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Chapter 8: The Rivals

      "Yes, I'm Etzel Fleischer. May I help you?" Etzel said as he stood near the gate of the museum. Teagan had followed incase there was trouble, no one ever came this late and with everyone inside. She feared they may be having trouble caused by those people. A goblin coming after Dragomir? A man coming to steal Berko's skills? A man going to kill Kuno Kron the famous ex-royal prince?
      "Yes, I'm sorry to intrude and I know the museum is closed. I just have a couple questions. Is this where the book of Aditi Aldana's recollection of the Darklings are?" Egon asked in a calm tone as he stepped forward, a sign to show he was asking to come in.
      "I'm sorry but you can't come in." Etzel said placing his hand on Egon's chest to make sure he didn't come further in. "I do have a book on Darklings but it isn't allowed to be borrowed out. If that was what you were going to ask me for and there isn't a copy as far as I know. I have the original."
      "I know you have the only one, or at least I was told you did. I just want to read it, can I come in and at least see it?" Egon asked in a polite tone, showing he was kind. Actually Egon was very kind, it was his company that wasn't.
      "No," Etzel said in a firm tone. "I'm sorry but you must come back in a few days, then maybe I can let you see it but right now I'm very busy. I have company and I cannot be away from them for long."
      "What exhibit is it in at least? Do you have more of Aditi Aldana's books?" Egon asked in a rushed tone as Etzel started to close the gate.
      "You'll find out and of course. I have nearly all her originals." Etzel said before he closed the door and turned to Teagan. "Make sure he leaves, I don't trust company this late and I'm going to go check the Aditi Aldana exhibit, as well as make Frank guard it. Then I'll proceed to getting back to asking Dragomir more questions and anwsering his."
      "Yes Etzel." She said with a smile as she turned into a bird and flew up to a window and changed just enough to open the window and flew out of it. It slammed shut behind her. She was flying over head, following the draconian from the sky. He had rode about one mile away at most and stopped in front of another man. Human from the smell but he smelled of power too, fire powers.

      "I couldn't get him to let me in. He said come back in a few days. He apparently has company and is busy. He also has other Aditi Aldana books and hasn't told me what exhibit. It'll have to be guessed at best. I assume it is in an Aditi Aldana specific exhibit. Since he most likely has the quill she used even, the way he is such a collector." Egon said with a smile.
      "Oh really?" Dieter replied and laughed. "Then I must take it by force. Egon, you stay here. I'm use to being a thief, I probably do it better than the shapeshifters themselves."
      "Don't hurt anyone! Remember your promise." Egon said as he hadn't liked the look in Dieter's eyes. It seemed so demonic. As if he was going to go in full force and kill everything in there.
      'I gotta get back!' Teagan thought as she overheard the conversation, she made a sharp turn and just as she started to fly away an arrow pierced her wing and sent her flying down fast into a tree. She landed on a branch and the last thing she could see was the approaching Dieter with a hand of fire.
      "Shapeshifters." Dieter said simply to Egon as he turned towards him. "I'm not going to hurt anyone in the museum, I promised and I'll keep my promise."
      "Watch the bird, if it moves, kill it. If you want to go to a peaceful route, tie it down but not likely to tie down a shapeshifter, they'll just shift themselves to the right width to get out of the grasp." Dieter told Egon before he leapt up onto his horse and spurred it on. Once Dieter was out of Egon's sights and hearing distance he laughed. "He really thinks I'm going to be nice to the old historian, Doellion if I will be that nice! I'm a criminal and murderer." Dieter was at the museum in mere minutes and leapt off of his horse and up onto the side of the building, climbing up to a window. He placed his hand on the window and forced flames into the glass to the point it melted the glass to the point he could slip in without any real problems happening. Dieter leapt through the window and landed on his feet, smiling at the fact that no one knew he was here yet. He kept to the walls and made sure to never keep his sound above a whisper. When he followed signs to the Aditi Aldana exhibit he noted that there was a flashlight going around the area. One guard.
      'Great, always something going on. ALWAYS.' He thought to himself as he entered the area and kept to the shadows, as well as out of the lights. When he saw a pattern to the guard's movement he followed behind the man and soon as he touched the guard with flames the man let out a high pitched shrill. That shrill was cut short though when Dieter cut the man's throat and kicked him to the ground.
      "Nighty, Night." Dieter said as he backflipped away from burning body. He lit the flame up on his hand and searched frantically for the Darkling book. When he found it he elbowed the glass, picked up the book in his unlit hand and confirmed it was the book.

      "You really shouldn't be doing that." A voice from the doorway of the exhibit said with a threatening tone.
      "Do wha..." Dieter turned and lit the flames higher to see who it was. "Kane?" He asked almost unsure of it. The man looked so much like his former rival, before the essences were taken fully into the jewels. "I guess I should've guessed with myself coming back you would have come back. Ouallion always did bless you."
      "Kane? I'm not Kane." The man stepped forward to reveal Kuno. "I'm Kuno and honestly my name is none of your business." He said as he drew his katana. "While I'm here, Etzel has my protection just as much as Berko always does."
      "Kuno, eh? Who told you to dress like an ancient warrior then?" Dieter said as he pulled out his sword and blazed it up in flames. Kuno charged the man and swung the sword clashing against Dieter's. The flames didn't do anything to Kuno's blade but it was easily an annoyance as the flames bursted towards Kuno's face and arms.
      "I am an ancient warrior." Kuno's voice seemed to deepen a bit but his posture didn't change any and it just seemed to be because he was getting annoyed.
      "You are Kane, curse Ouallion Daris for letting you come back. You take a host too?" Dieter said as he kneed Kuno in the stomach with flames to cause more of an impact. Kuno was confused by the man's words but he didn't know why. The man wasn't familiar. He didn't know of a....wait...his dreams. It hit him that in his dreams he was Kane and the other man was Dieter.
      "Dieter?" Kuno said unsure if he was being over exaggerating something but he had to try and when Dieter leapt out of range of Kuno's sword, clapping his hand against his other one. Book laying on the ground next to Dieter, he laughed.
      "Bingo my boy, Kane must not have a full grasp on you or he is too kind to grab ahold. Unlike him. I could give a damn about my host, Dian was his name. Puny shit at that." Dieter laughed as he leapt towards Kuno and slammed the sword down towards Kuno's shoulder. Kuno quickly countered with a dagger, it was the only way to block it in time. He then sheathed the dagger after pushing Dieter back and got his balance with the katana.
      "I wouldn't let filth take over my mind!" Kuno shouted in a responce as he lunged for Dieter, Dieter put up a wall of flames. Kuno countered by forced the gravity around the flames to lift up into the air and slammed his sword into Dieter's shoulder. With a loud curse and yell, Dieter kicked Kuno back, grabbed the book and started to run off.
      'Fuck! I forgot he had the power of gravity and it seems this 'Kuno' knows how to use it!' Dieter shouted in his mind, cursing himself for thinking he was safe behind the flaming wall. Kuno gave chase but when he got his baring, by that time. Dieter was out a window and running away. Kuno cursed as he turned back to see Etzel by the charcoaled body of Frank.
      "What happened?" Etzel asked in a demanding tone.
      "Dieter happened. He stole a book, a man talking about ancient warriors and had the power of fire." Kuno replied as he slammed his fist into the wall next to the window. "I had him and lost him."
      "You tried at least. He has to be in with the draconian, come back and tell me everything. Teagan should be back by now too. We need to get to work, if someone is after the darklings it could be bad. Depending on why, that is." Etzel spoke as he put up a board in front of the window and looked around, before he could find something Kuno had nails floating with the force of gravity into the wood around the window to nail the board up.
      "You're welcome," Kuno said as he turned to leave the room, with a slight limp.

      'I'm finally out of my bed now, I just entered the room with Kuno and Etzel talking. Apparently the jewel that Kuno has holds the essence of an ancient extinct race. This Dieter fellow, which similarities, which I told them, in the man that killed the kitsune in Beastilis is very similar. I assume thats his name. So we have an ancient possessed warrior trying to kill people and possibly evoke the powers of the darklings. Etzel has said that the Darklings are the criminal dead. The ones rejected for resurrection, thats what the book said anyways. If they are rejected they are sent down to Doellion which they come up from a hole to Doellion in the dwarven land of Axiuson. I know I have a tight time frame, well not quite tight as I have one though. I plan to go with them if they are going to hunt these down. It'll be great chapters to my book. More information on the darklings and I can if at worse go to the dwarve captial if I can't find anything to write about.' Dragomir adjusted his glasses and placed the pen behind his ear, listening to the two chat on and on.
      "If Berko doesn't mind, I want to follow this man. I've been having dreams." Kuno spoke as he started to recount his dreams, Dragomir pulled out his pen from behind his ear and started to write again.
      'Kuno Kron, supposely a prince or some royalty which has run from it anyways, has been having dreams about a man named Kane with control over gravity fighting Dieter. At least a man named Dieter, even if it was the same one it would have to be resurrection. His recounts of the dreams had noted both men had died and some glowing light had came out of them. Etzel however, my cousin, has thought that maybe that was indeed what happened. The jewels from this ancient race has somehow trapped the soul or essence of the race into them and in result, anyone tapping into the power, taps into the soul of that one. After asking if there was anything about Kane or abnormalities he has been experiencing since and his responce? He has been hearing his 'conscience' speak to him more often than he ever has. More prompt and different. He at least assumed it was his conscience. Now he is wondering if it is the jewel connecting to him. If the dreams aren't memories. This resurrection idea and the idea of this lost race is quite interesting. It is the best field I've come accross yet. It is final. I'm going to go with them. They have decided to give chase, both Etzel and Kuno leaving and first they want to find this Teagan. I have a feeling though with the goblin lord coming after me, no doubt that Jirair will come with me as well. If Teagan comes, we'll have five of us. Seven if Berko and his wife join in as well.'
      "You coming too Dragomir?" Etzel asked as he turned back to the one he was directing his question to.
      "Of course," He paused as he adjusted his glasses again, "It'll do wonders for my book. Action chapter if you will, plus I've already written about accounts of this man before. I may have goblins after me if they find out I'm not dead though Etzel."
      "Then we kill them." Kuno interupted and stood up. "I must inform Berko and Kayin though of my decision. I'm their bodyguard and thats only right they know if they wish to come or stay behind. If this darkling home is in Axiuson though, they can come until we get to their province and then we can part ways until later. I must know what this man knows of the jewel."
      'You already know what he knows of the jewel.' The deep voice came from the back of his mind and he shook his head trying to clear the voice out.
      'Fine, I'll be quiet Kuno but heed my warning. Dieter is stronger than you know.'

      "Did you get it?" Egon asked as he nursed the bird in his hands, trying to keep it alive. It was heavily wounded from that arrow shot, probably from loss of blood added to the blood she lost earlier.
      "Get rid of the bird, we gotta ride back to the cave before the sun comes up. Leave it there, it'll either recover or be attacked and honestly it is not our nature to question it." Dieter replied coldly as he burned his wound to keep it from bleeding. He was in a very cranky mood from being injured and Egon could see it. Though his kind heartedness didn't allow him not to ask the question.
      "Did you hurt him?"
      "I didn't hurt Etzel or Kuno, you're safe. Now get that bird down the trail or wherever you want it to be. We only have a few hours and it is a hour to get back. As well as we don't know if we're being followed now. Kuno or Etzel could be right behind us on horses. It is best we leave while our trail is hot so they can't find us." Dieter said with a faked smile as he leaned against the front of his horse, waiting for Egon to get rid of the shapeshifter and get on the horse. Dieter wanted to get back as fast as possible so he could start reading the book, he had the book and thats all that really mattered. The darklings would be found, his seventh jewel would be found and thats the point. At least Egon pulled through the best he could. Egon quickly took the bird to a branch of the tree, placed her down on the tree branch up high and leapt back down to his horse. He got on his horse fast and rode off with Dieter back towards their camp in the cave. Then they'd have to wait until the next night and ride off to the cave with Cordula and the other two touched ones. Dieter would use the morning to read and rest up for the night. As well as the end of the night too.

      "So is it okay if we ride back to Axiuson today? We need to get to Axiuson to find the entrance to Doellion and the darklings before Dieter does. We don't know why he wants them but he does and we need to stop it before it happens." Kuno ended the long explaination to Berko and Kayin. Both of them let off a heavy sigh and shook their head in disapproval. Of what he wasn't sure of until they spoke and it explained it all.
      "That man, Dieter, is a true criminal in this world. Killing a man for a book and trying to use those nasty filth of beings called darklings. We'll drop off the weapons to the employer before we go back but we'll go back and lead you through the underground areas, at least get someone who knows the area well. The darklings are beasts and they aren't to be taken lightly. You've helped us though and we'll help you now." Surprisingly, Kayin was the one to speak up in a very kind tone. It showed they both were serious about it from the pure fact that she spoke. Kayin was a strong woman and great wife to Berko but she only spoke when the time called for it. Berko was a big enough mouth for both of them anyways. Kuno smiled and nodded his thanks to them. No words needed to be passed all three of them knew what was left unsaid. Kuno left the room and went to find Etzel, once he found him. He explained what Berko and Kayin said. Etzel, however happy that Kuno would join them and they'd have a guide upon reaching Axiuson, was very unnerved. Teagan wasn't back yet and it wasn't like her to stay out very long. She would have followed Egon and came straight back.
      "I'm going out to find her, I'll come back. You should take Berko and Kayin to the employer and drop the goods off. Dragomir should rest and Jirair will watch him. I can find her by myself." Etzel smiled at Kuno before he went to the front door, opened the gate and his body started to change. His draconian form was very smooth, almost like leather. His wings a beautiful white and feather filled. It looked almost like an angel's wings, or a hawkman's wings. His eyes glowed a silver and he was similar to Dragomir's form nearly in everyway. He flapped his wings fast and rose up out of the museum, Kuno closed the doors, flying to find Teagan.

      It only took Etzel thirty minutes to locate the wounded Teagan with a stray wolf under the tree, scratching at the bark of the tree, trying to get to the bloodied bird. The blood is how he found Teagan, the smell screamed it was her. He landed down next to the trees and roared loudly at the wolf. The wolf wimpered and went running off before Etzel had to make any other act towards the wolf. He was glad for that. He had worried he would have to kill it and honestly, if it meant Teagan's safety or some random wolf, that was probably let out of someone's home. He would always pick Teagan's. She was like his family, always there for him and he was always there for her. Etzel turned back to his human form, standing now in his pants and shorts. He had channeled his change to form his clothing into his skin. Unlike how Dragomir changed by rage and ripped through everything. Etzel climbed the tree and brought Teagan to his lap. He bit his wrist just so the blood would drop and heal the wing of the bird. It would stop the bleeding but Teagan would need rest. He wouldn't allow her to kill herself over this, she'd have to stay behind and rest in the museum.
      "Come on, lets get going." Etzel said mostly to himself, since she couldn't hear him and if she could she made no movement to respond or change her appearance. He held her in his hands and his wings appeared again but his body didn't change fully. He flew all the way back to the museum and opened the gates. Kuno, Berko and Kayin had already left and Dragomir was writing about the exhibits, while Jirair was following him around.

      "What happened to her?" Dragomir asked as he stared at the wounded bird, the smell obviously of Teagan. It was a heightened sense of the draconians.
      "I don't know, she had a wound on her wing. I think she was shot down, no arrow or anything was at the sight though. Lets get her to a bed, when she changes back she'll need to..." He was caught off as she started to change and he quickly adjusted to grab her before she fell off his hands cause she would've only been being held by his hands and not his arms as she is now.
      " men....draconian and..human." She said before she was shushed by Etzel.
      "Please, be quiet. You need to rest. We know all about the human Dieter and the draconian." Etzel replied with a smile as he carried her to a bed, laying her down. He sat on the side of the bed. She had lost conscienceness and he was wondering if she'd get it back anytime soon. He wanted to know if she was really alright. He was tempted to find a way to give her some of his blood, she needed blood and the only other alternative was lots of rest. He had a feeling she wouldn't do that and most likely would insist on coming with us to Axiuson.
      "Is she going to be alright?" Dragomir asked quietly.
      "Yes, with lots of rest she will refuse to do." Etzel watched Teagan intently and refused to move from the spot until she would wake up. Dragomir on the other hand, refused to stay. He went back to the exhibits.

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