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Chapter 11: The Shortcut

      The sky above is finally pitch black and a wave of darkling shadows are seen on the ground, traveling for a forest cave, with a leading shadow. On top of the cave there is two kitsunes waving them towards the cave. Bo and Ming. The shadows pass over the bigger lead shadow until the shadows are completely over him. The bigger shadow forms up into the dark draconian once more and the necklace is revealed once more.
      "Make sure to take that jewel, it'll start to get hot and glow when it is near a fellow part of the jewel." Hibiki spoke as he slipped into the darkness and appeared behind the two kitsunes, grabbing them by the necks and throwing them down onto the ground below.
      "Master?" They both asked as they quickly regained their footing and were bowed to him while looking up.
      "Hurry, you don't have long to get into The Scarlet Village and into one of the huts before it goes night." Hibiki said in a stern tone and his voice held a calmness that was so errie that sent shivers down Bo and Ming's spines. They quickly turned around and got down on all fours, running at such a fast pace that they were just blurs to most people's eyes.

      They kept their eyes covered with a mask so their red eyes couldn't be spotted as they approached a kitsune guard. They had reached Scarlet Village which was the capital of the province, it also held a very ancient secret. The ancient Temple of Knowledge holds an even older race that are known as the only race able to see and know all from any time period but they only give guidance when it is fit to give. They do not intervene with any historical event, even if it is for the better unless it is given a few scenarios of possible futures, therefore they can give guidance to guide the ones involved into the better scenario.
      "Hello fellow Kitsunes," The guard bows to them and eyes them up and down. "State your name and your business in Kitsonto. If it is with Queen Himura you won't be able to see her until the morning."
      "Bo and Ming," They spoke together again in a syncronized way that startled the kitsune guard. "We wish for a hut for the day, we shall be on the move again by night."
      "We have a place in the castle for any guest kitsunes, I can arrange a room there for you both but we must get clearance from Queen Himura before we even okay it. We've had a high increase in violence among kitsunes lately, rogue kitsunes who wish to take over and some who are shapeshifters taking form as kitsunes." The guard said as she turned and headed for the castle in Scarlet Village. Bo and Ming followed the guard with silence that sent shivers down the guard's spine. She honestly wasn't sure they were following until she turned to see them face to face with her. They were obviously good stalkers and that held true to most likely being assassins. The guard stopped Bo and Ming from going any further in the castle, guards around them watching as this specific guard travels towards the queen's chambers.

      "Your majesty! How dare you say I am not trained well in this land, I'm one of the strongest kitsunes here!" A female dressed in tight animal skin clothing, however it was some of the finest and she had jewels drapped on her shirt. She also had a light cloth that it was obvious that would be drapped over the jewels when she wished to be hidden in the shadows.
      "I never said that!" The queen protested, "I said you aren't going to the Temple of Knowledge to see if you can get the information out of the Monks. They choose to live in private and we protect them, if you wish to do anything near them you are going to be protecting them and that is final!"
      "We need to know what is causing such terrible things! Have you not heard of the darklings move on Axiuson? Have you not heard that the elves seem to be moving to crush the other provinces? That they are gathering allies with the goblins as their main force?" She said sharply back at the queen.
      "That is enough my daughter! Go, I don't wish to speak with you anymore and if you dare defy me, I shall lock you in this castle's dungeon for your own safety." The queen said as she stood up and pointed to the door as the guard before came into the room, bowing.
      "Your gracious queen," the guard started, "we have two kitsunes. One Bo and one Ming wishing for a place to sleep for the day. They shall be off on a journey again they said by nightfall at the latest."
      "We welcome all kitsunes to sleep in our guest quarters, the only thing we ask is that they sieze their weapons while they are in our grounds. Otherwise, they are welcome to roam everywhere. The other option is that they have a guard on them at all times."
      "Thank you m'lady Himura, I'll make sure to inform them at once." The kitsune spoke before rising up and turning around to meet Bo and Ming once more.

      "So you're the two guests huh? Been awhile since we've had a guest, so what are you around here for? Bo and Ming was it?" The girl with the jeweled shirt was standing in front of them, her arms crossed and her eyes showing she was still angry at her mother.
      "M'lady Hanako Himura, you should not be with the guests currently. They aren't even settled in, I'm sure they don't wish to be asked questions with and I'm sure you want to get to your chambers, dinner should be waiting for you." The female guard said as she approached the three.
      "I actually think it is none of your business what I do," Hanako said coldly back to the guard, "Besides, if they don't want me to, they can tell me if they don't want to talk."
      "We don't mind," They both spoke up together. "We have business in another part of Kitsonto and sought this place for the best to rest before going any further. We've been traveling for along while."
      "What business?" Hanako asked with an eyebrow raised.
      "We would say but it is not for us to tell of our business. It is very private business, warrior business." They both said together once again as they turned to look at the guest chambers. "Are we ready to be seen to our beds?"
      "Bo," The guard nodded her head to her and then turned to look at Ming and did the same. "If you would please surrender your weapons to us. You shall get them again once you are out of the castle. Otherwise we must post guards near you at all times. That is the queen's orders and I must see they are..."
      "Take them then." The two said as they surrendered the four shamshir scimitars. As well as a few daggers. "Do take good care of them, they are our prized weapons."
      "Follow me," Hanako said as she turned to the guard and gestured for the guard to get lost with the weapons. "Your beds shall be in here, currently you only have one other kitsune roommate. An elderly woman, we're not sure she is gonna make it many more years but she has been here in the guest quarters for over six years now. She's part of the castle's family by now."

      "They are coming tomorrow." A man with a cloth, bandage-looking, wrap around where his ees would be. The rest of the attire was simple white robes that went from his neck down to his ankles, sandals with white socks under them and they had a hood over their head with the bandage cloth over their face. He was one of many of his race in a stone pyramid-like building.
      "We should prepare to greet Dragomir Kasun, Kuno Kron and Etzel Fleischer. They are the ones we need to speak to about the events to come in the future." A second voice, this time female, spoke up in the same attire as the other man. The two entered a room at the same time with eight others in it. The room was the one unique room in the pyramid that was where the great events of these specific ten monks can see into the past, present and future at all times. Each wall was covered in a crystal that had images of things going on it. The fact was no one could understand what was happening or able to control the pace of the images but these ten monks, each time one dies they have a ritual to decide which should replace them. Otherwise these ten remain here at nearly all times, watching every play of events. These specific two go to the back wall and shoo the rest off the wall, they pause the images, move their hands which seem to work commands to the wall. The crystalized multi-image screen turns to one big screen of a solid image of Cordula laying weakened and wounded on a table. They both look to each other and smile, as they do that they turn back and let their hands move from the air in front of the wall down to their sides and the image of what happened with Cordula, Etzel, Teagan and Dragomir appear before them at such a speed that the whole event is over in two seconds and four seconds later it shows Dragomir, Etzel, Teagan, Kuno, Jirair, Kayin, Berko and Cordula all traveling for Kitsonto.
      "In three hours they shall be setting off for Kitsonto and we need to prepare. When they arrive they must be siezed and we must get the queen to allow Teagan to come into Kitsonto, for Teagan is a key player in their survival." The female one spoke with a smile, they both turned back and nodded to each other in agreement.
      "Indeed, the queen listens to us and will allow just this one in. We can't interfere with Bo and Ming's mission, theres no change of course. We cannot intervene or we may destory the future, if it must be rewritten we could lose the peace we may gain if we can lead Dragomir down the right path." The male added with knowledge that would annoy and scare anyone who spoke to him. They knew everything that happened at any time and that would happen.
      "Understandable my friend, we must also see more about the sword he carries. We know he has no such blade now, we must know where he obtains it. Where he gets it is something that would allow us to lead them on the right path, as you see the darker paths he has not seen such a blade or has one. It is what causes him to lose, we must see where he gets it." The female spoke with no concern in her voice, knowing she could travel every inch of the possiblities to find it.
      "You shall look through the crystal walls, find out that. I must speak to the queen." The male ordered yet more of a suggestion. Though the female knew very well that suggestion was worth the order. She turned around as the crystal wall was running through events so fast that would be seen later in life. Some tragedies and some triumphs. She focused on the image.

      Dragomir is standing in a darken blue cavern with a fire red jewel on a pedastal with Etzel laying near the pedastal, passed out. His health unknown whether he is dead or knocked out at this current point in the future image. Dragomir is standing in front of Dieter, blocking the way to the jewel.
      'Move out of the way and I won't kill you!' Dieter said as he had a blade made of fire burning so high that the flames moved up to the ceiling and was bouncing off the ceiling.
      'You shall not get the final jewel!' Dragomir held a blade in front of his body, a long katana-like blade that was of a blue color. Soon as he had shouted that back to Dieter, Dieter charged forward and slashed the blade out of Dragomir's hands. Just as the blade was coming back down to strike Dragomir in the throat, Kuno came out of no where and slammed a blade into Dieter's side.
      'You shall never win.' Kuno said with a smirk and kicked Dieter's chest, sending Dieter back and missing Dragomir. Kuno and Dragomir stood next to each other, Dragomir picking up his blade.

      The female looked closely at the blade, she sped the image up until Dragomir had summon the blade's power. The blade looked similar to before but it has much more thickness on the blade and it looked as if it was solid ice. As if the blade had sharpened into a icicle blade that had an aura of frost and ice cold temperature around it. She started to focus heavily on the blade and rewinding to the first moment it is seen. The images are unreadable in ways that it seems the blade was in times way before Dragomir's family was even born. She kept searching for the right moment when she spotted an interesting image. The image was of her and the male monk standing in this same very area with Dragomir, Etzel and Kuno showing them the events of the future. She slowly gets to one that should lead them to the blade but thats only thing she is allowed to tell of the blade. She smiles at her success, rewinding, zooming into what she is showing and then getting that image on the main screen was easy to do with her concentration and powers but it always interested the rest of the monks what the two oldest ones could do.

      Both Bo and Ming turned their heads when the male monk was walking through the main halls of the castle, Hanako was talking to them but they didn't care to keep respectful natures to the princess. Their interest was towards the male monk. The monk continued straight into the queen's chambers without an invite or even a heads up he was here, startling the queen.
      "Theres a high demand that we must allow one shapeshifter, by the name of Teagan into Kitsonto." The monk spoke in a calm tone as he crossed his arms in the robed arm sleeves.
      "Never shall a shape..." The queen started but was cut off by the monk once more.
      "Never? Do you not believe me when I say it is a needed fact! She, Teagan, has to be let in and she won't cause troubles. I would know if it would happen wouldn't I? She will be vital to the rest of her companions, when they get here. I wish for them to be led here. Have the ones known as Dragomir Kasun, Etzel Fleischer and Kuno Kron to meet us inside the Temple of Knowledge. We have to speak with those three, while the rest must wait outside." The Monk turned back to watch Bo and Ming slip into the room, "Do not let anyone else but your daughter or yourself lead who I just spoke of into the temple, no one else is allowed to be near it. It is vital you do as I say."
      "Vital of what?" The queen asks calmly, knowing his word was fact.
      "Vital to many things to be seen in the future." The monk said softly.
      "What things if I may ask?" Queen Hinata Himura asked again wanting to know what she was helping exactly but knowing that the monks knew what they were speaking of.
      "The future of our land," The monk said softly again, "The future of it and the good will of it."

      Cordula turned around from the window after a long period of silence. She crossed her arms and stared at Etzel with disgust.
      "He is going to go to Kitsonto." Cordula spoke softly before continuing in a more cold manner, "So if he suspects I might tell you. He will probably just go ahead. Better to get me on the road anyways. As you may be too busy to notice, here there is too many dwarven guards as well as yourselves guarding."
      "So why is he going to Kitsonto?" Etzel asked as he was intrigued, knowing full well she knew everything but also knew she may not even say anything.
      "Because someone stole his jewel that was down in that Doellion hole and also said theres another one in the Scarlet Village or near it. So that means he needs to locate two in the same location." Cordula said coldly before she turned back to the window and in the distance saw a fire stream shoot in the air and then vanish. She smiled lightly before turning back to her dead pissed off expression.
      "And I have another of his jewels." Kuno said as he pulled the necklace of the red one, "Kane told me I have one more jewel someone to complete the gravitational powers I have and he has I think seven to six more to gather. One being here, and apparently two in Kitsonto. We need to go and stop him from gathering them all before it is too late." Kuno finished, getting up and grabbing his sword.
      "Kuno are you sure you should be moving around so much, so fast after your injury?" Etzel said in a concerned tone.
      "I'm fine, I've been recouperating while I was on the bed. I'm fine, I also got a chance to get more...acquainted with my inner self. Kane, being that inner self. He told me more how to control my powers and why exactly Dieter is who he is. I'll explain more on the road, we must get ready and go after him." Kuno stated quickly as he grabbed a first aid, rushing out of the room. When he was out he tapped Teagan on her shoulder, stopping and gesturing for her to go first, "We're headed to Kitsonto, travel close to me and I can try to get you passed the guards. I've gotten a shapeshifter into Kitsonto before, not the main village but I have done it before."
      "Wait Kuno, we have to gather our things at least. At least let us get Cordula detained and get the horses." Etzel said as he left the area, Teagan standing close to Kuno as Kuno turns around and shakes his head. He agrees to it but agrees to get the horses. Teagan slowly trailing behind.

      "How much for the horses?" Kuno asks as he tugs at his Ouals pouch.
      "For Berko and Kayin's friends who helped us, its free. How many do you need?" The dwarven horsekeeper asked in a delighted tone. The dwarves felt they were indepted to them due to the fact that the darklings were no longer bringing war, that whatever Etzel had done was a heroic act. It was even in the newspaper of the dwarven's capital city where they resided.
      "We need one for....we need four horses." Kuno turned to Teagan, "I forgot, with Berko and Kayin to come with us, I'll need to ride with them, but once we get to Kitsonto you are going to ride with me."
      "I doubt you can get me into the city, besides, I smell nothing like a kitsune." Teagan side in a nearly unaudible tone as she approached one of the horses, stroking its mane and getting on it. She had claimed her mount and that was all she cared about at the moment. They'd deal with how she'd get by the laws of Kitsonto when they got there. Kuno didn't respond and just took the other horses, turning to tug them along by their mouth's ropes. Teagan riding slowly alongside Kuno to keep pace with him. When they approached the building, their companions came out of the building. Etzel had Cordula tied by her wrists and held to him. Dragomir had Jirair right by his tail. Berko and Kayin were right behind but they both held more casual clothes.
      "Kuno, I know we have said we'd travel with you." Kayin spoke with a slight tinge of hurt and worry that she may hurt Kuno. "We are going to stay here and help rebuild the underground cities of axiuson."
      "Do not fear my disappointment or guilt my friends." Kuno stated with a smile, "I shall return when this journey is done but I am connected to this Dieter and I must beat him."
      "We both understand." Kayin nodded her head in agreement, "We'll be happy for the day you return. You were a great friend to us and a great ally."
      "Be well my friends." Kuno stated as he leapt up onto the horse. Dragomir did the same on his with Jirair behind him. While they finished their good byes Etzel helped Cordula up onto the horse and Etzel then mounted up behind her. That way, she wouldn't be able to jump off the back. It didn't take but a few more words to pass before the four horses were off, hooves slamming against the solid earth below.

      "You do know that no matter what you try to do, Dieter will get me back and will get what he is trying to get." Cordula said as she elbowed Etzel in the stomach just for annoyance more than anything else. Which succeeded.
      "Shut it miss, before I have to gag you. Etzel may be kind and not but I'll gag you in a second." Kuno said as he rode closer to Etzel's horse to look Cordula in the eye, his eyes showed annoyance, anger and determination all at once. Annoyance that he didn't get Dieter himself, that he didn't go with Etzel before. If he, he could've gotten Dieter while Etzel held Cordula. Anger at Dieter for being able to out do him on more than one occasions. Determination to get a step ahead of Dieter, hopefully.
      "Edgy," She said with a pause before turning her gaze forward. "We have about a day's travel at the shortest to get to Kitsonto. If you take the main trails it'll take at least an extra day. Turn right about a mile ahead and it'll take you to a swamp area, theres a bridge last I was there going over about twelve yards, give or take. It'll cross over to another path that will take you to a cavern that comes out in Kitsonto. It is completely safe. The only things in the swamps and caverns are little creatures. Not even horses are scared of them."
      "Why should we trust you?" Kuno shouted back to her, now being a few horse head lengths ahead of her. "You aren't very trustworthy, you'd easily set us up for a trap wouldn't you?"
      "Yes I would but its not like I've been out of your sight and I was wounded when you found me, do you really think I planned to wound myself and to get caught? Stop being a jerk and just take my help. It'll be easier to break free in my own land anyways, Dieter should be there too. IN my land, so I plan to try to get there as fast as possible. Its actually an advantage for me to help you." Cordula replied in a sharp tone as she turned her gaze away from Kuno.
      "Kuno that is enough, we'll take the tip. If we decide it is a trap or too dangerous we'll turn back. Simple as that but to cut out half the trip it is worth trying it." Etzel said softly, his tone of high authority. Though Kuno didn't really like authority, he listened to Etzel. He also was ready to fight, shown how he had one hand on his blade as they got closer to the shortcut.

      'We've been traveling now for a few hours, its approaching mid-day but we've turned on the shortcut to Kitsonto already. This shortcut should take us through a swampy area first and into caverns not long after and come out in Kitsonto. We're on alert seeing as this information was given by Dieter's, the pyro maniac's, mate. She has a rather sharp tone of voice but overall she is more or less a strong warrior I have a feeling, as well as a good polite lady if she wants to be. Kuno is on edge as we get further into the shortcut, why? Because it is a forest area and we look as if we're in the dark already, even though the sundos is outside the trees shining bright we cannot see anything without Teagan helping us with torches. She shifted into a fire breather to set sticks ablaze so we could see ahead of us. Jirair is currently holding my horse's bridle its kinda entertaining really, he is acting like a true horse rider. I'd say he is almost like a brother to me now, a little one I'd always look after and one that looks up to me. Its nice really, I've never had family outside of my mother I saw everyday until I was given the duty to leave. I don't even know how many days it has been since I left now nor when I'll go back. I've vowed no matter what I'm not going back until I've completed the perfect journal and helped out my newly aquired friends and my cousin. Etzel's alot like me in ways but then he is so much tougher, I'd bet he has been through alot of fights in his days. Or just has learned alot more than me due to his museum. I'd like to have a museum one day, maybe actually settle down in some location outside of Dragonis like Etzel so I can keep in contact with Kuno, Jirair, Etzel and Teagan. I love Dragonis and it is peaceful there with our dragon watchers but the fact deep down is....Its lonely at times. I don't learn as much in Dragonis as I do traveling or with Etzel. Teagan is quite interesting too, she's very silent and from what I hear her born gender is a male. All shapeshifters are born males. Its only the ones who choose to change permanantly or at least officially that are no longer considered males. I think her powers are fascinating in the fact, she can literally change into anything or anyone....' Dragomir was snapped out of his writing when Etzel started to speak.

      "Damnit, the bridge is out." Etzel said as he held up his torch to the bridge that had a huge hole out of the middle of it.
      "No way the horses are gonna be able to swim through that swamp, it looks like it is tar." Kuno exclaimed as he held the torch down to the swampy water, it was thick as tar and the color of a slimey green. Kuno shook his head, "We're gonna have to turn back."
      "No," Dragomir spoke up as he tucked his journal into his bag along with the quill. "I can put solid ice all over the hole in the bridge. It should allow one of us to cross at a time, any cracks I can repair it before the next one goes over. My powers are really strong and easily solid enough to allow a horse with passengers to get over."
      "Then do it." Kuno said in a more calm tone then usual, he actually seemed to be intrigued by Dragomir's powers. Dragomir got off the horse, letting Jirair take full reigns over her, and headed to the edge of the bridge. He placed his hands down on the bridge and slowly his jaw distorted out into a sapphire lizard-like jaw, as well as his hands into scaley claws. He shot out blue firey streams of ice and it didn't take long for the bridge's hole to be filled up with solid ice from the swampy water up to the wood bridge, making it very sturdy and heavy ice. Dragomir spread his wings out and flew over the ice as to not weaken it for his dragon appearance. He waved the others over, holding a torch in his one claw. The first to ride over and passed him was Jirair, wanting to quickly reunite with Dragomir. The next over was Etzel, having the hostage, he was gestured to go first by Kuno. Teagan was a great friend to Etzel but knew she was his employee and would always let him go first over her. When he passed Dragomir put his hand out to stop, the ice had a small crack in it and with a wide mouthed breath, the ice was frozen solid and repaired once more. Kuno looked to Dragomir and it didn't take long for Dragomir to wave Kuno over.
      "Teagan you go first, It's only polite that ladies go first." Kuno said with a smile as he turned back to her and gestured her to go first.
      "As polite as that may be Mister Kron. I'll stay in the back." She anwsered politely back to him as she tugged on the bridle and waited for Kuno to go over. He knew there wasn't much use in arguing so he went over the ice slowly to the other side and once over stationed himself next to Etzel, torch up in the air to try to see around better. Etzel doing the same. Even Cordula was now holding a torch. Etzel had untied her but kept her in front of him so that she couldn't get away fast enough. The extra torch though was a great necessity. Teagan's horse's hooves started to cross the bridge when unseen to them all, in the darkness of the swamp two tentacles slowly rose out and tightened around Teagan's horse's legs, pulling it down. Teagan saw it first as she fell to the wooden bridge. The creature's tentacles rose out, more a total of six, of the swamp water and grabbed the horse. The tentacles were like that of a squid, suction cups with teeth. Though it was when the fin started to rise up in the direction of the tentacles that it was obvious this was no squid. It rose up and bit down into the ice, breaking it as it kept biting the ice until it could pull the horse down into the swamp water and out of site. The jaws of it was like a shark, as well as the body with three tentacles coming out of each side of his body. The creature vanished down into the swamp water before they could stop it. Teagan slowly started to back up and Kuno quickly grabbed her by her collar, pulling her up onto the back of his horse.
      "We need to get away...Now. Before we find more things or one of us gets hurt.." Dragomir spoke up as he scanned the swamp water and his torch showed four eyes that were shining with the light hitting them. "There!"
      "It's a crocodile." Etzel shouted as he pulled back on his bridle, "We need to go now, the horses can outrun it."
      The four eyes rose up out of the water to reveal that Etzel was correct, though there was one big difference seen when they crawled out of the swamp. Their tails were curved forward towards their face with a stinger such as a scorpion's tail. The tails slowly pulled back and with a quick lunge, the stinger's went flying out of the tail towards the horses. The tail then produced a new stinger within seconds. The three pulled on the bridle's and went darting off. Dragomir had gotten on Jirair's horse during the shuffle of creatures. It didn't take long for them to be off at a fast and heavy pace together. Behind them the crocodile-scorpion mixs were chasing and two others had joined the other two. They were just slightly slower than the horses to give the horses the advantage to get away. By the time they reached the caverns the hybrid creatures were behind but not far behind, Dragomir took the advantage of space to once more distort his features to form a solid ice wall in the cave entrance to slow them down. He made the wall thin at first, slowly backing up to the point it was six feet thick or thicker even, it was too hard to tell. Though it was clear ice. Etzel was the first to get off his horse after that and approach the ice, crouching down and looking out at the creatures.
      "Magnificent." Etzel breathed out quietly before he continued in more detail, "They are exactly like the crocodiles I've read so much about but their tails. They've evolved into something far more dangerous."
      The four creatures were slamming their tail on the ice blocked wall while the horses were going wild, but contained due to the three current rider's grip on the bridle. Almost in sync both Cordula and Kuno started to speak but Kuno's deeper voice out weighed Cordula's.
      "Etzel, that ice isn't gonna hold forever and when it breaks do you wanna be sitting here or actually on the road, further down this cavern? We can't turn back now without a fight, so theres no reason to even look at the ice again." Kuno finished as Cordula just added a rude remark about Kuno, mostly because he had interupted her.
      "Just a couple more seconds." Etzel said as he looked through the ice he could see that the stingers were now pointing in sync together towards the ice and a small greenish liquid shot out at the ice. It didn't take long for him to see what it was. "Lets go! The stingers have a unique acid-like poison in it, they are burning the ice now!"

      The group quickly mounted the horses and were off once more, it was burning through the ice but at a slow rate. They'd be out of sight long before the creatures got into the cave. With the newly aquired silence, Dragomir lifted his torch and pulled out his journal, starting to write once again.
      'And then there were three horses. We got to the bridge but it was out, I took my powers and made a makeshift bridge for us, helping them get across and then fly over the bridge so my weight didn't break the ice. My draconian form is much taller and heavier than two of them combined. When they got across, only Teagan remained on the other side. She went to cross a some tentacle fish struck the ice and broke it, taking the horse under. We can only assume it took it in its jaws and down to the depths. How it even can live in such toxic looking sea. Before we even could gather ourselves, more creatures showed up. It was a mix between something Etzel called a crocodile and something we have no clue, its tail's stinger was filled with a acidic poison that burns ice at least, not sure if it'd go through bone or skin. We're traveling now through the caverns and got far enough away from the entrance I blocked off so they won't find us. Its what is in the caverns we're worried about now. We've found possible remains due to the nature of how we pass on we can't be for sure. The remains are at least one shapeshifter, due to the papers we found. It notes of unique species in the area. So unique that they put a group together to hunt them. They took refuge in this cave from the snapping sharp tails, I can only assume it is the crocodile evolved creatures. They also mention another creature but it is unclear what it is, all they do is repeat octogonic beast. We're very careful to watch it as we're worrying that these octogonic beasts are down here as the very last phrase after mentioning the beasts is 'they're coming.' With that, there is no more words and it is in the middle of the caverns, at least we're a mile or two in now. Cordula has said it isn't too far, at most it is ten miles to the other end and that will lead us out in another forest that will branch into Kitsonto. Wait...I hear a noise.'
      "Do you hear that?" Dragomir voiced his written thought.
      "Sounds like scuttering around." Kuno added, confirming someone else heard it too.
      "Its coming from the walls." Cordula explained in a matter of fact tone, almost as if she knew what the noise was. "We need to get moving."
      "What did you not tell us!?" Kuno spoke coldly as he turned back to Cordula.
      "Insurance." Cordula said with one word to prove she did know more but as soon as she said that it was obvious what it was. It was an arachnid the size of a horse in front of them. It had at least eight eyes, eight legs, a big furry body with a one head like a spider might but its head wasn't anything like a spider. It was a snake-like head with four eyes or possibly more, in the darkness it is hard to tell, going down each side of the long snake-like head. Its fangs drew out when extended out of its jaws were as long as ones hand to elbow, nearly the size of the head if not the size of it. It hissed and immediately after there was another hiss behind them. A second arachnid.
      "They're part arachnids and..." Etzel was caught off as Jirair spoke up.
      "Looks like big ugly buggies to mes."
      "Arachnids are another word for spiders Jirair and thats what they are. As I was saying, we need to move, they see us as dinner, the heads though are much more unique once again. I can't stress how these creatures seem to be evolving here. Keep a watch out for anything!" Etzel soon after finishing cracked the bridle and they were off. The other two didn't take long to do the same and the arachnids leapt, barely missing the horse's tails. They were riding fast but everytime they took a corner there was a new arachnid creature joining the fray until they rode out into this dead end area, it was an area at least ten feet wide and thirty feet long with solid black wall at the back. The arachnids traveled into the entrance but stopped there, the walls they came from were covered in arachnids at least twenty huge arachnids with snake-like heads were visable with their torches out to it.
      "Whys they stop?" Jirair asked what everyone was thinking.
      "Simple," Etzel said as he turned behind him and the wall that blocked their way rose up and turned around to reveal another spider that was at least three times bigger than the others. "Thoses are males and this is the female behind us. We need to get out of here."
      "YA THINK?" Kuno shouted in a deeper voice than his own, almost as if it was two voices. His jewel on his blade started to glow and with a tug on it, Teagan holding the bridle he rose it up and the foot of the spider that came down fast stopped. "Everyone go, get out of the cave's exit before it is too late!"
      Everyone took his warning and rode off, Kuno flipped off the horse and slashed his sword up at the foot that came near him or any of them and it stopped in the air. It didn't take them long to get out of the cave's exit, obvious by the bright light coming out of the cavern. Dragomir, Etzel and Teagan all stopped the horses just inches from the exit to look back when the back of the spider went down with a foot that was directly above Kuno.
      "Kuno!" Teagan shouted but had no responce and the spider's backside stopped moving not long after the thud happened. No more thuds followed.

      "We can't possibly lift that thing, we'll have to hope for the best." Etzel said in a concerned yet confindent tone. "Lets go." Etzel tugged on the bridle and led the other two out of the caverns and in the forest they were meeted by ten kitsune guards of Hinata Himura.
      "Teagan the shapeshifter, employee of Etzel." One guard stated casually, but as a way of asking if it was her.
      "Jirair the goblin companion of Dragomir." The second guard stated.
      "Dragomir Kasun, cousin of Etzel." The first guard stated.
      "Etzel Fleischer, director of the museum in Codoble." The second guard stated.
      "Cordula, exile of Kitsonto. We need to escort you to queen Hinata Himura, it is demanded that we get you all to her and the monk before you go anywhere else. The monk and the queen have words to speak to you, as well as the queen has allowed just the shapeshifter known as Teagan to go through." The first guard and obviously commander out of the ground spoke up while the others stood with a surrounding sense around the others.
      "How do you know any of our names, much less all five of our names. Not surprising Cordula is an exile but I cannot confirm that, the rest is true." Etzel spoke up taking up the commander of their group while the others were heart struck, feeling the chances of Kuno surviving was one in one million or even less. He knew they were not fit to talk right now.
      "The monk perdicted and demands your arrival to The Scarlet Village's castle where he shall explain everything. The queen will be there but it is, unofficially of course, more the monk's orders here."
      "Then lead us, we do have business in Kitsonto but if the monks wish for our audience then there must be something dire." Etzel said as he pulled on the bridle and the horse turned to straighten and follow. Dragomir, having taken up the bridle, and Teagan followed.

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