule over the elementals but they protect the land and are worshiped as their gods and goddesses.
      The Elfunton province is known for the biggest land among Ouallion Daris. This land is known for the wide variety of elves it holds but only the pure blooded elves and avariels are considered in the royal family.
      Thats just the provinces, on my next chapter I shall refer to the races and known speices of Ouallion Daris.

      Just as you start to turn the page, the book is shut. A hand takes the book away from you and puts it under his right arm. He breaths on his glasses and wipes it off, before placing them in a bag, along with the book. His hair is the color of sapphire and is long, stopping just after his shoulders. His body is covered in a gold armor that shines with the light of the candles. He turns and looks you in the eyes, his eyes showing knowledge beyond the average person. He opens his mouth and starts to speak again.

      "Sorry about the abrupt closing of the book but somethings are better learned in experience. I also am suppose to be meeting with Sandalio Del Bosque and his wife, Imelda Del Bosque, in Wereilis at 13:32am, this morning. I only have twenty minutes to get ready so if you would please escort yourself out."

      Dragomir turned and dug in a chest that had a journal, quill pen and a pocket watch. He turned back to see the guest leaving.

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